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Do you believe in a God??

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If so why do you believe in him/her?


I know that the bibles says that there is a God. I know that God has changed people and even "cured" people.

But have you seen someone get shot and with a small prayer the wound mysteriously vanishes?


I'm not trying to start a controversy, I'm curious to why people don't believe or do believe in a God.

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I believe in the traditional Catholic teachings of a God. I see God in other people, and communicate effectively with God through prayer.


But have you seen someone get shot and with a small prayer the wound mysteriously vanishes?

To me, that's not the concept or role of God in my life, that's more of a Genie. God moves in one direction--he doesn't alter time. Neverthless He can provide solace in times of questionable providence, and He can alter His plan per your request, but in the end he's the divine arbiter of how things are working out. The decision to accept things on faith is difficult, but I have to recognize that there are some things that I will never fully understand.

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im a realist. i believe in what i see.. yeah thers a god or universe ,.is there a god like christains think of course not ,why would god make a hell and heaven do you think if theres a god hes not understanding ,i see god as a generic term and it gives people somthing to belive in .alot people need that.thats not to say there are no spirits watching and helping us because ive been too close too many times to downfall and ive always got through it ,i totally believe i have gaurdians who protect me and that crossing over dude is totally on it.where do u think we go when we die?nowwhere, we stay right here ,because this is all we know,.i like how ben harper put it "if we didnt have to die ,we wouldnt even care if there a god"i think god is ultimately mans image of his perfection,humanist i know,but one day people will live forever and become what they think is perfert,gods.

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I respect your opinion but I have two questions...


Why do you believe in God?


And...how can he

provide solace in times of questionable providence, and...alter His plan per your request
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i think of god as the universe and if u ever see a picture of the universe it infintely huge .do u think god would bother with people to him were like microoganisms living on your skin, he probably doesnt even notice nor is he meant to ,i think it goes to energies of the dead who protect people ,wouldnt a good person still be good even if he was a spirit ,same for bad people,my personal beliefs is the spririts who protect u now ,you will be protecting when your dead and there alive ,everything runs in cycles for some reason ,and almost every culture has stories of sprirts walking the earth till they find a body.energy never disappears only changes

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Originally posted by Micheal

that crossing over dude is totally on it.

No, he's not. He uses a technique called "cold reading." I've done it at parties before, it's fascinating, but he's an emotional predator.

Originally posted by hurtingandconfused

Why do you believe in God?

Faith is the evidence of what I cannot yet observe cognitively. I believe in God because I have felt him working through me, I have felt him working through others, and I have seen direct results of prayer, on a consistent basis. It is scientifically possible that I'm merely observing a series of coincidence and eagerly attributing them to something that doesn't exist, but because of the overwhelming personal reward and evidence that has built up in my life, I don't feel good not believing in God.

And...how can he [provide solace in times of questionable providence,]

This is perhaps the hardest, because it takes a willingness for you to stop feeling angry and pitying yourself, and turn your heart to God instead. For example, when a relative of mine killed themself, I was initially angry and doubtful at God, surely someone couldn't exist who would do something so mean, but when I got over myself and turned to him for comfort instead, the pain finally calmed inside my heart. Again, very difficult to do, it's the reason that many turn away from God, because of pain.

and...alter His plan per your request

This is a reference to prayers being directly answered, it happens all of the time to me.

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This is a reference to prayers being directly answered, it happens all of the time to me.


Not only are you a bright teenager, you're also a lucky one.


Faith is the evidence of what I cannot yet observe cognitively. I believe in God because I have felt him working through me, I have felt him working through others, and I have seen direct results of prayer, on a consistent basis. It is scientifically possible that I'm merely observing a series of coincidence and eagerly attributing them to something that doesn't exist, but because of the overwhelming personal reward and evidence that has built up in my life, I don't feel good not believing in God.


This is what I was looking for. But I know that no one knows if there is a God. I was only curious to why people believe in a God. I just wish that I had the faith that you have.

