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I have known this girl for 11 years and we have always been best of friends. About 2 weeks ago we started dating pretty heavy.I haven't felt this way about a woman in a long time and I don't want to blow it. We have kissed a few times and she spends the night at my house once or twice a week but never had sex. My problem is , I don't know what this woman is wanting. She did have a crush on me in the past, butI did not know it. She has an 8 yr old son, and is a very sweet and loving girl, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what my next step is with her. I'm usually a very extroverted person, and for lack of a better term, a real man-whore. But everything is different with this girl. I need some help. Should I just lay it on the line or just keep on doing what I'm doing? I'm not very practiced in a solid, real relationship. Do I bear all or what? HELP!!!!

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Striking up a romance with someone you've know for 11 years is in a whole category unto itself.


My feeling is that you need to lay it on the line. It looks like she has a pretty good fondness for you. At this stage of friendship, there is no good reason to play games. Let her know she is very special to you and that you'd like things to be close between the two of you. See what her response is.


From my perspective, it looks great for you. If she is who you want, it looks very much to me like she's all yours.


I'm glad you've finally found a lady that can tame you down!!!

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