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My Ex was one of my best friends. She won't talk to me anymore and I'm miserable

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I date my ex-girlfriend for about 4 years. We were high school sweethearts and then hit some trouble when we entered different colleges. There was never a problem with faithfulness, but it was a problem with communication and trust (which there was no reason for an issue in trust). We broke up twice, and got back together shortly after. Then we broke up again and now its been five months since I've even seen her. She lives about ten minutes away from me, which makes it even harder. The last time our relationship was ended, we agreed to still be friends as much as possible as neither of us would be able to not talk to one another. I always start talking to her but am discouraged when she doesn't say much back, because it seems as if she doesn't want to talk. What does this mean? Is there anything I can do to try and regain our friendship or ease the pain of being denied as a friend?

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There's no 100% gauranteed way to get an ex back or make them be your friend, all I can suggest is you tell her that you'd like to be friends one day but right now you can't do it (be honest, you have too many feelings to just be a friend), then go no contact. If there really is a connection between you two (judging by the time, then I'd say there is) then she'll be the one to get in touch, she'll open that door. But leave it to her, make your position clear and let her decide.

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My ex was my best friend, period. I won't talk to her anymore and I'm fine with that. You know why? Because I fail to see the point in being friends. We dated, slept together, almost had a baby and now she will talk to me just when she feels it or out of pity or obligation? No, thanks.


Anyway, she maybe was a great girlfriend, but as a friend she is a lousy one... and honestly, being her friend makes me feel like I am neutered or am gay (no offense to anybody, I'm simply stating my hypothetical indifference to her feminine charms)...


Think about it, do you really want to be another generic guy in her life?

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