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Should I leave or should I go ?


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I have been with my boyfriend for two years and things have been o.k. My problem is I have two children which he is fine with and yes I have been married before and now divorced. I am ready to get married and I want to marry him. But he says he is not ready. I don't understand we had been through everything together and compromise things and have many aspects of what marriage is. I have ask him can we a lease be engaged and set a date some time in the next few years and still I get told I'm not ready. He told that is the farest thing in his mind right now and that he has things he needs to do. I confused. I think in a this relationship I should be one of those things that he needs to do. My questions is should I leave this relation for someone who is ready to settle do and be a real husband. Please help!!!!!

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This is a difficult call if you really love the guy. He obviously is not wanting to get married now or in the immediate future. He may never want to get married. It's hard to tell from your post but my guess is that he really loves you but has a lot of doubts about how a marriage would work with the kids and about the major responsibilities he would be taking on. That's how most men think.


If you can't get a better answer from him about the security of your future, after two years most women would move on to find someone they could settle down with in a long term committment.


Of course, this is a decision you will have to make but I think you know very well what you are going to have to do. It's just very difficult making the move. I don't think you're going to get very far with this guy you're seeing right now.

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sounds like a dead end to me, T. give him achance to get the kind of emotional support you obviously give him somewhere else and see what he says.








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