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What are we??

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I am 19 and in college. I met a guy in one of my classes and we sat by eachother all semester. By the end of the semester we started hanging out alot outside of school, we only hung out as friends and we got along really well. As we continued to hang out, he started getting more touchy feely, holding my hand sometimes, hugging me more often. (this all has been over the course of a month) We decided to plan a celebratory camping trip with friends to celebrate the semester ending. Right before we left for the trip I went to his house to finish planning details. We ended up watching a movie and falling asleep. I woke up to go home and he asked if I would just stay the night.. obviously we hooked up that night and then left for our week long trip. The whole trip he was calling me babe and holding my hand.. acting like we were official. We got back and he wanted me to come over for movies immediately. I have been sleeping over at his house and hanging out with him under the impression that we are a thing, but everytime I try to ask what we are he will not give me a straight answer. He also has a 3 year old daughter, I have met her twice and we got along well but maybe he is too scared for another relationship?? He is 25, my friends think he automatically feels that we are together and that he might think it is silly to label us. He gives me answers like.. "I know I definitely wanna kick it with you" or "you're the one I am interested in hanging out with the most." ahh. I am so lost people!

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This seems something of a guessing game, but at least the fact that he continued to pay attention to you after having gotten what he may have wanted, is a good sign.


I wish you luck.

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You'd be better off putting some distance between you at this point and that will wash out his true intentions towards you. Otherwise he'll take you for granted and may never come clean on what he wants. And by the way, what do you want, my dear!?

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