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Mixed Signals

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So there is this guy that I like. He has been tutoring me 3 times a week since the end of march. I really like him. I think he is very intelligent and cute. We get along really well and I thought that everytime we talked we got closer. Also everytime he saw me he always tapped his leg against mine. He always looked deep into my eyes and he got me coffee and such. I don't understand. It seemed like he was into me. But I guess he was just being nice. We had really funny conversations together. he emailed me music that he was into and I showed him some music I was into. I teased him a lot, and he teased me back. Everytime we left together and talked on the way to the bus stop and when i needed to go my separate way, he would give me a hug. Then today was the last day of class. So i met up with him thanked him for all the help he gave me. And we talked for a while about current events and whatever and schoolwork finals etc. And then I said so this is the last time we meet for tutoring. He said yeah. I said can I ask you something. He said yes? I said when you gave me that coffee what did that mean? (I am not a very foward person and I wouldn't DARE ask him out, I am really old fashioned and I believe that the boy should ask the girl out, so i subtly wanted him to know that i liked him.) He said that Its just common cortousy. I was like Oh alright. So I said have a great summer. He said you too. And I left.... I really really liked him. Why was he giving me those mixed messages before? I thought he liked me the way I liked him. Should I ask him out or ask how he feels about me? I don't want to come off seeming needy and stuff though.

Edited by jfairmont
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I would ask him out for a cup of coffee or lunch. Maybe he is just as shy as you. If you really like him call him up and go for it! What's the worst that can happen? He says he doesn't like you? Well that's his loss and at least you could move on.


Good Luck

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