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guy friend turned on me randomly and suddenly

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Hello all, I signed up here hoping to find answers to my guy problems *lol* Well,my issue is...

When me and my friend (aka my crush) hung out about a week and a half ago... he was all over me,kissy, holding my hand, all over my facebook page "liking" everything and all that,took me out to eat and paid for it,etc. I felt like I was getting sooo close and felt like... it may be it, I may get him to finally ask me out.

Well this weekend he went to party a mutual "friend" was there,this other "friend" at the party has messed me over before by breaking me and my boyfriend up a long time ago,but I forgave them.I called my crush/friend on the phone a few days ago to make plans, and he was his usual self towards me. Then, when we hung out he was very distant. He wouldn't even let me hug him goodbye he kind of blocked it, and pulled away when I gave him a hug hello as opposed to kind of holding me when we hug.He made no future plans to hang out when he usually is making plans to see me days in advance.He also blocked any chance of me trying to hold his hand... switching sides,stuff like that.But, after we hung out, he was the usual.. all over my facebook age "liking" everything sending me hearts and all that.


For anyone who believes in astrology, he's libra I'm a leo.


Is it right to think maybe my other "friend" told him I liked him,or am I just being paranoid? I'm pretty sure the "friend" wants him as well. If so, how can I fix it? Why is he acting like that?

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Perhaps he feels for you, but is afraid to push it further than what your relationship already is. Or, he became distant because he may have had things on his mind that were bothering him, taking his attention away from you. There's nothing that you need to fix on your end. However, if this is eating at you, you may need to have a talk with him. Ask him why he went distant towards you the way he did. He may, or may not, provide an honest response, but it is worth a shot.

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