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Is it a bad idea not to end a text convo witha bye?


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ok so basically i have been talking to this girl who lives in ri, I live in mass and we met threw friends and we have just been texting each other nothing serious neither of us are looking for someone to be with more or less just someone to hangout with on the weekends. so i was texting her last night and we went back and forth for a while then it came to the point were i just didnt feel like texting anymore so i just didnt text her back. Is it a bad idea to do that? Should i maybe say i gotta go nice talking with you bye or is what i did perfectly fine i just don't want her to get a bad impression and think i don't want to talk to herbecause i do i just hate texting. do you think this will also decrease the chance of her every texting me? what do you guys thinks? thanks

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