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I dont understand why porn stars are so great.

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*sighs*... I don't know what's wrong with me lately... I just can't seem to figure out why porn bothers me so much... ahaha... actually, I know exactly why it bothers me. It's because I am uncomfortable with who I am... and seeing other women prance around comfortably naked bothers me... I'm jealous. I know I'm not ugly. Not to sound overly confident either, but I know that a lot of guys look at me. I just wish I was perfect. People idolize porn stars... the media tells the world that pam anderson is perfect... that jenna jamison has the nicest breasts... the thing is, not many people actually look like that. I guess all I'm wondering is why porn is so great. What is so amazing? Why do so many people look at it? Are porn stars actually perfect??? Any answers would be most appreciated. Thanks.



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Primarily, even as celebrities, neither Pamela Anderson nor Jenna Jameson are all that attractive, and if it wasn't for an 'accidental' release, Pamela Anderson wouldn't be a porn star at all.


That said, none of them are perfect.


They're kinda gross.


If they weren't having sex on camera, men wouldn't watch them at all.

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Just wait till they get old and what real skin they have left starts to sag, so there's really nothing left for all that plastic to cling to.

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People idolize porn stars

I don't.

the media tells the world that pam anderson is perfect

Everyone knows that she's not perfect and that she's miserable.

that jenna jamison has the nicest breasts

I forgot what she looked like. :)

I guess all I'm wondering is why porn is so great.

Porn is not great. Porn is something that will help men relieve their stress.

Are porn stars actually perfect???

It does not take much to become a porn star. They have fat women, ugly women,and even old women porn. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. I do not consider women who are in porn "perfect." To me, a perfect person is someone who has self respect and considers what other people think.

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To me, a perfect person is someone who's comfortable that they're not.

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Nobody's perfect. We're all imperfect human beings. When Pamela Anderson opens her mouth, you can tell the elevator doesn't go all the way up to the top....Jenna's not all that much smart herself. And if anyone idolizes a porn star that pretty much tells you where their head is at. Don't stress yourself out about not looking like porn star.

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I do not find any porn stars all too attractive. I think that people watch porn because porn stars have sex, and people like to watch other people having sex.


It is very easy to dislike things about yourself. I, personally, have a lengthy list of things that I feel are wrong with me, but no one else seems to ever notice these things. Perhaps you are simply being a bit too hard on yourself at times, which I think everyone deals with on occasion.

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Women in porn are generally good looking but I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.

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Porn actresses, regular actresses, strippers and models aren't perfect. They have as many ups and downs in their life as anyone else.


The majority of these women are only valued for their appearance. So when the first wrinkle appears, or they gain 10 pounds, their "value" is suddenly deppreciated. Out comes the botox, the harsh diets, the face lifts.


It's a major blow to the self esteem when you realize very few people believe anything besides your looks are worthwhile. Don't envy these girls.

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I never thought of it that porn stars have loads of unprotected sex, read this on the BBC this week http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3632379.stm


I reckon being beautiful is about feeling beautiful and reflecting that out. Voluptuous 46 year old British actress Dawn French was recently voted by schoolgirls a the ultimate role model ( her reply: they must have meant "roll model" - but accepted the girls' verdict because "no one knows more about rolls than me" ) and she once said in interview that she's always FELT beautiful, and had someone in her life ( eg the eminently shaggable Lenny Henry ) who told her she was. It shows in everything about her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey wonderwhy, don't wonder why.


Think of the ability to prance around naked and look good akin to, for example, the ability to run faster than

other people. Sprinters win prizes based on their ability to do so - it doesn't make them better people.


People who are physically able to move fast are successful if they manage to get a job as a sprinter.

People with charisma are successful when they have jobs that require them to project personality.

People with natually impressive physiques are successful when they get a job in porn, or modelling.



We're all individuals and we're all naturally gifted at different things.


What we're good at doesn't really say much about what we're like in other aspects of our lives, what we're

like as a person, whether we're happy or not, etc.


When looking at why porn stars are publicised so much by the media, you've got to keep in mind that the

media's job - their talent - is to capture audience attention; and that a hot, naked chick is a pretty effective

way of doing that! It's called the lowest common denominator, if you get what I'm saying.


By the way, a lot of the time, sexiness = confidence, not physical "perfection". If you can be at ease with

who you are, confidence will come easily, and you'll feel more appealing and more attractive, and those

nasty porn stars will be only so much light entertainment.


Best of luck.



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Originally posted by wonderwhy

Are porn stars actually perfect???


Why don't you try to have some nude pic of yourself taken by a good photographer, where you are wearing sexy lingerie and have just been through a good makeup session? You can also have the pics go through some photoshop professional work (porn stars do it too). It might cost you some money.

But you'll find out you'll look way better than MANY of the girls on the porn sites.

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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to quickly add that I did a stint working in porn (as a camera operator not an actor) on a major production based out of Hollywood starring a major female star (who shall go unnamed). As a result of this job I had a good opportunity to not only film but also casually socialize with the men and women who do this for a living. Contrary to public fantasy, a day on a porn set isn't nonstop sexing! There is quite a lot of time to simply converse, have food and drink, and get to know each other. Which brings me to the point of porn stars being perfect.


Trust me. None of them are perfect nor do they consider themselves perfect. Perfect is a fantasy that eludes them as much as you and I. Be that as it may, their 'day jobs' or long-term aspirations are really no different than anybodies. Many of the folks I talked with were grad students earning money, restaurant managers, physiotherapists, and a husband and wife team who are both nurses!


So my point in all of this is don't read too much into the adult films (or pornos) you see. It is a fantasy -even for those who star in them!

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Originally posted by dyermaker

If they weren't having sex on camera, men wouldn't watch them at all.




As many have said already, porn stars are not perfect--not even physically.


Sure, I think that generally speaking, they are usually physically attractive. And I'm guilty of watching the pam anderson video :p as well as a few jenna videos.


But that's not because I find them any more attractive then people I know in life. I watch them because they are degrading themselves by having sex on camera for all to see :p Watching people have sex is just an easy way to turn yourself on...


I like to watch porn stars on TV, but I only want to be with someone who is nothing like them.


I don't view them as perfect. Not even close.

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