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Anyone Ever Thought...

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If a close friend of the opposite sex was your soul mate? My best friend in college and I went through a lot of struggles together. We lifted each other in our moments of weakness, and became inseparable. Our mindset and views were so much alike. She was also very compassionate and understanding to me.


She was dating a guy from her hometown when I first met her, and broke up a couple years later. She dated some other guys, but met someone whom she eventually married. Before we graduated, I had a talk with her, and asked her if she ever thought if there was an "us". She told me she did think about it too, but realized we were perhaps too much alike.


Our families went out for a meal before commencement, and more than one person commented on how we were looking at each other when our eyes met.


As mentioned, she got married, and I was in the wedding party. I tried so hard not to hold back the tears when they shared their vows. A part of me was okay with it, because her husband is a great guy, but another wasn't. I didn't realize until too late that perhaps she was "the one".


Nearly ten years after the wedding I wonder if I should've realized what we had sooner, and not a month before commencement. I've had trouble dating, and having relationships with other women because I inevitably compare them to her, and they fall short.


Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest, and wondered if anyone else here ever had the same thing happen to them.

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