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1 month out and it's all muddled

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I'm going alright, haven't spoken to my ex for around 3 weeks. She emailed me on my birthday about the house situation but didn't wish me a happy birthday, which I completely understand and have no hard feelings towards her for it.


I would say I am over her. I still think of her regularly, I wonder what she doing but I have no desire to talk to her or be with her at all. There are times when I get down and feel upset as she has got someone else and I haven't but I soon snap out of that. It's more about me feeling down about myself.


I feel like I have become a better person since splitting up with her. I used to be consumed by anger/rage/jealousy/paranoia due to my childhood. Her leaving made me realize what I had become and I've gone about fighting all of those emotions and at the moment, I am winning.


Recently I have been wondering if I ever cross my ex's mind? As she is still on my mind, am I on hers?





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Hey guys and girls,


I'm doing alright at the moment, getting on with life! Just started playing the guitar and piano, something I've always wanted to do!


I was just posting to say that my ex keeps texting me about the house. She sent me a text asking if I had moved in, which I didn't understand as it is no concern of hers! Not only that but when I asked for my dvds back (Apart from the house this is all we have spoken about) she says she can't afford to post them to me and will give them to me personally. There are 3 dvds, two normal size and one boxset. I know that she has a job, so she can afford to post them to me. I was just wondering why she is not posting them to me? I personally don't want to see her. My friend told me just to buy the dvds again as they won't be much.





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