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Troubled Marriage

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Me and my H are having marriage problems, we dont resolve conflict and don't work really work well together under stressful times. We have an 8mnth old and things have gotten a little worse since he entered the world. We have been to marriage counselling twice and everytime we fight or Im in a bad mood my H says "Everythings ruined, this is why I want to leave, you'll never change etc. I will admit ive got my own issues jealousy, insecurities and have slight depression. Tonigh I told him that if he wants to leave then maybe he needs to start looking around as it hurts me that he continually wants to leave etc.

The thing is I know that he won't leave and it upsets me so much that he keeps saying hes going to, it just confirms what a **** wife I must be to make him that unhappy. After a day or so when we aren't fighting we are so happy and get along really wellbut as soon as we have an argument he says this.

What do I do about it?

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Do you have family to lean on or move in with? Have you considered meds for your depression? Do you know the source of your insecurity?


Sorry. Just trying to get a little more information. :)

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