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WTF? What makes me sick about all these stupid porn discussions

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But, I will say it is very hard to combat self esteem problems


Yes, but that does not put the burden on others. People here are combatting OCD, which is an extremely difficult condition, but they aren't throwing up their hands and saying it's impossible. They are working - hard - to overcome their issues.


You yourself just agreed to "Bring on the naked men"...why is that? because there's not much out there.


Not in the least. There is plenty of stuff. You just have to be good at research :D


I never said I DID know everything.


True. You keep saying 'it doesn't exist because I don't know about it'. Which, to me, is pretty much the same thing.

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For those Lovely ladies out there looking for hot guys in porn...


.... the porn that the guys are watching with all the hot chicks in them..... The hot chicks are normally doing it with hot guys (not counting the Ron Jeremy thing.... *shudder*)


So maybe you should ask your guy if you can watch the tape after he's done... :laugh:

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Sometimes I think, if men do it, why dont women just do it too? Makes me feel a whole lot better sometimes, just to be equal, maybe think of another man whenever, look at another man, etc. This whole equality thing when it comes to sex is quite liberating. Sometimes for me, its ' if you cannot beat it, join it'


And right here is the crux of the matter. You believe, firmly, that a guy looking at this is fantasizing about making love to the person on the screen. Men have been asked what they use porn for - most of them reply that that is NOT the case. So you are upset about something which is not true. Just like distrusting an honest person.

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Originally posted by Sundaymorning

Sometimes I think, if men do it, why dont women just do it too? Makes me feel a whole lot better sometimes, just to be equal, maybe think of another man whenever, look at another man, etc. This whole equality thing when it comes to sex is quite liberating. Sometimes for me, its ' if you cannot beat it, join it'.


Exactly, but my feeling on that matter is the reason it's NOT running rampant this way (for us women) is because we ALL know what it would do the male ego. I guess if us women aren't subserviant and willing to succumb to all this bull (like myself) then I'm veiwed as some pathetic shrew that is insecure and lacks self esteem.


I will say that I will stand FIRM on my ground on my view on this, and the fact that I am willing to be loud and proud about it makes my self esteem soar. Take it or leave it.

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Originally posted by Sundaymorning

Sometimes for me, its ' if you cannot beat it, join it'.


Just because I found this humorous......WHAT IF your guy came into the bedroom feeling all needy....just to have you go into a climaxe....then click off the porn flick and say..."Sorry Sweetie....I'm all set!".

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Originally posted by Arabess

Just because I found this humorous......WHAT IF your guy came into the bedroom feeling all needy....just to have you go into a climaxe....then click off the porn flick and say..."Sorry Sweetie....I'm all set!".



wow that would be funny. but damn, if a guy ever did that to me in real life....later dude.... lol

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the reason it's NOT running rampant this way (for us women) is because we ALL know what it would do the male ego.


No, it's because lots of women have not learned to appreciate male bodies and because, as I stated long ago, society still thinks that women should not be sexual; so for a woman like me to like looking at fellows somehow makes her skanky and trashy to some people and so women think it's skanky and trashy to do.


However, men deserve to have their bodies appreciated every bit as much as women want theirs to be. I taught myself to love men's bodies by looking at pictures of men's bodies. And you know what? Men are pretty happy to find a woman who isn't 'grossed out' by the look of them.

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Originally posted by moimeme

But, I will say it is very hard to combat self esteem problems


Yes, but that does not put the burden on others. People here are combatting OCD, which is an extremely difficult condition, but they aren't throwing up their hands and saying it's impossible. They are working - hard - to overcome their issues.


You yourself just agreed to "Bring on the naked men"...why is that? because there's not much out there.


Not in the least. There is plenty of stuff. You just have to be good at research :D


I HAVE looked for pictures, and it's mostly all women. Any time you bother to go to porn sites, it's all women throwing themselves at the men. I gave up on my query, as I really have better things to do with my time. I prefer having the real thing any day, anyway. [/color]


I never said I DID know everything.


True. You keep saying 'it doesn't exist because I don't know about it'. Which, to me, is pretty much the same thing.



I said there isn't MUCH out there. Since you spend so much time researching, please furnish this thread with some links to all these wonderful sites.

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Thanks, but no. I'll find you links for all sorts of other stuff, but in this, you're on your own. A gal's gotta have a few secrets to herself.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Thanks, but no. I'll find you links for all sorts of other stuff, but in this, you're on your own. A gal's gotta have a few secrets to herself.


What a cop out

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I don't respond to goads at all. You have a browser. You can access Google. Try 'male' and 'images'. Toss in various sexual terms. Have fun!

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Originally posted by moimeme

I don't respond to goads at all. You have a browser. You can access Google. Try 'male' and 'images'. Toss in various sexual terms. Have fun!


Been there, did that, done that. Incidentally, I've seen you provide plenty of links on this forum for other things. In fact, I've seen many a thread you generated that were based on a link alone.


