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ex worming her way back

that girl

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Hey, this guy I've starting seeing for the past month tells me that his ex is back in town. She came to visit him even before she went to see her family. He says he doesn't have any sexual feelings for her anymore-but he did say that his gut tells him that she wants him back. They only saw eachother for a few weeks when they were together, so I'm trying not to worry. However, she seems to be worming her way back into the picture. For example, she goes out with his friends and his brother to the bar and to party. She knows about me but doesn't seem to really care, or else she would be respecting the fact that were seeing eachother and not calling him every day. He spends alot of time with me and he's never with her when I call so I guess this is a good sign. My woman's intuition does tell me that I should keep an eye open though. Guys will be guys, and if she really wants to have him back, she'll peobably do anything. Should I trust him or should I tell him I'm not talking to him until she quits calling? I have to be fair and I don't want to sound like a controlling bitch. Please help. Thanx.

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This is not a girl he was buddies with. This is a girl he was dating. A break up is a break up.


There is no purpose served in further contact with his ex, especially since he is in a relationship with you. You should not make a major issue of this but let your boyfriend know you feel it is inappropriate for his ex to be having contact with you. Further, it is odd for her to be working her way into your circle of friends and his relatives. It creates an awkward situation you really don't need to endure. It is disrespectful to you.


You are correct to be concerned about this girl. She is scummy, is worse than low class because she has no class, she has no manners, she has no consideration. You should be questioning your boyfriend in a MAJOR way as to why he would have ever dated someone so lowlife as this girl.

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I think it was wrong of your boyfriend to even meet her again. I certainly would protest if I were you! He is not showing much respect to you if he is taking her calls or even meeting her for lunch. She obviously wants him back and he is being hurtful to you by playing into her hands. It will be easy for her to get him into the sack "for old time's sake." He will say it was nothing and that you are more important to him, but would you do that to him?

This is not a girl he was buddies with. This is a girl he was dating. A break up is a break up. There is no purpose served in further contact with his ex, especially since he is in a relationship with you. You should not make a major issue of this but let your boyfriend know you feel it is inappropriate for his ex to be having contact with you. Further, it is odd for her to be working her way into your circle of friends and his relatives. It creates an awkward situation you really don't need to endure. It is disrespectful to you. You are correct to be concerned about this girl. She is scummy, is worse than low class because she has no class, she has no manners, she has no consideration. You should be questioning your boyfriend in a MAJOR way as to why he would have ever dated someone so lowlife as this girl.
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