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the infamous Emps

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the infamous Emps

I've been seeing this Judy character around alot lately, She's called me a couple times since this morning...I just posted some stuff to Taressa and almost immediately after I posted it she (judy, not taressa) called. I'm beginning to get this weird feeling like I should talk to her or something. Is she just starved for attention? should I not go there? you think she dumped mike and is going to show her true feelings for me? should I continue to flirt happily with taressa? should I buy those underwear with the smiley faces? does wyclef REALLY play the guitar, or is he just faking it?





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the infamous Emps

by the way, I hung up almost immediately, with the lame excuse of "I'm really busy right now, can you call later?" to save her from the embarassment of me saying "Judy, ##### off" what if she calls again? maybe she already got the picture...I wonder...Judy is a very interesting girl.





emp-eror of nothing

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Emperor of nothing,


Don't be scared...


Women cannot bite you through the telephone, well actually they can get you another way 'the blow of a womans tongue is far more deadly than the sword'.


Maybe she will like your character, if you are scared of what you will say, don't say anything..maybe she will be excited by the mystery of your silence and get turned on.


She will tell you if she doesn't like Mike anymore and needs a man with a title and dignity such as yourself.

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the infamous Emps

Ollie. (I'm going to call you Ollie, cuz it sounds cool...thats why I call Tony, Tone, cuz it sounds cool.)


You are really cool, has anyone ever told you that? okay. anyway, I'm not scared, not scared at all Ollie, I have the situation under control. It's just that Judy is like one of those pitbulls on TV dude...you never know whats going on in her mind, she could be licking your hand, and then she'll turn around and rip your arm off, thats what excites me about her. Anyway, I have to go now because cabin fever just peed all over my rug...Isn't he special! aww god.






break through


the molds


never conforming

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Damn, your juss soo cool there Empie!! You are such a cool DUDE!!!!!! Did you know that DUDE? I wana be juss like you when i growed up, DUDE!!!! Where did u get such a cool name? Can i have one like yours?


lata DUDE,


~Bobby Dygytul~

Ollie. (I'm going to call you Ollie, cuz it sounds cool...thats why I call Tony, Tone, cuz it sounds cool.) You are really cool, has anyone ever told you that? okay. anyway, I'm not scared, not scared at all Ollie, I have the situation under control. It's just that Judy is like one of those pitbulls on TV dude...you never know whats going on in her mind, she could be licking your hand, and then she'll turn around and rip your arm off, thats what excites me about her. Anyway, I have to go now because cabin fever just peed all over my rug...Isn't he special! aww god. paz empsolid break through the molds never conforming
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How are you my little Rice Crispie Emps?


Any decisions on the smiley face underwear or Judy the tempting pitbull lady? Hope you were able to keep from obsessing so you could enjoy your late night (early morning?) painting.

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the infamous Emps

Bad sarcasm is visible even in writing.


Yeah Bob...I'll give you a name, Bobbing 4 testes...Your sarcasm blows as do you little man (work on your sarcasm your BJ's are great, or so I was told by the guys down in the Vill). Too bad there's no "Kick in the teeth" option on this thing or I would've picked it instead of "Post Reply"...LATER SON.






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the infamous Emps

Sweet marshmallowy Taressa,


you bet I enjoyed my painting, I almost got arrested though. It's a good thing I have this 6th sense when it comes to po's. Me and Judy have been talking, I'm slowly letting my guard down. She hasn't said anything about Mike though. She's still a pitbull, I still hope the Knicks keep Ewing, and I still think that Bob dude that replied to my other post is an a**h***.










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You're such a kick!


-- "Sweet marshmallowy Taressa"


Sorry to say it but I'm not so sure Bobby is going to like the nickname you suggested. We'll wait and see if he starts using it as his signon or not. ;)


What a life, what a weekend! You have some great stories for the grandkids someday. Just wondering again... Do most graffiti artists have "hot spots" that you long for - - something of a status symbol if you're able to paint there?


Good week so far on this end: I had a 2nd interview today with the internet communications company that just took ownership of our hockey/soccer/concert arena. On the homefront, I've been obsessed w/ finding homes for the last two kittens a stray cat had in our backyard... (looks like the home they find may be my own) They're sweetheart cutie-pies that I've fallen in love with & can't keep off my mind. And that's the quiet life in the midwest...


The Judy situation is curious; wonder when she'll let you in on her plans. Do you suppose we'll see a broken-heart-from-pitbull-woman message posted by Mike here someday?


Keep that reserve about you for now, Emps. You're showing remarkable self-control. Pretty smart guy, I'd say, but then again, you are THE Emperor; what else would we expect?


