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Personal....Please Give Advice

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I need some advice. Its personal so be aware. I have been debating on wether to have sex or not b/c I just got off my period. I know they say its like one of the best times but still, I can't decide. Please help.

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Advice: Get on some form of birth control.Always use a condom. Go to planned parenthood or a place like that near you, or search the net and get information about sex and pregnancy and std's. GET educated before doing this thing called sex.

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I'm confused. You just got off your period so you don't know if you should have sex or not? And who are these people that say that's the best time?


Darling, if you want to have sex, then have sex. You're period just ending doesn't really have anything to do with it...


You sound confused so I'll just agree with Sundaymorning when saying...Get on some birth control...:confused:

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Sweetheart I think what you are asking is ...is this the best time to have sex with the least possibilities of getting pregnant. If this is your concerned then you should maybe do a little research. There are no guarenties that you wont. Sundaymorning is right heed her advice. It sounds like you are not ready yet.

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