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A female needing some from guys about a guy

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Ok that header was thread subject was supposed to say : A female needing advice from guys about a guy.


Hopefully I can get some advice on this guy. Sorry in advance if this comes out to be long and boring. But I want to give as much detail as possible for my situation. I work at a bank, and a few months ago I had an amazingly attractive guy (his name is John) comes to my window and ask me if I could cash a check for him. He didn’t bank with us, but his payroll check was one of ours. He had asked me if it would cost him anything to cash a check. When I ran the check through the system said there was no charge, so I cashed him out. So he then said to me before leaving….”You are awesome. This was so painless and easy. You deserve a raise.” My face was glowing for the rest of the day. After that, Ive had quite a few other interactions with him. My co-workers and I used to go to local pub for drinks after work sometimes, but one Friday they decided to go to a restaurant that had 2 for 1 specials, so it was a better deal. Ironically….its the restaurant that John works at. He ended up being the one who seated us. So I say to him, “I remember you…I cashed your check at the bank last week.” And his response was…”Yeah you were, how is it going?” And we had a bit of small talk from there. There were times were he did come into the bank, and I wasn’t fortunate enough to help him, but if I looked at him, he’d say hello to me as he was leaving. One of the times I did get to help him, he was telling me how things aren’t working out at his current employer, and he applied to be a server at another restaurant down the street. Another time I “sorta” ran into him was when a co-worker and I were talking a walk around the lake across from where we work, many people go out there to run/jog/walk, etc. As we were walking, I noticed him sitting on the bench in his work out shorts talking on the cell phone. As I was going to wave and say hello, My co-worker told me not to acknowledge him, because it would be awkward since I just talked to him the day before at the bank…and that we were running into him this way again. One weekend my family and I were discussing where we should go and eat for dinner. My mother suggested Olive Garden. We got there, and we being seated, and I spotted him. He saw me too but he hauled ass in the other direction. I had no idea that he had already started working there or have even gotten the job at that matter. I was confused at whether he did that to avoid me for some reason, or if he didn’t want to get in trouble if he stopped and talked to me since he might have just started and was probably in training. I didn’t see him for the rest of the time we were eating, he might have been on the other side of the dinning room. So the next week John comes into the bank, see’s that I was free after just finishing up with my last customer and comes up right to my window. The first thing out of his mouth was “Hey beautiful, whats up?” Wow, I couldn’t believe he called me that. I was smitten. But I played it cool. He waves his check saying “Final check from (the job he just left)!” So I ask him if he started at Olive Garden yet (making it so that I didn’t even see him at all that one day. Of course he didn’t mention that he saw me there either.), says that he did, and loves it there. Then I said to him “A week ago I was running around the lake and I think I saw you there, but didn’t say hi because I wasn’t sure if it was you with the sunglasses on.” I made it as if I was there alone and I saw him, NOT with my co-worker. He then said to me “yeah, Im there all the time. You should say hi the next time you see me.” Then we talked about how I was going on a cruise the following week, and how he was planning a trip to costa rica. We got into details about our upcoming trips. So now here’s where I am stuck. I like this guy even though I barely know him and I really want to get to know him better. Keep in mind that this guy just could be out of my league. Ive slept with guys just as good looking with him before, but no one like that has given me the time or day for a relationship or a serious date. He might not even come into the bank anymore to cash his checks if his new employer doesn’t bank with us…I’ve found his facebook profile, but its private, so I’m not even sure if he has a girlfriend or not. He never mentioned it either. I just thought it would be way to random to add him as a friend, might make me come off as a stalker. Or maybe I should try and take more walks at the lake to see if I run into him there again, but I have a life and don’t see myself going out of my way to see a guy who might not even be interested in me. What should I do?

Edited by Evelyn_Ink
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well it honestly does not look good... I mean no phone number exchange, he has not asked you out... my opinion anyway

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If he happens to come by, or you see him you could always ask him if he has a girlfriend casually.


It's not a bad thing for the woman to take the initiative.


However, he could have just been friendly. I would hold back on adding him on social networks as you don't know him too well.


If you do see him again, don't be afraid to ask. It's worth a shot.

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An odd thought occurs to me:


Wouldn't a girl prefer to date a guy who is depositing his paychecks from no matter where he works, into his own bank account, rather than cashing them for cash?



Beyond that, IF the new restaurant doesn't bank with your bank of employment, then you'll know for sure that this man has only one reason to happen into your bank branch.


I do believe he has already made it reasonably clear that he is interested in you, so you should feel a bit more confident when seeing him around somewhere.


Although, if probability means anything, given all that you've described, the chances of your seeing him again randomly are quite low. You may eventually have to go to his restaurant, or leap at the chance to interact with him if he comes to your bank branch.

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Thank you so much everyone for your input! I really hope that I'll get the opportunity to see him again. I just didnt want to come off as a stalker showing up to his work or adding him on a social network.

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Thank you, that Doesnt make me feel alot better and more confident. But if he was clearly interested, do you think he wouldve asked me for my number? On the other hand, he could be shy.


An odd thought occurs to me:


Wouldn't a girl prefer to date a guy who is depositing his paychecks from no matter where he works, into his own bank account, rather than cashing them for cash?



