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Hi everyone:


I want to preface this with the fact that my marriage is ending soon.


That being said, I'm extremely interested in a guy. Let's call him...Steve. Steve and I work together. He makes me happier than any man has ever made me. And there is absolutely no physical contact between us. It's all friendship-type stuff. BUT there is a LOT of flirting. :love:


Steve is a natural, innocent flirt. I've seen him do it with other people. It's all a part of his personality. And that's what makes him, HIM.


Okay, so before I fall completely head-over-heels for this guy (and hopefully not make an ass of myself and declare my feelings for him and ruin a friendship), here's some things you need to know:


1. Steve is living with his GF. She is horrible to him, and he's nearly at the point of saying goodbye. He claims she is going to lunch with an ex BF and spending a lot of time texting and calling him, and that it's a matter of time before she goes back to him. When GF calls Steve, and he's with me (in my office, at lunch, whatever), he leaves to take the call. He has lied to her about where he was and who he was with, so that he didn't have to listen to her yell at him that he takes ME out to lunch, his friend, but he never takes HER out (he does...she's just nuts). :mad:


2. Steve's office is directly across the hall from mine. Each time he exits his office, he does a funny little dance, makes a face, or some other thing to make me smile/laugh.


3. There is an undeniable chemistry between us. You can feel it. It could very well be my imagination, but others have commented on it. :o


4. Steve and I go out to lunch...a LOT. He pays sometimes, others we split. Most of the time, he will pay if he has the $$$.


5. He has opened up to me in really amazing ways. Something horrible happened to him as a child and told me about it. I don't know why he did, but he did. I think it brought me closer to him. He talks to me about nearly everything that matters/is bothering him. We share a LOT, I talk to him a lot about my failing marriage, so he's aware as to where I am emotionally.


6. The LOOK. His face softens when he looks at me. His eyes light up a bit. He smiles.


So here's my question: Do you think there is an attraction there, or could it be my imagination?

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OH...and a fellow co-worker said that Steve is "Very fond of me" and if I played my cards right, I could have him. But he won't say more, as to not betray Steve's confidence...

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From your description it sounds like something may be there. However, make sure he does indeed get out of his current relationship, and you're out of your marriage before anything starts. Take it from there and see where things go.

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Absolutely. Affairs are not my style, and besides I would not want the messiness of an affair, on top of everything else I'm going to have to deal with...And his GF is psycho. Plain and simple. I don't want to come home from work one day to find a rabbit boiling on my stove...

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Thanks for the feedback...I think there's something there...others have seen it, too. I definitely feel it. There are some things he does/doesn't do, that I think I can chalk up to "the game" or his not wanting to seem as if he's focusing on me too much. He does make comments about other women, who are strikingly beautiful. I chalk that up to his wanting to show me a friend side.


His GF knows we go to lunch a lot. She gives him a hard time about it. He didn't go to lunch with me for a LONG time, then all of a sudden he started again. I think it was because he was getting flack from his GF about it, then basically said Eff You to her abuse. I HAVE heard her yell at him over the phone. More like screaming.


Again, nothing has ever been said or done, aside from we are friends. He has never touched me, nor me him. We genuinely enjoy each other's company and, if nothing ever comes of it, I will be happy for the friendship during a very tough time in my life.

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Absolutely. Affairs are not my style, and besides I would not want the messiness of an affair, on top of everything else I'm going to have to deal with...And his GF is psycho. Plain and simple. I don't want to come home from work one day to find a rabbit boiling on my stove...


He better run away from her ASAP :) In all seriousness though, wishing you both the best. If, and once, you both get out of your relationships, try to gauge his feelings for you and go from there. If things don't move beyond friendship, at least you have that, and you appreciate it.

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Yes, sounds like you two have a great connection. Slap his @ss, twist his nipples and make him yours honey.

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