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Do old fashioned (single) men still exist out there?


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The men calling women whores and claiming that 32 is old for a woman really should be honest with themselves and admit that deep down they hate real women with all their flaws and past sexual history, the whole thing. They should just save their money and purchase one of those living dolls and spare real women who might have to endure their company. It's a win win for everyone involved.


real women, the ones who are lying about themselves and who they are, such as the OP.


no, those men should use their better job, better experience, etc to get the 25 year olds that they missed while they were working themselves through school in their 20s. just as women do, get what they want, and toss the rest aside.


you're not daddy's princess anymore. you have choices, men have choices. you are not better than they are. you are not owed anything by men.


you can keep blaming men all for the consequences of the choices that women make all you like but you aren't going to change anyone's mind.


that's the problem that women have. they have their social freedom now but they don't have the wisdom of history to foresee how their choices will play out later. if you want to be single through your 20s you don't get the housewife/kids "christian" life in your 30s that you wake up one day and decide you want. at least not without some pretty steep compromises.

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Having been married to a lady who's been with a lot of men and married a few, I can say, in her case, she merely moved on to the next man (or men, but she is living with one), so 'middle-aged (she is) 'cat lady' (she took ours) isn't necessarily a harbinger of solitude. How she feels I have no idea. She went through two old fashioned husbands and apparently found them wanting. Maybe the OP can give it a try and see how it goes. No harm, just move on to the next one if it doesn't work out. There's always another man along the path.

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It must suck to be a middle age cat lady




I'm a 28 year old man, mate. Back in your hole.


Any man who's ever been in a LTR with a woman knows that while they may enjoy sex to an extent, they enjoy the power sex gives them MUCH more. Women have sex in order to trap men and to manipulate them through strategic denial and withholding. Women learn early on that by subjugating whatever sexual tendencies they may have, they can control men and extort resources from them. Women who are unable to completely master their sexual impulses instead cheat in order to maintain their control over their victim, er boyfriend, rather than lose their ability to manipulate through sex.


The global sex toy industry is valued at 15 billion USD. I suppose this is mainly women extorting themselves?


There are deadbeats and weirdos of both sexes that do all sorts of things for ulterior motives. Healthy women like sex. Many like it alot, in and of itself.


but guys hate it when a woman comes to the realisation that she now wants a traditional type guy, after she puts on weight , cuts her hair shorter, stops wearing the tight fitting clothes and now wants to settle down


But don't YOU want a different kind of girl now you're older?


I wanted skinny, slutty girls 10 years ago, but now I want a curvy, obviously maternal WOMAN, because ultimately I'd like her to raise my children.


So, what exactly is the difference here?

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But don't YOU want a different kind of girl now you're older?


I wanted skinny, slutty girls 10 years ago, but now I want a curvy, obviously maternal WOMAN, because ultimately I'd like her to raise my children.


So, what exactly is the difference here?


you want that, but not all men do.


you'll probably have no trouble finding it, since those women want the same.


this whole debate is about men and women who want the same things, just different things than you want. women who want to be single through their 20s then flip the light switch to housewife mode in their 30s can't find men willing to give them that, because a lot of those men want to go back and screw the 25 year olds that they missed while they were working and going through grad school at the same time.


look at all of the complaints on this forum from the people who are here basically to complain about the other sex. who are the complaints from? men in their 20s who can't find women. women in their 30s and 40s who can't find men.


gender equality is a two way street, that's the point.

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I consider myself more fortunate because I have always been able to get past by misfortunes with women. Instead of blaming them on women I have used them to improve myself for the better.


That's what I was hoping you would say, thank you.

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Thank me later.


Sure! We'll talk more when you've grown up a little bit - yeah?


Until then, keep stewing on those rejections, keep hating, and keep blaming women for your own inadequacy.

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Any man who's ever been in a LTR with a woman knows that while they may enjoy sex to an extent, they enjoy the power sex gives them MUCH more. Women have sex in order to trap men and to manipulate them through strategic denial and withholding. Women learn early on that by subjugating whatever sexual tendencies they may have, they can control men and extort resources from them. Women who are unable to completely master their sexual impulses instead cheat in order to maintain their control over their victim, er boyfriend, rather than lose their ability to manipulate through sex.


