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Best friends after 8 years no more?

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I recently decided to tell my best friend, who is a man, that I love him. Now i'm freaking out and scared that I just killed the best relationship possible.


My best friend and I have known each other since 2003. Our frienship has always been a long distance friendship because we live too far away from one another, and his career has him all over the place. We have both seen eachother through tough times, and had our moments of "being distant", but here we are again and our friendship is going strong. He is single, and i'm getting ready to relocate and he is from the area i'm moving to. It just so happens that he's from the area that I've been wanting to move to since 2000.

After 2 years of considering the consiquences of telling him, and not telling him, I decided to risk it all and tell him. When I told him, at first I was relieved because he didn't seem freaked out, and I believed that our friendship was safe. But since then, he has come right out and said when I get settled in, he's going to take me out for coffee. So far, nothing has changed in our conversations, and it's almost as if it never happened. I'm Confused here because I'm half relieved that maybe I didn't kill out relationship, but the other half of me is freaking out thinking that he wants to have coffee to "break off our friendship". Can any men out there give some insight possibly? Am I getting worried needlessly?


Thanks in advance guys for any insight.


Sidenote: My current relationship is ending, but not before the move. Whenever my friend and I discuss this, he always adds "you should just move alone" in some way or another.

Edited by failthfullyhis
A sidenote I forgot to mention...
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i'm not seeing him jumping all over your confession - and that alone indicates he's not as into you as you are into him. he may be keeping you as his option for "if he doesn't find someone better"


that's not good enough. i'd quit investing so much time and energy in him and spend it finding a man that holds you as his top priority.

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the new sidenote...


wait - you are IN a relationship - and spending time and energy focused on another guy? sheez, you are ruining both!


the "friend" can't be with you - YOU are taken... yet willing to cheat and tell someone else you "love him?" he won't trust you now - you have deemed yourself "untrustworthy" - start over with someone new... neither of these two are going to trust what you've been doing.


and stop ruining any good thing by cheating.

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