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Do I call him back or not?

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I met this guy about a month ago and we hungout two or three times. I liked him from the start, we have a lot in common. Well, last weekend I went to his place for a couple days, and we ended up having sex. Which is fine for me, I don't consider it a one night stand, because I knew him and hungout with him for a bit before. And we talked a bunch the days after we slept together.


So my problem is that a week or so ago he stopped responding to my calls, or text messages. I understand a couple days, but we've talked almost everyday for the last month, and then all of a sudden he just stops calling me for a week. That was unusual for him. He didn't give any signs of being bored of me, or not interested anymore either. So then this morning I get a text message on my phone from him, saying how are you, what are you doing tonight?


So now I can't decide if I should respond or not. I just don't want to seem like I'm waiting around for him. And it did kinda hurt me that he never responded at all for a week. Usually a week isn't that long to me, but we'd been talking for almost a month about everyday, so it was weird for him to not respond. So now do I respond or not? I want to respond to him because I think he's a fun guy and I like him, but I don't want to get hurt, or don't want this to happen again. I don't want him to think he can just call me up whenever he's lonely or whatever. So any opinions would be great! What would you all do if you were me?

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If you don't want a relationship call him.


However, if you want something else other than a friendship (with benefits) than no don't call him because I believe that you may get hurt again.

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I would message him back and say you are doing fine and that YOU had a busy week. Tell him that you already have plans for tonight. Don't bring anything up about him not calling. It will put him on the defensive. Act like like you have been so busy lately, yourself, that you haven't had time to think about it. Don't initiate contact with him for the next two or three times. Let him contact you.


Good luck!

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Agreed, Dolphin, and as an added note, DO BE BUSY, SILLY GIRL! Fill your life with lots of fun activities and you never would have realized it had been a week. (or at the very least, would not have worried either way) Guys need time off, and you do too. Obviously having sex that soon WASN'T fine for you or it wouldn't be an issue now that you didn't hear from him. Take it slower, chicky, or you will keep getting hurt. If you think you can handle casual sex, then handle it. Getting worried that he stopped calling (when it had only been a week) shows it meant more to you than you think. Might want to reconsider how quickly you jump in.

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