Beyond that, IF the new restaurant doesn't bank with your bank of employment, then you'll know for sure that this man has only one reason to happen into your bank branch.


I do believe he has already made it reasonably clear that he is interested in you, so you should feel a bit more confident when seeing him around somewhere.


Although, if probability means anything, given all that you've described, the chances of your seeing him again randomly are quite low. You may eventually have to go to his restaurant, or leap at the chance to interact with him if he comes to your bank branch.

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Thank you, that Doesnt make me feel alot better and more confident. But if he was clearly interested, do you think he wouldve asked me for my number? On the other hand, he could be shy.



I think he has already shown considerable signs of interest in you. IF you see him at your branch soon, then you can reason that he's only there to see if you're there (even IF he somehow has 11,000 of his grandma's penny collection to turn in).


Otherwise, go to the Olive Garden and give him a little sheet of paper with your e-mail address on it. (or your number as well)

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The guy seems to be interested in you. That seems to be a no brainer, you should ask him what he is doing after work and see if he wants to 'go for a coffee'. He likes you, and is showing you some level of interest.


Go with this.



Ok that header was thread subject was supposed to say : A female needing advice from guys about a guy.


Hopefully I can get some advice on this guy. Sorry in advance if this comes out to be long and boring. But I want to give as much detail as possible for my situation. I work at a bank, and a few months ago I had an amazingly attractive guy (his name is John) comes to my window and ask me if I could cash a check for him. He didn’t bank with us, but his payroll check was one of ours. He had asked me if it would cost him anything to cash a check. When I ran the check through the system said there was no charge, so I cashed him out. So he then said to me before leaving….”You are awesome. This was so painless and easy. You deserve a raise.” My face was glowing for the rest of the day. After that, Ive had quite a few other interactions with him. My co-workers and I used to go to local pub for drinks after work sometimes, but one Friday they decided to go to a restaurant that had 2 for 1 specials, so it was a better deal. Ironically….its the restaurant that John works at. He ended up being the one who seated us. So I say to him, “I remember you…I cashed your check at the bank last week.” And his response was…”Yeah you were, how is it going?” And we had a bit of small talk from there. There were times were he did come into the bank, and I wasn’t fortunate enough to help him, but if I looked at him, he’d say hello to me as he was leaving. One of the times I did get to help him, he was telling me how things aren’t working out at his current employer, and he applied to be a server at another restaurant down the street. Another time I “sorta” ran into him was when a co-worker and I were talking a walk around the lake across from where we work, many people go out there to run/jog/walk, etc. As we were walking, I noticed him sitting on the bench in his work out shorts talking on the cell phone. As I was going to wave and say hello, My co-worker told me not to acknowledge him, because it would be awkward since I just talked to him the day before at the bank…and that we were running into him this way again. One weekend my family and I were discussing where we should go and eat for dinner. My mother suggested Olive Garden. We got there, and we being seated, and I spotted him. He saw me too but he hauled ass in the other direction. I had no idea that he had already started working there or have even gotten the job at that matter. I was confused at whether he did that to avoid me for some reason, or if he didn’t want to get in trouble if he stopped and talked to me since he might have just started and was probably in training. I didn’t see him for the rest of the time we were eating, he might have been on the other side of the dinning room. So the next week John comes into the bank, see’s that I was free after just finishing up with my last customer and comes up right to my window. The first thing out of his mouth was “Hey beautiful, whats up?” Wow, I couldn’t believe he called me that. I was smitten. But I played it cool. He waves his check saying “Final check from (the job he just left)!” So I ask him if he started at Olive Garden yet (making it so that I didn’t even see him at all that one day. Of course he didn’t mention that he saw me there either.), says that he did, and loves it there. Then I said to him “A week ago I was running around the lake and I think I saw you there, but didn’t say hi because I wasn’t sure if it was you with the sunglasses on.” I made it as if I was there alone and I saw him, NOT with my co-worker. He then said to me “yeah, Im there all the time. You should say hi the next time you see me.” Then we talked about how I was going on a cruise the following week, and how he was planning a trip to costa rica. We got into details about our upcoming trips. So now here’s where I am stuck. I like this guy even though I barely know him and I really want to get to know him better. Keep in mind that this guy just could be out of my league. Ive slept with guys just as good looking with him before, but no one like that has given me the time or day for a relationship or a serious date. He might not even come into the bank anymore to cash his checks if his new employer doesn’t bank with us…I’ve found his facebook profile, but its private, so I’m not even sure if he has a girlfriend or not. He never mentioned it either. I just thought it would be way to random to add him as a friend, might make me come off as a stalker. Or maybe I should try and take more walks at the lake to see if I run into him there again, but I have a life and don’t see myself going out of my way to see a guy who might not even be interested in me. What should I do?

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Thank you VicJay. I'll definatly ask him out for coffee. But my problem is i dont know if ill see him again to have the opportunity to ask him since hes changed jobs. the only reason he will probably come into the bank again is if Olive Garden banks with us and he comes in. And im not even sure of that yet because he hasnt come in since he started 3 weeks ago. How do I go about seeing him outside of work without seeming like a stalker?




The guy seems to be interested in you. That seems to be a no brainer, you should ask him what he is doing after work and see if he wants to 'go for a coffee'. He likes you, and is showing you some level of interest.


Go with this.

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