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i think of god as the universe and if u ever see a picture of the universe it infintely huge .do u think god would bother with people to him were like microoganisms living on your skin, he probably doesnt even notice nor is he meant to ,i think it goes to energies of the dead who protect people ,wouldnt a good person still be good even if he was a spirit ,same for bad people,my personal beliefs is the spririts who protect u now ,you will be protecting when your dead and there alive ,everything runs in cycles for some reason ,and almost every culture has stories of sprirts walking the earth till they find a body.energy never disappears only changes


Is there a book explaining your theory? By who and when was it written. I've heard many beliefs regarding your theory of energy and ghosts. I disagree with it. Maybe because I know very little of it. However I would like to know more...any books?

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Originally posted by hurtingandconfused

Would it be impossible for you to let go of the anger by yourself. Perhaps meditating, or even relax without thinking or doing anything stressful. And maybe that was all you needed?

Perhaps, for some, this is effective. See, I don't believe that making the Sign of the Cross, folding your hands, and saying "Dear God.... .....Gracias, Amen" is the only way to pray. I believe that we are created in God's image, and we're a part of God whether we recognize it or not. I have *seen* God work through people who aren't the least bit religious. I think that even those who don't believe in God are capable of connecting with him through prayer. However it manifests itself, meditation, therapy, distraction, etc.


Meditation, for example, has never worked for me. I don't have the patience to do it. I also end prayers with "Amen", only out of habit, not because it means anything to me, although I guess it does. When we collectively pray the Our Father or Hail Mary ( which is NOT the worship of Mary :rolleyes: ) I only pray along when I'm truly concentrating on what I'm saying, I don't want it to lose it's meaning for me, and I find that repetitive prayer doesn't work for me, and since I feel endowed with this incredible gift, I'd hate to abuse it by treating it like the Pledge of Allegiance or something.


God, in creating humans, *HAD* to know that traditional religion wasn't for everyone. He couldn't have operated in a manner that condemns everyone who doesn't follow a single religion to hell, it would be so opposite of everything I have discovered about God. I think that people who don't believe in God still have the presence of God in them, even if they're not calling it that.

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as for book mainly look at the great men of our history most of them are realist,mayamato mushashi,sword saint in japan author of book of five rings,Bruce lee ,jeet kune do etc..as for the ghost thing its a genral conculsion because we all live and die but if u need a book look at most any religion not the bibles but books by priests holymen etc.. all around the world since beggining of time theres stories of ghost walking the earth .and if there is a god and judges me well i ll just say u shouldnt of gave me a brain then.and nothing more

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Originally posted by hurtingandconfused

I respect your opinion but I have two questions...


Why do you believe in God?


And...how can he


Believing in god is having faith, It's something you can't see but you know its out there.

I believe in God.. knowing he's in my presence i will not stumble thru life.


I also think things these way, Death is the fear.. And Faith is the bait..


Originally posted by hurtingandconfused

This is what I was looking for. But I know that no one knows if there is a God. I was only curious to why people believe in a God. I just wish that I had the faith that you have.


Try searching for God, and understand he's purpose for us..

Pray to god.. and ask him to give you some faith and understanding..

remember he already knows what you need... he's just waiting for you to ask.

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Yes, I believe in a God.


I am a "recovering catholic", and am now a Christian. My basis for this is on the Bible. I am not as devout as I should/could be, but it's what I believe.

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Perhaps, for some, this is effective. See, I don't believe that making the Sign of the Cross, folding your hands, and saying "Dear God.... .....Gracias, Amen" is the only way to pray. I believe that we are created in God's image, and we're a part of God whether we recognize it or not. I have *seen* God work through people who aren't the least bit religious. I think that even those who don't believe in God are capable of connecting with him through prayer. However it manifests itself, meditation, therapy, distraction, etc.


I don't believe in this either, Dyer....those are rituals, going through the motions so to speak.

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Originally posted by Fedup&givingup

I don't believe in this either, Dyer....those are rituals, going through the motions so to speak.

That's not to say they don't work for some, it's just not my thing so I avoid it.

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Yup, I certainly do. I know there's someone out there watching over me, sometimes it's just so blatantly in my face that if I believed otherwise, I'd be a fool.


I talk to God quite often. He doesn't talk back, not in the verbal sense, but just being able to talk and talk, get things off my chest, is a nice feeling.


As for the Jesus stuff, I'm not really sure. I want to believe, it's a great concept, but I just have a hard time going with it all.