For some reason, providing this thread with a link is a problem...hmmmmm

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Originally posted by moimeme

Thanks, but no. I'll find you links for all sorts of other stuff, but in this, you're on your own. A gal's gotta have a few secrets to herself.


yeah that is pretty lame, Moi. Goodness....

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I think, even if subconsciously, a woman checks out a man with the assessment of if she could have a relationship with him....as opposed to WOO HOO let's masterbate. UNLIKE MEN!


Porn is one thing.....but looking at naked guys would NOT turn me on...even if it was someone I knew.

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Originally posted by Arabess

I think, even if subconsciously, a woman checks out a man with the assessment of if she could have a relationship with him....as opposed to WOO HOO let's masterbate. UNLIKE MEN!


Porn is one thing.....but looking at naked guys would NOT turn me on...even if it was someone I knew.


Speak for yourself my lady ;):)

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i think men are just way hornier in general, than women. My bf get at the LEAST 3 hard ons a day!!! my god!


Does every woman want to commit to relieving that need? no probly not, so they watch porn..not all guys of course.

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People, this is my private life. What - want me to put a camera in my bedroom too? Jeez. :(


I think, even if subconsciously, a woman checks out a man with the assessment of if she could have a relationship with him....as opposed to WOO HOO let's masterbate. UNLIKE MEN!


Speak for yourself my lady


LOL! I second that!


People are all different. There's a great show called SexTV which is a weekly collection of mini-documentaries on sex. There are actually a bunch of documentary-type shows on Canadian TV and there have been several about women and porn and masturbation and all these issues.


Both you ladies are in your forties - attitudes and behaviours are changing.

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Originally posted by moimeme

People, this is my private life. What - want me to put a camera in my bedroom too? Jeez. :(



Moi, we do not want the specific pics that you masterbate to...We just want a taste of these so called hot pictures of men that are out there on the net. I just ran a search on "male images" and nothing really came up. I Do not want to look at gay men, I cannot relate to that!! Call me crazy, but I want to look at a dude that wants women, not men. Are there such pictures out there?

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Originally posted by moimeme

I really think men are less shallow in the way they view women than the way they view each other


EXACTLY. I am starting to think that most women think very little of men and it's depressing.


Sorry, we did get away on another tangent. Yes, many of the people complaining about porn have already attracted someone to them.


As for women thinking very little of men -- I've seen this all around me and all the time. I was told that men only want one thing and that none of them can be trusted. I was told that its part of being a woman --to get your heart broken by men who will 'visually cheat' and who will physically cheat. Therefore, I grew up with less respect for males than I should have had. My husband, aside from the verbal abuse and being told that women were object, was also told simply 'don't get one pregnant, but get as many as you can before you get tied down' and that was a pretty popular idiom.


I have had to learn to change my own view and learn to recognize that men do have feelings and emotional needs too, and that they really can love. But I did not give up my own morals in seeing hard-core pornography as something degrading to everyone involved. I understand curiosity and experimentation, but that goes out the window when commitment takes over and that is something that I insisted on in my relationships. I did find a man who felt about it as I do and has enough respect for me that he does not actively seek out pornography. He's not going to turn his head if its in front of him though! :)


A lot of things I've seen on TV seem very disrespectful of men in general and does not give men as a whole, credit for sensitivity and honest emotional feelings. Men learned a long time ago that crying is a good tool to get some sex and now we can't always distinguish the difference between honest sentiment and sensitivity as a tool. I think a lot of men are confused as to their roles too.


I had several poems published in a women's magazine back in the 1970's. One of the poems ended with the line "toil not with his heart, for it breaks as easily as your own" A lot of people tend to forget that.

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You will find a lot of images of men at gay sites. Doesn't mean the men are gay; tons of straight men make a lot of money posing for mens' sites. If you just want pictures of nude men by themselves not doing anything, that's often the best place to find them. You can also try the International Male catalogue website and men's swimsuit and underwear catalogue websites but of course the guys have some garments on, though some are, admittedly, quite skimpy.

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Originally posted by moimeme

People, this is my private life. What - want me to put a camera in my bedroom too? Jeez. :(



Please DON'T do that!

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I had several poems published in a women's magazine back in the 1970's. One of the poems ended with the line "toil not with his heart, for it breaks as easily as your own" A lot of people tend to forget that.


Beautiful, Hokey, and I think you are 100% correct in what you've said about men and feelings. We are heading for a threadworthy tangent, but I truly think a lot of women don't really believe men have feelings other than lust :eek: And this is horribly degrading to men.

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Besides, all I asked for was a link to a website for MALE pornography (you said that it's out there, and I'm asking where????), and so why is that such an infringement on you? Why is that a personal thing? What does that have to do with the LS becoming an audience to you masterbating?

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Porn is a tool of masturbation, like a vibrator, there is no emotional attachment, it just is an aid, when i watch porn i am not thinking about wanting to be the women, just thinking about a girl i like doing it to me.

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