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i cheated on my boyfriend when he was on a cruise. please help

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My best guy friend and I decided to give going out a try because we both started to like each other. We knew that it might be risky but, o well!


There was this guy who came into my life at the wrong time! He told me how much he loved me and how long he has been wanting to talk to me. He is totally awesome, but i had a boyfriend! I went on a cruise and my boyfriend and I were completely loyal to each other.


The week I got back he went on a cruise. The kid that liked me took full opprotunity of this, and we hung out every day. At first, it was just hanging out. Then we cuddled. Then, on the last night, he kissed me. we promised not to tell anyone.


The night that my boyfriend got back, the guy that i kissed told all of my friends. Of course, by the next day everyone knew!! I feel so awful, and it felt even more horrible when i found out that my boyfriend was payed 50 bucks just to hug this girl, and he didn't because of me!


The girl wrote me an e-mail telling me how lucky I was to have such a loyal boyfriend! Everyone is pissed at me, and i dont know what to do. I like both of these guys.



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hm, nasty situation :(


i guess it'll just be a learning experience for you.

how old are you by the way?


my advice to you is to just sit back and relax until everything settles, which it will eventually.


if people come to you bitching about how pissed they are and whatnot, either ignore 'em or admit what wrong you did to their face and tell them you can't take it back now so...*shrug*


it'll pass once eveyone has found something new to jump on.



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The only person you owe an apology to is your boyfriend. Say that it was foolish what you did, and that you realize that you have hurt his feelings. If you two break up, do it as amicably as possible.


While you seem to like your boyfriend a lot (as a friend), it doesn't seem to be a fully committed relationship. You are probably not ready for that serious of a relationship yet. You sound like a teenager, believe me, there is plenty of time to find someone to be serious with in the distant future.


The guy you kissed isn't very trustworthy or much of a friend to discuss you with other people. As far as your other friends, ignore the comments, they'll find a new thing to gossip about.

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Let this serve as a lesson. Never do anything to hurt the one you love. Never do anything to hurt anyone - period. Tell me if the boy you kissed had kept silent, would you have told you Bf about the incident? If yes, then full points to you. If your intention was to keep silent then you ought to rethink about continuing with him. You can not lead a life going behind the back of the people and doing hurtful things. I am sure your boyfriend will understand if you told him clearly that this was a mistake and you have learnt a lesson from the whole chapter.


I am guessing you are very young and your boyfriend is quite a mature chap, going by his action of refusing to hug the girl. He will be more understanding than you think.

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What does your boyfriend have to say about this situation?

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Why did you cheat? And were you going to tell your bf about it? Ask yourself these questions. And didn't you say you like both of the guys? If you have feelings for another person, you should be single. It wouldn't even be right to be with this new guy, because you would probably still be thinking about your current bf. He doesn't seem like the best guy in the world for you to be dating anyway (the friend), seeing as how he went and told everyone something he promised he wouldn't. This was something only for your boyfriend to know about, and to find out from you. If you want to work it out and stay with your bf, then work it out between the two of you, no one else. It's no one else's business or problem. Don't even talk to anyone about it but your bf. Good luck! :)

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