(imagine sweet marshmallowy smile here)



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the infamous Emps
You're such a kick! -- "Sweet marshmallowy Taressa"


Sorry to say it but I'm not so sure Bobby is going to like the nickname you suggested. We'll wait and see if he starts using it as his signon or not. ;) What a life, what a weekend! You have some great stories for the grandkids someday. Just wondering again... Do most graffiti artists have "hot spots" that you long for - - something of a status symbol if you're able to paint there?


Good week so far on this end: I had a 2nd interview today with the internet communications company that just took ownership of our hockey/soccer/concert arena. On the homefront, I've been obsessed w/ finding homes for the last two kittens a stray cat had in our backyard... (looks like the home they find may be my own) They're sweetheart cutie-pies that I've fallen in love with & can't keep off my mind. And that's the quiet life in the midwest... The Judy situation is curious; wonder when she'll let you in on her plans. Do you suppose we'll see a broken-heart-from-pitbull-woman message posted by Mike here someday? Keep that reserve about you for now, Emps. You're showing remarkable self-control. Pretty smart guy, I'd say, but then again, you are THE Emperor; what else would we expect? (imagine sweet marshmallowy smile here) Taressa

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the infamous Emps

sugary goodness,


As a matter of fact there are all kinds of hot spots...billboards for example, boy I love billboards...I didn't talk to Judy today cuz I was out all day...hmmm what else...Nothing much going on, congratulations on everything going for you...especially the kittens, I love kittens...I got another awesome video recently "Kings Destroy: The Video" it's a great video. You know whats funny? when you said "sweet heart cutie pie I can't keep my mind off of" I thought you were talking about me. I got all kinds of hyped. hehehehe.





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Sweet heart, Cutie pie,


Oh you're a cute one. And uh-oh, I feel that warm fuzzy thing happening again.


The kittens moved in last night. Hopefully one of my friends will help me find someone to take them permanently. If not, they'll stay with me. The thing is I already have two cats. One is 15, the other 16 so they're pretty set in their ways. The female was a little upset at those little things going bump in the night and she peed on me this morning at 4:22... beautiful good mornin' to ya!


You know, your post was a work of art in itself... here's the part I mean...

...especially the kittens, I love kittens...I got another awesome video recently "Kings Destroy: The Video" it's a great video.

Who else but The Emps could talk about sweet little kitties and switch to Kings Destroy in the next sentence? Rather like graffiti for the mind this early in the morning :)


So Kings Destroy is another graffiti video? Do you usually sketch out what things you want to paint?


Mmmmm, Empski, I'm tired from that missed sleep. Or maybe its an onslaught of coma from overindulging in that Infamous Sweetness.


{:o - - that's me yawning with bed-head hair

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the infamous Emps

sweet gummi bear hunny bunch:


I sketch for trains and permission walls, for other (illegal) things I freestyle, basically I paint whatever is floating around in my infamous head. Good luck with the kittens, and if you get a chance surf over to www.videografproductions.com and look for the video clips section, there's some good stuff in there. I reccomend Cer & News tunnel bombing, It's Cer and News (duh) painting subway tunnels...Well babe, at least your dog doesn't pee all over everything, its like lil' Cabin Fever has a sense of what I need, so he waddles his little puppy ass over to whatever it is and takes a fat leak on it.



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Sweeter than life Empski,


Sounds like Cabin Fever has you a bit on edge. Keep making that face :\ and I imagine he'll stop soon.


You're right; I imagine that puppy's bladder holds a lot more than the little puddle I woke to. Enough of the pee thing, however, let's go on to bigger and better.


In two hours I join up with some friends and take off for a weekend camping trip. I'm a little apprehensive about the hot 100' days they're predicting but it's a great group of friends so we'll have fun until we get too ripe to stand near each other. I'll just make sure my butler draws a nice bath once I get home Monday night... oh wait, that's right, I don't have a butler. You're the only draw-er I know.


Hope you have a great weekend, Empski. Wish I could take the pc along and "talk" with you over the weekend. You definitely brighten a day.

sweet gummi bear hunny bunch: I sketch for trains and permission walls, for other (illegal) things I freestyle, basically I paint whatever is floating around in my infamous head. Good luck with the kittens, and if you get a chance surf over to www.videografproductions.com and look for the video clips section, there's some good stuff in there. I reccomend Cer & News tunnel bombing, It's Cer and News (duh) painting subway tunnels...Well babe, at least your dog doesn't pee all over everything, its like lil' Cabin Fever has a sense of what I need, so he waddles his little puppy ass over to whatever it is and takes a fat leak on it.
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