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start from the begin ok we have to things both happen when we were on x the first i think she cheated on me while i was sleepin with some one but i dont know if i was trip out so i stayed all while 3Mon. when by i think it happened again with to0 best friends but we were on x think i so i was having a bad dream so it been 7 mon. her in a lie to day we at her house ex-boyfriend calls her phone she looks at phone and say what he call in for but earlyer that when to store saw her coming for town she call me said she was at rachels so when her ex- boy call didn't say nothing he left a voice massage seen if she made it home ok when i ask her why she was over she need someone to talk to about us cause we have been fightin she want to talk to him because that was her best friend before they went out she want to talk to him about me but this guy doesn't know me .................what you think i should do?

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