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Told my FWB how I feel..

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Couple weeks ago I told my fwb of a year and a half that I now have feelings for him.. I told him that Im not feeling the arrangement we have anymore and I want more.. bascially told him that I am looking more along the lines of dating now rather than just hookin up here and there.. I told him either he needs to step up and give me what I want or step back and stop with all the flirting and stuff he always does everyday (we work together). I told him it was his decision and the ball was in his court.. he stopped talkin to me for a few days, no eye contact or anything so I assumed he didnt feel the same and things were over.. few days later he went right back to his flirty ways and I ignored him, telling him we were'nt compatiable.. the next day or so he asked me if I wanted to go see a movie.. guess u can consider it a date.. we never been out on an offical date.. so now Im wondering after all this time has he really felt the same way bout me and it took me givin him an ultimatum for him to come out with it or is he just doin whatever he can just to keep the sex?

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You were clear about what you need and he needs to be clear about his intentions. I would ask him straight out if he is interested in dating you and being exclusive. If the answer is in the negative or he hesitates, move on.

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