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HI,i think i may be messing up one of my friendships. with


this guy i just met, i talked to him for a short while, then feelings for him came out of nowhere. everytime i call him, i feel like i am bugging him. i call him once a day. i don't really know why, its sad i know. i don't want to lose this fiendship with him, because i think it could be a good one.


but my actions may cost me everything. this happens with me


alot, and i don't know why. maybe their is something wrong with me. please if you can, i need adivce on what to do with this mess i made.


Thank you



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It's pretty easy to fall for a friend. Friendships are not as tense, you can be yourself, relaxed, you don't have to impress anybody and you get to know the real person. It's just a really nice way of falling in love.


It also presents the kind of problem you are in now. One thing you cannot do is live a lie. You can't remain just friends with this guy when you really want a whole lot more. You are deceiving yourself and putting yourself through enormous pain if you hang around him as a friend while he sees other girls and discusses them with you.


When the opportunity presents itself, you need to tell him that you think of him in a special way and wouldn't mind upgrading the friendship to more if he ever felt like he would like that also. Then just see what his reaction is.


You might just be surprised and he may very well be receptive. But, in case he isn't, staying friends wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that it will put a lot of emotional stuff on you that you just don't need.


Don't kid yourself about just wanting to be his friend.

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