WTF have you been dating? (assuming you have had relationships before)


I hope that you aren't like WayneBrady/Velociraptor and base ALL your views on women from what you read online.


Just stop dating all together if this is how you truly feel.


There, fixed that for ya. Thank me later.


Sure! We'll talk more when you've grown up a little bit - yeah?


Until then, keep stewing on those rejections, keep hating, and keep blaming women for your own inadequacy.


don't waste your time on him. He is obviously young and bitter and needs some maturing.

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Man, what is up with you guys? Why so bitter? What did women as a whole ever do to you?


I keep hearing this scenario: Young hot woman screws around for years, then when she ages, she comes crawling back to the guys she didn't want. Um.


Now let's look at this. First of all, honestly, how often does this really happen? (even though it does, I don't see why it's worth obsessing over) Or do we allow bitterness to delude ourselves into thinking it happens all the time?


I'm confident most (not all) women are not on some power hungry journey. They like men. They want to be around them. They enjoy looking at them. They want to have sex with them. They want to form relationships with them.


Now replace 'women' with 'men' and that paragraph would be 100% spot on as well. Why waste your time being bitter? Use it to make your self that much more of a stud (like me). Work out, read a self improvement book, make more money, pursue your ambitions, look at the brighter side of things!


Man, I'm only 22, and I look forward to having a very rich, rewarding life with women, but if I grow up harboring some of these thoughts as a lot of the men here, I'm gonna shoot myself. Twice.

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You're a student of your own self loathing, nothing more.


...and you have the right to do the kind of moralistic foot stamping quoted above, hey it adds spice to these forums, and in a way is what these kinds of places are for. Guess what though, we can do it too.


If 60% of the dialogue from women to men here equates to "mother's guilt trip," so be it. Don't expect the responses to be any more substantive or mature.


When will you get it through your stupid head that women like sex, they are sexual creatures like you are, and they have as much right to explore their sexuality as men?


Flimsy straw man, no one here in this thread, and few elsewhere, disagrees with the above. The statement that "women may be held accountable by traditionally-minded men for their past habits and choices" is in no way shape or form equivalent to stating that "women don't like sex and don't have the right to explore their sexuality."


Your views belong to the distant past but - hey - at least you can take some comfort from the fact they'll ensure your own relationships with women are certainly doomed.


As does the view that men are the providers and caretakers of women, but then again, isn't that the very definition of old-fashioned? OP didn't ask "can I get a man?" Of course she can get a man, no problemo. OP asked for an "old-fashioned man" or rather someone who lives by PAST principles, distant or otherwise, and -some- old fashioned men may judge her by her past. How controversial is that statement at it's core, really?

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Apparently it is a crime for women to eventually mature and learn from their past mistakes.

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. I ached for a decent, loving man to want a lasting relationship and a family with me, but I was never lucky enough to meet one. Should I give up on love and marriage just because I wasn't fortunate enough to meet the right man in my teens?



Is it that you never met a decent loving man who wanted a relationship or just that the ones you did meet you weren't attracted to for one reason or another?

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How are they expendable? Without the man to care for the woman and child, they will not survive. (speaking from your anthropological view of course)


And of course the woman gives back to the man. Both in providing him with children, preparing food and caring for him when he is ill. She provides the base so he can be strong enough to go out and kill that mastodon.


Honestly, now that I think about it - I would rather go out and hunt the mastodon then go through childbirth back then. I think my chances of survival would be higher. Talk about expendable. :(


Men are almost completely expendable. If all the women went to war or hunting and all died but one the clan would die out. If all the men died but one he could still repopulate the clan as long as all the women we're still around.

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Man, what is up with you guys? Why so bitter? What did women as a whole ever do to you?


I keep hearing this scenario: Young hot woman screws around for years, then when she ages, she comes crawling back to the guys she didn't want. Um.


Now let's look at this. First of all, honestly, how often does this really happen? (even though it does, I don't see why it's worth obsessing over) Or do we allow bitterness to delude ourselves into thinking it happens all the time?


I'm confident most (not all) women are not on some power hungry journey. They like men. They want to be around them. They enjoy looking at them. They want to have sex with them. They want to form relationships with them.


