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FEMALES , why do you play texting games?


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You know what i mean. Oh haiiii i got a text from this hot guy. Let me pretend i am busy and answer 2 hours later.


GTFO i know you got your phone on you, i know you check it every 10 minutes to see if you got a text call.


My sister and girls i am cool with take her phone w them to the restroom when they took a ****, showered, did make up etc etc.


Its obvious you are pretending like you are busy and if you are busy it literally takes 10 seconds to type ...busy cant talk/text..



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Because a girl who sits by the phone waiting for a call is not attractive. Same can be said for text.


You want to appear to have a life but still be responsive. Hence the reply but short wait.

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I don't take my phone everywhere, I also am not a huge fan of texting. Not every girl is like this.


People do have lives, they don't always have time to respond back. If they do have the time, they want to appear as if they have a life.

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I sometimes have it on vibrate and forget to change it back to a ring so it may be going off in my purse and I don't realize it utnil later. If im at home, it's not in my hand as I'm going from room to room. If im at work, and I'm too busy to look at my phone then too bad. that person will have to wait.


If im with friends and having a great conversation, the guy can wait. I'm not going to cut off my friend so i can exhange text msgd for an hour. If it's that important call me. otherwise, don't like to text all day long. I'm far too busy.

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Sometimes people will have to wait for my response to a text message for the following reasons:


-I'm in a movie and am busy watching it

-Out with a friend and busy enjoying myself with her and it's rude to text when you're spending time with other people

-My phone is off charging in my bedroom and I'm in the living room



There are about a million more. Don't take it personally.

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Eddie Edirol

Anyone who doesnt respond to you within in a reasonable amount of time (not immediately) doesnt want to talk to you. Assume that if its a women that just gave you her number, she is waiting by her phone for the guy that isnt really into her.

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There are several reasons I might not respond right away:


a. I'm at university. I turn my phone on silent during lecture and might forget to change it back afterwards.


b. I'm with a friend. I just won't tell my friends "Sorry I have to text this guy" unless it's really important.


c. I'm working out. I don't take my phone with me when I'm at dance class. and I'm there quite often.


d. The guy takes hours or days to respond and it gets on my nerves, so I decide to do the same to him.



In general, I hate text conversations. Texting isn't one of my hobbies, so I'd rather spend my time doing something else than watching my phone.

If you want to talk to me, call me.

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Something is wrong with your story. Let me correct it


"Oh haiiii i got a text from this average guy. Let me pretend i am busy and answer 2 hours later. "

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Because a girl who sits by the phone waiting for a call is not attractive. Same can be said for text.


You want to appear to have a life but still be responsive. Hence the reply but short wait.



I always wondered about this. Most girls text back like 2 hrs later. Some even a day later. It does make a guy think she isn't interested sometimes tho. I agree a girl shouldn't just respond immediately everytime. But if you are just starting to talk and you like him it would be cool for girls to throw us a bone somewhere along the line.

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Anyone who doesnt respond to you within in a reasonable amount of time (not immediately) doesnt want to talk to you. Assume that if its a women that just gave you her number, she is waiting by her phone for the guy that isnt really into her.



This is what most of us guys think. That she isn't interested. I wonder if women realize this. I look forward to seeing more responses on this thread. Dating is very interesting because men and women just think differently about situations.

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I always wondered about this. Most girls text back like 2 hrs later. Some even a day later. It does make a guy think she isn't interested sometimes tho. I agree a girl shouldn't just respond immediately everytime. But if you are just starting to talk and you like him it would be cool for girls to throw us a bone somewhere along the line.


I think when you first starting dating someone, 24 hours is a reasonable and respectful amount of time to get back to someone if you cannot for any reason during that day he text you.


With my job, it's hard to just get back to someone right away. I'm in demand and my phone is ringing off the hook. One wrong decision b/c I'm in a hurry to get back to a msg can be very costly to the company. I can't be distracted by texting until I walk away from my desk for a break for a few minutes. If a guy reaches boyfriend status, he'll get my direct ext and he will have the advantage of calling me at work b/c I pickup ever phone call when my phone rings at work.


I see where you are coming from. The last guy I briefly dated text me after 3 hours of me not getting back to him asking me if I was angry. I really wasn't. I was just really busy at work. I will read the texts as they come in but just can't respond right away. But when I first start daing somone, he can't expect constant contact right off the bat b/c he's not a huge part of my life yet.


Any other ladies or guys feel the same?

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Anyone who doesnt respond to you within in a reasonable amount of time (not immediately) doesnt want to talk to you. Assume that if its a women that just gave you her number, she is waiting by her phone for the guy that isnt really into her.


What do you think is a resaonable amount of time if a woman is truely busy? For example, I work 1-9 so when most men are done with work at 4 or 5 and texting me, I can't get back to him until after work. and after work, I workout. so he wont hear from me utnil later that night or before 1 pm the next day. I guess every situation is different depending on schedules and the amount of interest the two in question share between each other.


I think 24 hours is resonable when you first start dating someone.

