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would she want to be more than friends?

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Hi everyone, first time on the forum and first post here. Ok, here's my issue.


There's this girl I go to school with who I've been friends with since about August last year. During that time we've mostly just gone running together, never even gone to get lunch or something afterwards. Normally when I see her on an occasion (away from school) such as this, she will hug me when we say goodbye.


Anyway, earlier this week I asked her to be my date to the school formal, although I made the big mistake of saying we'd go as 'just friends' as I feared rejection had I not said that. She immediately said yes, although the next day she said she'd actually like to think about I for a bit. I sent her a message that night saying to take her time, I wouldn't be offended no matter what, and that I just wanted her to do what she wanted. The next day when I first saw her at school she ran up to me and gave me a big hug and said "YES!!"


We later exchanged a bunch of messages in which she said she felt bad about taking her time to give me an answer, and she also said probably the nicest stuff anyone's ever said to me including "I LOVE YOU (in a friend sort if way haha)" and that I was her best "guy friend". At this stage I came to the realization that I loved her too (of which I've never felt about anyone besides family).


Later some mates if mine were talking to me about the formal, and asking if I'd ever 'get with' this girl if she made a move on me. My immediate response was simply, that would never happen, we're just friends. However, the more I thought about it the more I started to really want to be more than 'friends'. The next day (today) we went to see scream 4 together (a movie that she had no idea what it was about bit agreed to go with me anyway). I sort of constant leaned/slouched iny chair so that my head was sort of in her area, and she grabbed my hand during particularly scary scenes (probably 3 or 4 times for about 5 mins each time). My knee also Kind of just touched her leg a lot of the time and she didn't seem to move away.


Basically what I'm saying is that i don't think I wanna be 'just friends' anymore, but I'm not sure how she feels and how to approach it, as I'm fearful of ruining our current relationship if my feelings are unrequited. What do u guys think?

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Go for it! :)


I don't think she would have given you a hug and said yes is she didn't like you, so just be a gentleman and go nice and slow, but you should definately let her know how you feel - even if she doesn't feel the same way, it sounds like she will let you know nicely and still be friends :)


Best wishes :)

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