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Hi, I joined this forum looking for advice on what to do about this one particular girl that I love (yes I mean love, this is more than a crush)


Anyway we met about 2 years ago when she joined a sports club that I play in, and to start with we didn't communicate much. But as time went on we saw more of each other there and started to talk a bit more, and instantly become really good friends after that. Now I am a really shy person, especially when it comes to talking to any girls! So for us to even talk and become good friends I knew she was special.


But for the last few months I've been having different feelings for her, and she doesn't know it yet. To show how shy I am I haven't even told my closest friends that I love her, because I'm too scared that she will find out! Recently I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, thinking about all the ways I would tell her that I love her and how she might take it. We are good friends so I don't want to mess this up.


I'm not sure if she loves me back, because at times it seems she might and other times I'm not so sure. But we were talking about 2/3 days ago when she told me she liked someone else (who happens to be an ex-boyfriend) so now that's put me off even more of telling her how I feel, needless to say I was crushed when she told me but I couldn't show it.


That's not even the most complicated part, as you can probably tell from my username I am 18...but she is only 15 (will be 16 in June). I don't want to tell her how I feel and then she thinks it's wrong or anything because we are really good friends and I don't want to lose that. I don't know what to do but I can't stop thinking about her!


Ahh...that felt good. That's the first time I've actually explained how I felt.


EDIT: Some more details. We only see each other when we're at the club not anywhere else. I find myself counting the days till I get to see her and will even go there when I'm not playing but know she's there just so I can see and talk to her. She is honestly driving me mad I can't take it much more!

Edited by Tom18
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I'm not sure that's a true love. OK, never mind I'm sure you don't want to hear that ****. Back to the topic, It's a good move you didn't tell anybody yet. If you tell the wrong friend, s/he might spoil everything like telling your lover "I can't believe that jock Tom said he loves you, eew... Can you believe that??". In other words, your friend might convey the inaccurate message to her, which in turn creates negative impression about you. I'm sure you don't want that to happen. If really want to tell, then make sure s/he is a trusted person.


Before you confess, gauge her feelings. Drop hints to her to see her reactions. I know how you feel right now....it's a tough situation. Good luck.

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Take chances! Ask her and find out! Ask her if you can take her out on a Friday or Saturday night and take it from there, even if she has mentioned an ex. You will never know until you find out. If she declines or has no interest and just wants to be friends, distance yourself, be a friend, and look elsewhere. If it's more than friendship you want and she doesn't, maybe it's your best bet to cut your losses while it's still early.


Regardless the out come, take a chance and find out. You'd be surprised how exhilerating it is to face a fear head on. Whether the outcome be the one you want or not, atleast you'll know!


Best of luck!

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