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Very close friend still wants closeness after revelation of feelings

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I hate typing long things out so I'm going to speak briefly if that's ok! :D


Told best friend's girlfriend (and him) that I had feelings for her to get things out in the open and not want to make excuses about why I thought we shouldn't see each other as much. We had been spending a lot of time together for about 4-5 months as we get on so well and I developed feelings for her only recently. I want them both to be happy so I thought I should be honest with all parties concerned.


She took it very well. A bit too well. Like she basically still seems happy with the same level of closeness as before even with the knowledge that I am attracted to her. She's repeated that she'll 'follow my lead' as far as knowing when I need time away or find things uncomfortable. Problem is that time away at the moment is impossible, as she practically lives next door to me at uni and we have many mutual friends, so I see her a lot inadvertently.


Is she not getting enough attention from her bf and so is looking to me for it? I want her to be happy but I recently told her that when she talks about him in a negative light in front of me that makes me think he isn't caring for her and that she is in fact unhappy (I know for the moment that isn't the case), and that she should stop doing that. She understood.


I'm a bit worried...I need to move on and am trying to do that, but she seems happy with the current situation. Am I just giving her care and attention she should be getting from her bf? I'm trying to be a good friend but am I treading a fine line between being a decent guy and also making life extremely hard for myself?

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