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I work with an Italian guy, he's really sweet and when he first saw me he said to the owner's wife who works in the deli with him 'Oh I'm in love!' When he sees me and there's nobody around he'll say 'give me a kiss' (on the cheek). He asked me for my number and he asked me to go and have a drink with him last night but unfortunately I couldn't.


Today when I was signing out he came to get something from the room. He asked me to kiss him again and asked how university was going and if I wanted to go out during the week. Then when I left he said, 'You made me forgot what I had to come here and get!' Is that a good thing? Was he nervous? Also, why does he ask me to give him a kiss all the time? Next time when he asks for one should I say 'Only if I get one too?'


Thanks for any advice!

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