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I believe in God.. knowing he's in my presence i will not stumble thru life.


No matter who you believe in you will always stumble through life.

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Now that I think about it, I wouldn't want a perfect life. Because you'd never know how well you have it. You'd never learn anything. You'd never be a better person because of everything. Screw that. I'd rather have trials and tribulations.

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I'm an agnostic, but I'd like to be a Deist.


The difference here is that now I don't really think I can know the truth in matters such as God and what happens to us after death, but I'd like to become a person that believes in God, but my god would be the god of reason, science and nature, and not have anything to do with any of the organized religions.


Basically I need a big ass burning periodic table that tells me to not worry about it so much and go fly fish.


Something like that anyway.

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H & C,

The VERY best thing you can do is ask him yourself. Tell Him IF he exists.....to let you know.


I happen to really love Tony's answer. I personally believe God wants you to know He is real....more than you want to know it for yourself. It is HIS reason and YOUR reason for existence.


I can't prove it to you....this is between you and Him. There is a scripture in the Bible which states He has written it on all men's heart to know He exists. I think this is why everyone gets to a place of NEEDING to ask. I also believe there will be an eternal void in someone's heart until they address this issue.


People sometimes give a 'mental assent' to the belief that there is a God.....but it's not the same as confronting Him personally. Without doing that....you'll always WONDER. You'll play with thoughts and philosophies...but it just isn't the same.


He won't leave you lost in your thoughts. IF you ask....He will respond.


Again, this is only my personal belief.

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Originally posted by hurtingandconfused

If so why do you believe in him/her?


I know that the bibles says that there is a God. I know that God has changed people and even "cured" people.

But have you seen someone get shot and with a small prayer the wound mysteriously vanishes?


I'm not trying to start a controversy, I'm curious to why people don't believe or do believe in a God.


No. I used to. I was raised to believe in the Christian God. I used to think I saw God working through me and others. I used to 'feel' Him in my soul.


Then I began asking questions and found no satisfactory answers to support the existence of any God. The evidence seemed to lead away from a higher power and to humanities own inner strength. I believe that mankind is still in the infancy of our evolution and that maybe in ten thousand years humanity will recognize that what we think of as God today, is really of our own making. I think of the people thousands of years ago who believed that thunder was the gods in the sky bowling. We still have a flat-earth society in existence today but I am confident in the science and technology and the collected intellect and I believe the earth to be round. and that thunder is the sound the clouds make when they collide. I believe that humanity just has not found the answers and that when we do, they will dispel the Gods (as they stand today) as myths created by humans to deal with our own evolution. We may find that there is some outer-worldly being, maybe even a creature who created mankind and allowed life to evolve on its own, and to whom we have attributed many, or all, of our own powers and have raised up as a supreme being to govern us when we cannot understand or deal with the problems we face each day. But I think we will find that it is mankind who made God and not the other way around.

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So if I answered all these questions clearly, concisely and precisely, what would you do with the information? I like people who ask questions. It's the same questions that people use to believe in Me that they use to reject Me. Free will at work. It was one of My best ideas, next to the Internet of course.


Hokey, you are correct and I've said so a million times. Humans were made in the likeness of Me and they have the same powers if only they believe in themselves. Isn't it odd that so many people find it easier to believe in Me, somebody they can't even see or comprehend, than to believe in themselves? Oh, well, the project isn't over yet.

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Originally posted by God

It was one of My best ideas, next to the Internet of course.



I guess this makes you Al Gore!



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Originally posted by HokeyReligions I believe that humanity just has not found the answers and that when we do, they will dispel the Gods (as they stand today) as myths created by humans to deal with our own evolution. We may find that there is some outer-worldly being, maybe even a creature who created mankind and allowed life to evolve on its own, and to whom we have attributed many, or all, of our own powers and have raised up as a supreme being to govern us when we cannot understand or deal with the problems we face each day. But I think we will find that it is mankind who made God and not the other way around.


This is a nice summary of my own feelings about religion. (hence the agnostic comment above, though I would kind of like to find SOMETHING to believe in...besides myself that is)


Gods step out of the fabrics that we humans weave, when we're done with them, they fade away.


Ask any of those old Egyptian gods.


You ever read Neil Gaiman Hoke?

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