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"Men are from Mars and women are F***ing Morons"


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Was going through Netflix and came across the movie "Strictly Sexual" and decided to give it a shot and watch it. I ended up hearing a few quotes that I thought were very memorable and one that I loved and thought was extremely true.


"Women want to be treated like sh*t, just a fact, they're morons. Listen, whether she's a supermodel, works at a daycare center, ugly, hot, it don't matter. You all look for the guy that pisses you off, the guy you can complain about and try to fix. You want to hear the number one complaint I hear about men from women? He's too nice. This is considered a detriment. Show me some girl who can date any guy she wants, fifty bucks says she's with some a**hole. You don't want nice, you want a**hole."


I know it's true for me, don't know about the rest of you.

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Don't know about all that, but do know that if they perceive you have one foot out the door with other options in the wings, it lessens the amount of bad behavior they throw your way quite drastically.

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I am not saying all women love jerks but I have never known a jerk that struggled with women.

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I am not saying all women love jerks but I have never known a jerk that struggled with women.


God, I have known a lot. They usually get together with unstable women for the long term and scrap it out with them.

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God, I have known a lot. They usually get together with unstable women for the long term and scrap it out with them.


But they never have problems attracting women and women are addicted to them like crack.

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Oh yeah for sure, unhealthy women are addicted to intense, emotionally crazy relationships.


There just happen to be tons of unhealthy folk out there and then they latch on each other and it's a ****storm.


From a former ****stormer. :)

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Men are from Mars and women are from Penis

I found this amusing

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Oh yeah for sure, unhealthy women are addicted to intense, emotionally crazy relationships.


There just happen to be tons of unhealthy folk out there and then they latch on each other and it's a ****storm.



I would agree with this.


I can definitely say the quote in the OP doesn't apply to me now, nor does it apply to the majority of my female friends. I have seen it apply to a few of my more troubled friends with serious daddy issues, but it wasn't because they were actually morons, and most of them grew out of it by the time they were about 25. I had a phase of bad relationships with bad guys, too, primarily in my late teens and early 20s, and it was because I was still psychologically unrecovered from serious trauma. My people-picker was messed up, and I trouble recognizing and trusting good men. I worked on that and life got a lot better, and now I'm married to a wonderful man.


You know, sometimes girls say a guy is 'too nice' and that doesn't actually mean they want an abusive ******* instead, as if the world only offered such black/white choices. It also doesn't mean that women in general can't respect acts of kindness from men--what it often means is that the 'nice' guy is a boring doormat who seemingly has nothing to offer but a wishy-washy niceness. For whatever reason, 'too nice' doesn't mean it's literal translation, but instead suggests a person with little-to-no charisma, independence, personal power or 'backbone'--or, perhaps, simply a young guy who hasn't grown into those qualities of himself yet.

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Was going through Netflix and came across the movie "Strictly Sexual" and decided to give it a shot and watch it. I ended up hearing a few quotes that I thought were very memorable and one that I loved and thought was extremely true.


"Women want to be treated like sh*t, just a fact, they're morons. Listen, whether she's a supermodel, works at a daycare center, ugly, hot, it don't matter. You all look for the guy that pisses you off, the guy you can complain about and try to fix. You want to hear the number one complaint I hear about men from women? He's too nice. This is considered a detriment. Show me some girl who can date any guy she wants, fifty bucks says she's with some a**hole. You don't want nice, you want a**hole."


I know it's true for me, don't know about the rest of you.


I don't think women are morons, but the rest of that quote I agree with.

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because men don't pay attention to nice girls. They like the bad girls who treat them like sh*t. :)

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You know, sometimes girls say a guy is 'too nice' and that doesn't actually mean they want an abusive ******* instead, as if the world only offered such black/white choices. It also doesn't mean that women in general can't respect acts of kindness from men--what it often means is that the 'nice' guy is a boring doormat who seemingly has nothing to offer but a wishy-washy niceness. For whatever reason, 'too nice' doesn't mean it's literal translation, but instead suggests a person with little-to-no charisma, independence, personal power or 'backbone'--or, perhaps, simply a young guy who hasn't grown into those qualities of himself yet.


For the most part I agree with this. Either way, for the average woman, it's not good to be too nice and it's not good to be a prick. So either be both or be somewhere in the middle.


However, yes, a woman can appreciate acts of kindness from men, but in what context? If she sees him as platonic, then his acts of kindness will win points in the platonic area. He will NEVER be able to switch sides based on acts of kindness. And this is the trap that many "nice guys" fall into. They think being nice can make a person like you romantically. Nope, only if she ALREADY likes you romantically, in that case you can even be a prick and she'll still like you, as long as you don't cross the threshold of her tolerance.


because men don't pay attention to nice girls. They like the bad girls who treat them like sh*t. :)


No, men like hot girls, sometimes they're nice, most of the time they're bitches, because they can. Personality girls... well, they make good practice girls.

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I somehow fail to see how all attractive women are bitches, and all ugly/average girls are nice.


It's the personality that makes, or breaks, a person.

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I saw that movie, haha. I actually enjoyed it, when I didn't expect to. When I heard that part of the movie, it made me laugh.


I think that in a sense it's true. Not about all women of course, that's too broad of a statement. But about many single, young, females, it does seem to be true. It's been proven true for me thus far, as much as I hate to admit it. I'm just hoping that I can mature more within the near future to where I can say that it was just a "phase" I was going through and that I no longer go for the a**holes.


Sooo many of us like the drama though, even if we don't want to admit it. Many would rather have the passion and the wondering "what's going on?!" rather than just be in a healthy relationship with someone who treats us right..ya know, with the "nice guy." Sure, we each say "I want a good guy who will be good to me" but when we find one who's willing to bend over backwards for us, it's not enough..he's not exciting enough and he's "too nice" and we get bored. I've seen it happen countless times, not only in my past relationships, but relationships friends have gone through, or stories people have posted on here. Thankfully though, it's not true for all women.


So, just speaking for myself and those who have been guilty of wanting the a**hole as opposed to the "nice guy", I say that we are morons. Morons, who should never settle for less than what we deserve..yet have.

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So when you hear these facts why do we get mad at men for giving women what they want? Since many women want men who play them and keep them chasing after them like a donkey chasing why do we hate men who do exactly that? Most men are going to do what works and makes women interested and right now it is clear that this is it.

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So when you hear these facts why do we get mad at men for giving women what they want? Since many women want men who play them and keep them chasing after them like a donkey chasing why do we hate men who do exactly that? Most men are going to do what works and makes women interested and right now it is clear that this is it.



I don't get mad. A female is born with this. It's true about most all species. A female desires the tough guy, the provider, the leader of the pack. It's simply human nature.

The saying "nice guys finish last" isn't just some folk legend, it's the truth.

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Men are from Mars and women are from Penis


How on earth are you single?

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