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I think when you first starting dating someone, 24 hours is a reasonable and respectful amount of time to get back to someone if you cannot for any reason during that day he text you.


With my job, it's hard to just get back to someone right away. I'm in demand and my phone is ringing off the hook. One wrong decision b/c I'm in a hurry to get back to a msg can be very costly to the company. I can't be distracted by texting until I walk away from my desk for a break for a few minutes. If a guy reaches boyfriend status, he'll get my direct ext and he will have the advantage of calling me at work b/c I pickup ever phone call when my phone rings at work.


I see where you are coming from. The last guy I briefly dated text me after 3 hours of me not getting back to him asking me if I was angry. I really wasn't. I was just really busy at work. I will read the texts as they come in but just can't respond right away. But when I first start daing somone, he can't expect constant contact right off the bat b/c he's not a huge part of my life yet.


Any other ladies or guys feel the same?


That makes total sense!! I also think if a guy is just waiting for a text and not living his life he has a problem. But from you you say there is nothing wrong with not getting a text back right away. I would assume since I am busy a woman would be busy too. I guess it comes down to a person knowing when they should get back with that person. I know women who were abosolutely crazy about dudes and took there sweet time getting back to him like 2-3 days every time. So when they moved on the women couldn't understand why. they thought he only wanted one thing and that may not have been the case. Very interesting post and thread also.

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That makes total sense!! I also think if a guy is just waiting for a text and not living his life he has a problem. But from you you say there is nothing wrong with not getting a text back right away. I would assume since I am busy a woman would be busy too. I guess it comes down to a person knowing when they should get back with that person. I know women who were abosolutely crazy about dudes and took there sweet time getting back to him like 2-3 days every time. So when they moved on the women couldn't understand why. they thought he only wanted one thing and that may not have been the case. Very interesting post and thread also.


I won't play the 3 day rule.. If I really like a guy, first chance I get, I will get back to him. I will make time and not wait so long. That's just sending the wrong message to the guy. If I guy knows im working and busy and still sends a message just to let me know he's thinking of me, I welcome that and it makes me want to get back to him sooner. I won't think of it as annoying or crazy.


If I know his schedule and know he's busy and I feel like texting him.. I have said things like " I know your phone is dead but I just wanted to say i miss you" or I'll say " I know you're at work, playing baseball, pool league, etc whatever the case may be.. but I just wanted to say good luck, hello, goodnight etc". I won't feel insecure or bad if he does not get back to me right away.



Also, why do men like to text WAY more than ever just picking up the phone to make plans? For me, it's so annoying and it makes me feel like a phone call is just to much effort?

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I won't play the 3 day rule.. If I really like a guy, first chance I get, I will get back to him. I will make time and not wait so long. That's just sending the wrong message to the guy. If I guy knows im working and busy and still sends a message just to let me know he's thinking of me, I welcome that and it makes me want to get back to him sooner. I won't think of it as annoying or crazy.


If I know his schedule and know he's busy and I feel like texting him.. I have said things like " I know your phone is dead but I just wanted to say i miss you" or I'll say " I know you're at work, playing baseball, pool league, etc whatever the case may be.. but I just wanted to say good luck, hello, goodnight etc". I won't feel insecure or bad if he does not get back to me right away.



Also, why do men like to text WAY more than ever just picking up the phone to make plans? For me, it's so annoying and it makes me feel like a phone call is just to much effort?



Yeah that's awesome. And why do guys like to text more than talk? Because they're stupid. I like to talk preferably because that's how you get to know a person. If you don't really know a person texting can sometimes be bad because words can be taken out of prportion and mess everything up.

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I hate texting.


When I was dating my ex, in order to play the texting games, I left my phone home on

purpose twice. haha


Well, I think one of the reasons that people play games, no matter what kind of games, it's that this person is your second choice.

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Eddie Edirol
If I really like a guy, first chance I get, I will get back to him. I will make time and not wait so long.


Also, why do men like to text WAY more than ever just picking up the phone to make plans? For me, it's so annoying and it makes me feel like a phone call is just to much effort?


See this is the reasonable time answer. The first chance you get. ANyone who isnt so needy for a response will understand that if the person your dating is into you, they will get back to you with enthusiasm, and make sure that you know they are thinking of you. Doesnt have to be right away, maybe hours later. Problem is that people are so used to getting a cold shoulder that they dont realize its a cold shoulder.


Why do men like to text? because some guys think women talk too much. what it really is, is that a woman who is really into that guy wants to get to know him, but he just wants sex. So he doesnt want to encourage her to talk by calling her. Text keeps her at arms length.

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Eddie Edirol is right. Sometimes I choose to txt a woman because she talks too much. I just want to ask her about how she's doing with xyz, because we talked about it last time and I'm being caring. But I know if I call, she won't let me get off the phone for 3 hours. So I txt instead. Then we txt back and forth for 3 hours, but, I'd get to go away and do my thing for 30 minutes before I reply each time.


Oh, and this isn't even about sex like what she said. I guess women have as much right to have the chip on her shoulder as men. But not everything is about sex. My above example is with my platonic friends.

Edited by fishtaco
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