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Is this married man coming on to me?

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What do you mean?

Oh My GOODNESS! My Girlfriend just explained what she thinks you have meant, and that is the sickest thing I aever heard! I am so totally creeped out!!!

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Oh My GOODNESS! My Girlfriend just explained what she thinks you have meant, and that is the sickest thing I aever heard! I am so totally creeped out!!!


In all honesty I don’t know what you are doing posting here if that is the sickest thing you ever heard. You would be best staying off this site and the internet and talking things out with your husband and religious leaders if needs be. The only thing you did wrong was keep all this from your husband.

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I think Frank13 was right my H does not see the problem. I just found out he talked to him again and now is going to have him over for dinner Sunday because his wife is traveling.........I don't know what he is trying to prove but I am not very comfortable in this situation. I told my DH and he said to just be patient and wait and see. He said I should trust him and not be upset. I just don't think it's a good idea.


The day after he took those photos of me, he sent me an email with the caption "gotcha". I am sure he knew how uncomfortable the photos made me and in light of what was posted here I am very disturbed. I didn't share with my H what you all said about the photos but maybe I should.


My Girlfriend said I shouldn't be too upset, my h will be there the entire afternoon and so will many other people, but my stomach is in knots. She thinks he will confront him again but I can't say for sure. I guess we will wait and see. My biggest draw back is I will probably have to shake his hand when he comes in and I am just sure he will do what he did last time, use it as an excuse to hold on a bit longer than necessary.


You all seem to have much more experience than we do? Is it possible my H finds this interesting? I have begun to see it as dangerous.

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Woman In Blue

I find it rather amusing how the OP acts as though she's lived under a rock her whole life and has no clue about 'modern day' things because she's just been so sheltered. Her 'girlfriend' has to explain the simplest of things to her because she's so naive and just can't figure them out herself. She paints a "little house on the prairie" existence in every single one of her posts.


YET, she's somehow managed to master using a computer, made her way onto the internet, figured out HOW to find message boards, found LoveShack in particular and created a profile, started a thread and is correctly replying back to all the posters who have replied to her - and she manages to up her game just a little each time she posts. What an amazing talent for someone who supposedly doesn't even understand what another poster meant when he said, "you DO know what he'll be DOING while he looks at the pictures he took of you - right?" Her reply about her girlfriend having to EXPLAIN to her what that means and how 'gross' it is, is actually laughable.


Our latest post from Amish Country is now a tantalizing little tidbit about hubby having Mr. Picture-Taker over for dinner because his wife is out of town. It will just be the 3 of them, of course, and she's just horrified at the thought of this scenario. She then muses that perhaps hubby finds it 'interesting' for them all to be together?


What are we going to get next - the Puritan version of a threesome? Good Christ. I would suggest the OP send this boring tome to Penthouse Letters because we can all see where this silliness is heading.


Stop feeding the troll, people.

Edited by Woman In Blue
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I don't see this as a troll.


OP, there are many of your faith who live near me, and yes, technology has come to many, but it hasn't brought with it the jadedness of typical American society.


More later - have to go to work.

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I don't see this as a troll.


OP, there are many of your faith who live near me, and yes, technology has come to many, but it hasn't brought with it the jadedness of typical American society.


More later - have to go to work.

Thank you,

I realize our lifestyle is hard for others to understand, but it is what it is. With out my friend having a computer and the skills I would never have posted this here. We do not have a computer. She was the one to find this forum. And I DO NOT read the other posts here. I am not looking to broaden my scope of deviant behavior. I am just trying to cope with a man who has begun to act and live like the other men in the world around us. SO for those who feel we live an unrealistic life, I have no explanation to offer except, to me, your world is unrealistic as well.

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I think your plan of staying in groups of women as often as possible is a good one, as well as sticking by your H's side. I am equally glad that your H doesn't mind talking to this man and addressing the issue. Yes, in your belief system, this can be a very sticky situation, and avoidance seems to be the easiest and best way of controlling his wandering eyes.


It is hard for a simpler way of life to continue in this world as it evolves, when so much of it has become totally ingrained with technology and worldliness, and when the outside world is bombarded with sexual images.


Just knowing that he gets you flustered may be enough to satisfy this man's need for extra excitement in his life, or he may try to escalate this. Avoid all situations when you would be alone with him, and tell your H always what happens if he confronts or accosts you.


Good luck.

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I highly doubt DH has been told anything about whats going on.

Just my Opinion


Welcome to LS, Desertrat. Nice first post. :rolleyes:

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