Thinkalot Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 Do you think people can overcome depression and other mental problems, such as insecurity/obsessive thinking, by the power of positive thinking? That they should be able to 'pull themselves out of it" and get better with the right mental attitude? That with enough strength and willpower things can be overcome? That they are somehow 'weak' if they can't get there? I used to think that way, without a doubt, and judged people as 'weak' if they suffered these problems. Now that I suffer one such condition, I believe that some things cannot be cured by positive thinking alone. Sometimes therapy and even medication is needed to correct an actual physical/chemical imbalance. I am aware however, that not all people think this way. I wish they did, but I know they don't. I think there is still some misunderstanding out there about these issues. It can make it tough for sufferers of mental illnesses. I'm just curious what most people's ideas on this are? Where do you sit on this one? If possible, I'd like uncensored opinions, even if you think your view might not be popular or in line with mine. I really am curious. Or, what do those around you think about these issues? Link to post Share on other sites
Fedup&givingup Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 I do think that some people can "think" there way out of things knowing where it might take them. It's not just about thinking positive thoughts, it's also about keeping busy. Not everyone is capable of doing this though, and no, it does not make them weak. Link to post Share on other sites
Tony T Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 If you have brain chemistry imbalances, positive thinking alone won't help much. In some cases, positive thinking may be impossible. But where it is possible, positive thinking can certainly impact our lives...especially over the long term. I don't think you can get through life happily if you don't have a measure of optimism to add to the mix. Life is what you make's best served up in a positive way. Don't forget to take your medications. Link to post Share on other sites
Darkangelism Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 Yes, but it sure isnt easy. Link to post Share on other sites
2SidestoStories Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 I fully believe that there are some mental health conditions that cannot be changed with positive thinking alone. People stigmatize mental illness quite severely, often to the point where when a person is suffering from a physiological condition in the brain (chemical imbalance, for example, of which there are many varieties) they may refuse to seek help from a professional who would likely be able to help treat the problems. I do think, however, that in order to be treated, a person must genuinely want to make changes. Some people I have known quite intimately have gone so far as to say, "Yes, I am sick and do need help," and get into therapy only to quit after a few sessions of therapy because the therapist "asks them questions they don't want to think about," or because "I think I was happier not knowing everything that was so f'd up about me!" So while I think positive thinking is very key to helping, I do believe that there are some conditions that require more intensive treatment. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Thinkalot Posted April 11, 2004 Author Share Posted April 11, 2004 Thanks for the replies so far. I was keen to generate discussion on this, because positive thinking alone has not been enough for me. And medication is helping address my chemical imbalance. But a lot of people do not realise that and still judge those with mental illness. It is a shame, and I hope people can become more aware. Optimism and positive thoughts have their place and sometimes, they are enough. But not all the time. Link to post Share on other sites
pav186 Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 I generally agree.. I think positive thinking has it's place in helping somebody get better but i think it is a bit simplistic to say that that would work for everyone. Many mental disorders are the result of chemical imblanaces and that medications can help someone who suffers from one. Although, scientists are starting to find that altering thinking patterns can change the chemical nature of your brain. I certainly would never consider someone weak who needed medications. That being said I have not told anyone (except my gf and sister) about my OCD because I do find it a bit embarrasing. Link to post Share on other sites
Tony T Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 So it seems you had your answer in your pocket the entire time this thread has been far!!! Very good.......... Link to post Share on other sites
Author Thinkalot Posted April 11, 2004 Author Share Posted April 11, 2004 Yes, sort of Tony. I have a set viewpoint now. Yet, some part of me still sometimes sees myself as 'weak' for having this OCD problem which I have. I find it embarassing and don't tell many people either, for fear of judgement. And I am very reluctant to tell anyone, except my closest friends/family that I take medication. Because I used to be one of those people who would secretly judge those who did! So I like to hear what others think too. Link to post Share on other sites
2SidestoStories Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 It sounds as if you happen to be lucky enough to have a pretty decent network of support in spite of those who still judge you, TA. It is a terribly sad situation when a person is genuinely suffering as a result of their mental illness, and perhaps as you did initially, they themselves have judged others as "weak" for not "being able to get out of a rut," or what have you. It truly makes me sick at heart to know that there are still so very many people who will live their lives in misery rather than obtain help for their troubles because they're so afraid of being judged. It impresses me tremendously that you (and other LSers who have posted about similar treatments and such) have been able to get help and have stuck with it. You are all exceptionally strong people, IMO. I agree wholeheartedly with you that awareness is of tremendous import to the treatment of mental illness, but also to those who by the grace of (insert your favorite higher power here ) are unaffected by them personally, so that sensitivity may ensue! Onward, idealism! Link to post Share on other sites
