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Women, do you find beer bellies on men attractive. Yay or nay?

Ross MwcFan

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Ginger Beer
Women claim they have a theoretical attraction to guys who look a particular way but it doesn't hold up in practice.


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Ross MwcFan
^This. I had a hard time looking at those pictures you guys posted.


Do men like women with beer bellies?


I don't think I've ever seen a woman with a beer belly, but I like women who are chubby, yes.

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Ruby Slippers
Women generally like the fittest guy they can get without becoming self-conscious about their own bodies.

This is the truth.


The body type I like the most on men is hard, fit, and 'earthy' -- by earthy, I mean that he's got a little bit of evenly-distributed fat to give him a little more mass. I'm pretty tall with a fit/athletic body, and with this type of guy, I feel like a flower. :love:

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Star Gazer
The body type I like the most on men is hard, fit, and 'earthy' -- by earthy, I mean that he's got a little bit of evenly-distributed fat to give him a little more mass.


That's what I like too... like a quarterback or rugby player who really enjoys his filet mignon and isn't vain. Rawr... :love:

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Ruby Slippers
That's what I like too... like a quarterback or rugby player who really enjoys his filet mignon and isn't vain. Rawr... :love:

Gawd, yes.


Excuse this tangent...


I am currently 'in discussion' with an ex right now (the love of my life so far) about future possibilities for us. He brought it up -- VERY carefully. We are both trying to be really relaxed and no-expectations about it.


So, I've been looking at his pictures again, and omg, he's SO SEXY. And he has exactly this body type.


But he's the absolute best of both worlds -- he's super smart (we are running our business together, and there's no one I'd rather run a business with) and more introverted and a little nerdy, and seems to have no idea how hot he is. He was MVP of several sports and athlete of the year, but also won the super-nerdy computer competitions. He's got this ragingly masculine body and could just crush me like a bug, but he's also got a sensitive, sweet heart and everybody thinks he's the nicest, most caring guy ever. :love: :love: :love:


Yeah... no expectations. :laugh:

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Women will accept a guy's beer belly if she is attracted to the guy's face


Women will accept a guy's beer belly if she is attracted to the guy's mind

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Women will accept a guy's beer belly if she is attracted to the guy's mind



That too-lol

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I've felt attracted to guys with a (little!) beer belly. But it was never at first sight, which has been the case with some physically fitter guys, and I would never call a beer belly a great asset either.

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I was looking for a picture to show you, but through searching for one I actually found an article (and a picture) which says women are supposed to prefer a beer belly, http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2571743/Beer-gut-is-a-turn-on-for-women.html



When I look for legitimate news articles or reports, I don't read The Sun.

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The poll of 5,192 women for Lion Bar Ice Cream...


Mmmmm. That's right gentlemen, keep on tucking into those delicious chocolate/dairy products.

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lol...do you find overweight women attractive?


women like eye candy as much as men, they might not admit it in public or in surveys. if you do not find overweight women attractive do not expect women to find overweight men attractive.

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Rosa Tamora

I went on a date with a guy who was short and that was fine, but when he got closer I saw his beer belly. "No" said I.


It was the first and last date with that guy. He was nice, but I knew it wouldn't work since I'm pretty sporty and like to run around. That beer belly just gave me the impression he eats and lounges on his couch alot.

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I'm surprised by the amount of women that actually like beer bellies on guys. So I was just wondering how popular beer bellies really are.


It shows that you dont take care of yourself, so NAY. I dont like beer, sp why would I enjoy a beerbelly?

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Women are not attracted to beer bellies. They're attracted in spite of them. Fact is, legitimate research shows that men and women are turned off by pot bellies and they think the reason is evolutionary--it's a sign of ill health in a partner and maybe a sign that he can't outrun a sabertooth tiger. I mean some men like big butts on women and some like slenderness above all. Some women like big muscles on men and some prefer the more wiry ones, but all would agree that a pot belly is unattractive. And this is coming from a woman with a pot belly herself--which I'm trying desperately to flatten b/c I know that men are not attracted to them.

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Yeahhh uhh thats some B.S. brah. With all the bisexual women floating around these days seems like all women like a hairless feminine looking dudes. And last time i checked beer bellys are a manly feature so nahh.


No beer bellies are not a manly feature exclusively. It's just that we call them "muffin tops" in women.

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Ross MwcFan
When I look for legitimate news articles or reports, I don't read The Sun.


What do you read?


To be honest, most of the newspapers and news channels aren't that reliable to certain degrees.

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An absolute nay. I absolutely do not find a beer bellies attractive. Who does?? I dated someone who had little man boobs and that was enough to deter me. What is attractive is when it's apparent that a guy takes care of himself and is healthy. Maaybe at a certain age it won't apply as much, but for anyone who is young and/or able should do what they can to be reasonably fit.

Edited by Houndsoflove
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Ross MwcFan
lol...do you find overweight women attractive?


women like eye candy as much as men, they might not admit it in public or in surveys. if you do not find overweight women attractive do not expect women to find overweight men attractive.


Yes, I do actually prefer overweight women over skinny ones. I'm talking about prefering women that are chubby though, not obese or anything.


Would be nice if guys would find bellies on girls sexy, though. ;)


Some guys do.

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Hm, interesting. Most guys who claim to be particularly attracted to chubby women usually mean those with large butts and breasts, and little belly, IMO. Still, interesting. :) I know lots of men and women who are happy with their partners in spite of whatever belly they might have, but I've never once met one who preferred a belly.

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My recent ex had a pretty decent size belly (I won't call it a beer belly since he didn't drink but it certainly resembled one) and, while I was still attracted to him because of his personality, it was one of those things that I would "avoid" looking at when we were both naked.


I hope that didn't come off as sounding mean, it's just the truth. I'm a very small-framed girl and sometimes it felt like I was being squooshed!


So I've set that as one very attainable goal for my next mate: no beer belly. :)

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Ross MwcFan

Man, there's too much hate towards guys with beer bellies in this topic.

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Man, there's too much hate towards guys with beer bellies in this topic.


If you're referring to my post, it's not hate at all. Just a desire for a partner who is in at least remotely the same physical shape I am (which is pretty darn good, not to toot my own horn). :D

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