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18 years old, I feel ugly.

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I have had problems with my weight for most of my life and have never had a girl flirt with me or anyone tell me how attractive I am.


I have been hitting the gym for the past 2 years and I am at a point where I am MUCH more confident with myself physically but in terms of my facial appearance, I still feel like I am ugly. I consider an outgoing person as of now. When I talk, when I walk, I do so with confidence. However, the fact that I don't get much attention from the females is discouraging.


All my previous girlfriends have been very attractive, which gives me some hope that I am somewhat attractive. They've always told me that I am cute or handsome, etc. However, I feel like they were saying this because they were dating me. I am currently going through a breakup right now and my ex was gorgeous, and my self-esteem is just shot right now.





Edited by lawlz_xD
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It's normal to look at ourselves and see flaws, we are all our own worst critics. Thing is, what we see is not what other's do.


For example, I think I have a funny & wonky smile, I have a tooth that pops up like a funny looking fang. Yet, my boyfriend doesn't mind it at all, he think's that it's cute. Most men that had interest in me also thought that my smile was adorable. (I just thought they were crazy & blind. :lmao: )


You've had girlfriends, they thought that you were handsome. Lets not forget that in order to have a relationship there has to be an inital attraction there. They likely thought that you were a babe. ;)


Take a look at yourself and focus on the positive, do you have nice eyes, smile, etc? Appreciate the positive in your looks. The more you appreciate your good features the more you will love yourself as a whole.


Also by your photos, you don't look bad at all. Nothing to worry about.

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Hey man, I think you're over-thinking and looking way into something that's not really there. You mentioned that the girls you dated were very attractive, and let's be honest here: they wouldn't have dated you if they thought you were physically unattractive. Remember that.


Perhaps girls feel intimidated by your confident bravado. You say that you are confident when socializing. Maybe they feel overwhelmed. Because of this confident aura you 'ooze' with when around them, they probably feel reserved and await you to take initiative.


Don't sweat it. You're a handsome dude.

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Dear Friend,


We all struggle with our looks. I don't think i have as amazing of a masculine jaw line. I compensate for my lack of physical features by working on my personality.


Regardless of how you look on the outside, be awesome on the inside. It will pay off in the end. Things just take time.




I look way worse then you, and i found a hottie ;-)



I have had problems with my weight for most of my life and have never had a girl flirt with me or anyone tell me how attractive I am.


I have been hitting the gym for the past 2 years and I am at a point where I am MUCH more confident with myself physically but in terms of my facial appearance, I still feel like I am ugly. I consider an outgoing person as of now. When I talk, when I walk, I do so with confidence. However, the fact that I don't get much attention from the females is discouraging.


All my previous girlfriends have been very attractive, which gives me some hope that I am somewhat attractive. They've always told me that I am cute or handsome, etc. However, I feel like they were saying this because they were dating me. I am currently going through a breakup right now and my ex was gorgeous, and my self-esteem is just shot right now.





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I think it is the break up talking.


Personally I think looking at oneself for too long can make a person crazy. I think we are always supposed to combine our looks with who we are and not just view our features in isolation. Anyhow, this would not really be an accurate picture of what is being received by others.


Write down a list of your good qualities that others would agree with. That is who you really are. If feeling low, get active feedback from friends who love you. Voice how you feel to someone close. Don't beat yourself up though. There are too many people out there willing to do this, so don't you start on yourself! Be good to yourself.


I think you need someone to make you dinner and really give you some tlc right now is all.


Chin up, seems you go to the gym and stuff and have previous experiences with girls who you think off as attractive.


Nah, it's the break up talking.


What gets me is that people who have a break up usually end up looking GREAT! because they refocus back on themselves. So, good times ahead!


Take care,

Eve x

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I'm not even going to look at the pictures because 1) you're probably a troll 2) any one who isn't happy with the way they look needs to realize that letting other people judge their looks will only add to the problem.


So, don't question how you look and really don't look for other peoples opinions of you for validation. Validate yourself by loving, living, and enjoying your time and the people you choose to make the effort with.

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