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Ok so I think I have damaged hair, the reasons why I think this is because I have breakage and certain parts of my hair does not grow. I have recently only noticed the problem however, and I asked around and people said it is probably from how much I use my flat iron (Everyday use) and I agree. I want to stop using it and I will, it's just that I do not know what to do about my natural hair (curly), like how to style it and make it pretty. I do not know how to define my curls and make them look nice when my hair is dry.


So my questions are 1) what can I do for breakage? 2)What can I do for hair growth? 3) How can I define my curls and style them?


Please help if you can, I will take any advice or suggestions. Thank you!:)

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I'm not a girl so I really can't help much....but check youtube! I come across videos on beauty/hair all the time. Try going to a hair salon or a beauty college too. They might have some answers for ya.


Hope I helped a little. Take care and GL!

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