Now replace 'women' with 'men' and that paragraph would be 100% spot on as well. Why waste your time being bitter? Use it to make your self that much more of a stud (like me). Work out, read a self improvement book, make more money, pursue your ambitions, look at the brighter side of things!


Man, I'm only 22, and I look forward to having a very rich, rewarding life with women, but if I grow up harboring some of these thoughts as a lot of the men here, I'm gonna shoot myself. Twice.


I think some of these guys feel like if the girl comes back to them later after not wanting them, it means they (the guys) weren't much of a catch to begin with and that's how the girl looks at them, thus creating an imbalance. Additionally, I think most of the guys who do end up being taken advantage of are guys who aren't that good with women and will thus go with the first girl who show any interest. That's probably the root of the problem here.


I'll be honest, I want to have sex, but only with a girl I'm in a relationship with. I don't want a one night stand, I don't want a FWB. I think I'd want a girl who feels the same way about sex as I do. So I can sympathize somewhat with some of what these guys have been saying.

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Apparently it is a crime for women to eventually mature and learn from their past mistakes.


Yeah I think that's unfortunately some of the insinuation here. But, I will say that if you spent your twenties perpetually single and celibate (or close to it) it can sting when the only girls who want you are the ones who didn't think you were worth their time a decade ago. It's the Prodigal Son Complex.

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You managed to make a 20-line post that doesn't address my statement whatsoever. I said 99% of the men I know IRL wouldn't come near a relationship forum with a ten-foot pole. What is your point?


How many men do you know, and how did you manage to get keyloggers on their computers? Your original 99% post was nothing but a veiled insult to male LS posters that fails miserably as it is almost certainly inaccurate (unless you only know the men in your immediate household and no others), despite window dressing it as a rebuttal to the fact that LS is fairly indicative of the male population at large.










Just a few, there are HUNDREDS if not thousands. And restating, just because the PUA community is not couched in terms that resonate with many females doesn't mean forums in that community are not reasonably defined as "relationship" forums.


ENTJ btw, and the M-B statements in this thread are false also, as out of 16 permutations, only two ISTJ and ISFJ are statistically significantly more populous than any of the other 14 permutations. And to go out on a hunch, since testosterone likely has something to do with whether one is "E" or "I", the reason why those two are more populous is answered easily by examining gender based bell curves, female steeper curves, male flatter and longer.

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Yeah I think that's unfortunately some of the insinuation here. But, I will say that if you spent your twenties perpetually single and celibate (or close to it) it can sting when the only girls who want you are the ones who didn't think you were worth their time a decade ago. It's the Prodigal Son Complex.


it can sting yes but those men can choose to not give those women the time of day and go on with their day.

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How many men do you know, and how did you manage to get keyloggers on their computers? Your original 99% post was nothing but a veiled insult to male LS posters that fails miserably as it is almost certainly inaccurate (unless you only know the men in your immediate household and no others), despite window dressing it as a rebuttal to the fact that LS is fairly indicative of the male population at large.










Just a few, there are HUNDREDS if not thousands. And restating, just because the PUA community is not couched in terms that resonate with many females doesn't mean forums in that community are not reasonably defined as "relationship" forums.


ENTJ btw, and the M-B statements in this thread are false also, as out of 16 permutations, only two ISTJ and ISFJ are statistically significantly more populous than any of the other 14 permutations. And to go out on a hunch, since testosterone likely has something to do with whether one is "E" or "I", the reason why those two are more populous is answered easily by examining gender based bell curves, female steeper curves, male flatter and longer.


I think you misunderstand me. For the record, I do not think the female population of LS is reflective of the world female population either.


Let me put this in simple terms to you. There is a reason that randomized controlled trials must be 'randomized', ie you cannot just take ONE sample group and claim it is reflective of the population. This is because ANY ONE sample group is biased. If you pick a group of men out of ANYwhere, not even to mention LS, it would be biased.


This is especially true for LS since probably 80% of LS's male posters are single, American, and below 40. That alone is not reflective of the world population. As views are dependent on age, culture, and relationship status, how can you then claim that the views of the men on LS are completely reflective of those of the population?


