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I was sexually abused when I was just a boy!


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This is the first time I write and tell other people, other than my wife about this painful reality in my life!!


I'm a very emotional guy and I'm not sure if I'm this way because of my abuse or my abuse helps me become more emotional...not clear about that one, as I'm not clear about many other things!! In any case, I want to be able to tell you people that this life is not easy to live and I'm only writting in this blog because I feel so good and I had an amazing day!! When I feel like ****, I can't even talk to people and look at them in the eyes...I feel so much shame of myself!! It's so pittiful that I don't understand why I'm even continuing living this way...mine as well kill yourself if you are going to feel that low and you can't stand in for yourself!! Anybody can rape this boy!! It's such a horrible personality that at the same time I'm writing this blog, it makes me so effing pissed off that I can really make some damage to whoever gets in front of me!! I have to control that anger when I feel like I'm the worst human being of this earth!! Damn, I have so many issues that I want to have the ability to recognize what is the best treatment or help that I need!! How do I get this ability?? Seeing a therapist can help me get this answer?? Or even better...will a therapist help me heal all my wounds?? Will I ever be the dominant personality alone?? Or will I always have this scared child inside of me?? Please, if someone really understands me and has been cured, or even better, has cured someone like me...send me a reply my brother or sister!!

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You need professional counselling, not a relationships forum.


This is neither the place nor the situation to be broadcasting such issues, they're extremely complex, and not the kind you should be seeking support for, from those largely professionally unqualified to be giving it.


Seek a qualified therapist.

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I know I need to go to a qualified therapist, but I was hoping to have someone giving me good advise and help me choose the right therapist for this problem! I'll plan to look elsewhere if I don't get any replies!

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Go to your doctor.

Ask for a referral.

Tell them you were abused as a child, and the issue has become a crippling, debilitating and distressing hindrance.


They will refer you.

if you don't like the therapist, say so, and change, until you find someone who will work with you in a way you find productive and positive.


but understand this:


A therapist will neither heal you nor cure you.


All of that - all of it - has to come form you.

A professional therapist will guide, you, support you and suggest or steer your progress, but this will be in order for you to benefit and evolve in the right way for you.


The hard work is up to you.

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Ross MwcFan

I 2nd going to a doctor, telling him what happened, and telling him you're interested in seeing a therapist.

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