ThisGirlNameKD Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 I do believe that positive thinking can greatly improve life. But you don't see the improvement immediately. It's not like you say affirmations to yourself and then expect to feel good all of a sudden. It takes alot of time for positive thinking to work. The more negative you think, the longer it will take to change the way you think from a negative to a positive, because that negative thinking could be deeply entrenched. It's like you have to reprogram the way you think. So it does take time. Maybe months or years. Even if you do take medication and therapy, the therapy part is what will get you to change the way you think from a negative to a positive. Medication will just stop you from feeling depress. It won't make you feel happy. Some feel that medication and therapy work best together. But if you don't have a chemical imbalance (you may have to get evaluated for it if you've noticed you been depressed for the past 5-6 months and it's not changing or getting worst), cognitive therapy will do. Try to look for books regarding cognitive therapy, or if you seek out help from a therapist, make sure you get with one who specializes in cognitive therapy. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Thinkalot Posted April 11, 2004 Author Share Posted April 11, 2004 Yes, I agree with you. I am doing both...CBT with meds. Working for me. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 The idea that mental ailments are the product of 'wrong thinking' is very old and it's going to take a long time to purge it from people's brains, unfortunately. It needs people to tell their stories and encourage others to share theirs; perhaps not in your own circle, because stigma still exists and will do so for quite a while, but in whatever way you can. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Thinkalot Posted April 11, 2004 Author Share Posted April 11, 2004 I just didn't realise it till I suffered from it. That's really the motivation behind this thread. I wasn't quite sure how to phrase it though, and I was curious to see what people feel. Link to post Share on other sites
faux Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 The mind is powerful. Believe that you can heal your own mind and you shall. Believe that you cannot heal your own mind, because of chemical imbalance, or similar things, and you will not be able to. I think that medication and therapy plays some part, but the individual plays the key. One needn't depend on medication to "fix" things for the rest of his or her life. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 Faux, your opinion on this flies in the face of masses of good research done by credible scientists. It is, after all, only an opinion. Link to post Share on other sites
faux Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 Originally posted by moimeme Faux, your opinion on this flies in the face of masses of good research done by credible scientists. It is, after all, only an opinion. There is valid scientific and medical research which back my opinions. These things cannot be explained, however, so most choose to ignore them. Science does, however, recognize that these things do happen. I had been on medications, involved in therapy, and in inpatient and outpatient hospitalizations since I was 10 years old. I speak with some experience in these matters. Anyone dealing with mental illness has the ability to adjust quite well, and have no need of therapy or medication. It does, however, take medication and therapy to get to such a point. When you are ready, however, you understand, and you do not feel so foolish claiming that the mind can heal itself. Medication alters or "fixes" chemical imbalances in our brains. When we stop taking the medications, our symptoms ought to return. When one knows things, one can keep these symptoms in check, even if one suffers from one of the more problematic disorders: Bipolar disorder. I am not saying that medication or therapy has no use. I must, however, insist that if one cannot understand that these things are not necessary when living with a diagnosis, then I believe one is missing out on quite a bit. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 I must, however, insist that if one cannot understand that these things are not necessary when living with a diagnosis, then I believe one is missing out on quite a bit. There are a lot of people with serious biochemical disorders who go off meds on precisely that assumption - and end up in hospital having had a psychotic break. This is not the sort of determination a person ought to make for himself. It's one of the paradoxes of treatment that people feel so well on the medicine that they no longer think they need the medicine and so quit taking it - and can reverse any gains they've made. Link to post Share on other sites
hurtingandconfused Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 I'm sorry but I guess you can say I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes therapy and even medication is needed to correct an actual physical/chemical imbalance. Why not just turn to God and be cured? Pray to him that way you could feel better towards yourself. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 Why not just turn to God and be cured? Pray to him that way you could feel better towards yourself. Um. God is not Santa. Link to post Share on other sites
meanon Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 The biological and the environmental combine to produce the psychological in most mental health problems. It has been clinically proven that some mental health problems are biologically mediated. Yours is incorrect levels of Serotonin in the brain, Thinkalot - pure and simple. I know it's upsetting when people don't recognise this. You'll just have to educate them! Link to post Share on other sites
gaia Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 Some people do get better with CBT alone (I'm talking about OCD now). CBT actually changes the brain chemicals according to recent research. In my experience, trying CBT without medication was almost unbearably anxiety provoking, whereas on medication, I could do it. Personally, almost everyone I know is aware I have OCD. Luckily, I have a very open-minded and informed group of friends and colleagues. I find the power that my head has to make me feel bad is lessened by having lots of people on my side. My father is an insulin-dependent diabetic. He injects himself three times a day and, over the years, I have never once heard him question whether he needs this medication or whether he is weak for not overcoming this problem himself. What is the difference? I choose to live without insane, irrational worries flying round and round my head 24/7. It was bloody miserable and now I'm happy. I love my medication and I don't much care what anyone thinks of me for taking it. Link to post Share on other sites
longlegzs80 Posted April 11, 2004 Share Posted April 11, 2004 For someone who goes through depression and is depressed for along time can't pull themselves out of it. I am talking from being depressed all my life and knowing I can't just pull myself out of it. This is something where you need help. As much as I am a bullhead and want to try to do everything by myself to get my out of this depressive slump, you just can't do it alone. You can't. This is a problem that will affect you all your life if you don't get the proper treatment. And no matter how much you want to do it on your own, it is a tough battle. Depression controls your life if you let it, and it is not something that can just come and go as it pleases. I love people who tell me that there is no reason for me to be depressed when really there are reasons are to why I am depressed. But those people who have never experience depression for along period of time don't know what the hell their talking about. WHAT AN EXCELLENT THREAD THINKALOT!!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
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