YOU just think they are reflective because YOU are, probably, a single, American male below 40. And the people you mix with are probably also single, American males below 40.


I rest my case.

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Men are almost completely expendable.


Don't buy into this feminist media claptrap that has been perpetuated for 30 years now since the "amazon scifi" revival in the seventies. It's bogus. The human race would be just as extinct without men as it would be without women.


Now if you claim that a large subsection of women today view men as replaceable commodities, sperm mines and human wallets, then you are onto something :laugh:

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I rest my case.


You posted a veiled insult to LS men (real men don't use relationship forums) that wasn't even accurate and are now attempting to backpedal out of it. Keep rationalizing, your intent was as clear as your premise was mistaken.

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You posted a veiled insult to LS men (real men don't use relationship forums) that wasn't even accurate and are now attempting to backpedal out of it. Keep rationalizing, your intent was as clear as your premise was mistaken.


Oh? Would you like to quote where I said 'real men don't use relationship forums'? There are several male posters here that I greatly enjoy reading and find very insightful (AND manly), FYI. You aren't one of them, but that's okay. Stop trying to look for insults to your manhood in every corner. I tell you the truth, the greatest one to it is you.


Okay, wise guy, here is what happened:


You: the male demographic here is -exactly- representative of the population at large.


Me: 99% of the guys I know IRL wouldn't come within 10 miles of a relationship forum.


I hope you see the light.

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All I am hearing is what it is like to be single, without any notion of being able to attain ones relational wants or ones needs.


This does not equate to being the person who the OP was describing in the first instance.


Nope, the original question is now lost.


Take care,

Eve x

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Don't buy into this feminist media claptrap that has been perpetuated for 30 years now since the "amazon scifi" revival in the seventies. It's bogus. The human race would be just as extinct without men as it would be without women.


Now if you claim that a large subsection of women today view men as replaceable commodities, sperm mines and human wallets, then you are onto something :laugh:


As I thought more about the last man scenario I couldn't decide if he would be the luckiest man or miserable. Imagine all the women in the village being on the same cycle since they live in such close proximity.

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Apparently it is a crime for women to eventually mature and learn from their past mistakes.

It's not. Of course they can, it's part of their personal freedom. Of course they can then whine they don't find anyone they could've had when instead they preferred to go home with some random bodybuilder with a motorcycle and alot of STDs, that's part of their freedom of speech.


She just shouldn't expect any sympathy from the men she didn't think were good enough for her when she was younger.

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Man, what is up with you guys? Why so bitter? What did women as a whole ever do to you?


I keep hearing this scenario: Young hot woman screws around for years, then when she ages, she comes crawling back to the guys she didn't want. Um.


Now let's look at this. First of all, honestly, how often does this really happen? (even though it does, I don't see why it's worth obsessing over) Or do we allow bitterness to delude ourselves into thinking it happens all the time?


I'm confident most (not all) women are not on some power hungry journey. They like men. They want to be around them. They enjoy looking at them. They want to have sex with them. They want to form relationships with them.


the OP is on that journey. that's why this thread is so long and she got the treatment she got.


she started a thread with...


a) a lie about herself (so called christian values)

b) unreasonable demands of men (complaining about not finding someone looking to support her in western michigan of all places)


and finished strong with a complaint about how she couldn't find what she was looking for.

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the OP is on that journey. that's why this thread is so long and she got the treatment she got.


she started a thread with...


a) a lie about herself (so called christian values)

b) unreasonable demands of men (complaining about not finding someone looking to support her in western michigan of all places)


and finished strong with a complaint about how she couldn't find what she was looking for.


Pretty much sums it up, and the reason men respond in the ways we have is that in our current culture, men are told here and elsewhere that we must go to great lengths to make ourselves into the kind of man via education, social value, career, financial decisions, physical appearance, etc. to deserve the -average- woman.


Whereas women are told, here and elsewhere, that men who don't accept -all- women as they are, no matter how self-absorbed and short-sighted their choices in life, who hold women accountable for their actions and attitudes in the same ways that men have always been held accountable, somehow -hate- all women, or are at least -failures- as men. :lmao::lmao:

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