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Has This Crossed a Line?

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I am in my early 20s. About eight months ago, I met (and had a lot of contact) with an older married couple. During that time I flirted somewhat innocuously with the husband but nothing developed.


After the fall, I didn't see him anymore, but we ran into each other by chance in February. We talked for almost two hours, when he shared with me certain things about his marriage. Since then, we have been e-mailing each other – again, platonically, but I do not think his wife knows about it.


Is this behavior inappropriate, and should I stop communicating with him? Could this potentially develop into something deeper? Thanks!



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If you have to ask the question, the answer is yes. If you want to continue the friendship with this fellow on a platonic footing, ask him to bring his wife along next time so all of you can chat. If he doesn't want to, for ANY reason...well, there's your answer.

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I agree with solemate.

It would be a good idea to ask him if he told his wife, and how she feels about it.

If she does not know about your friendship, and he doesn't share reading your emails with her, or has anything against you two being in contact, then it is inappropriate.

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I think deep down there in your heart you know the answer. You have no chance to develope this into anything

other than what you know. There is no way his wife will approve this. Just get out of his way and find someone else who is totally yours.

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