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my girl friend and i have not been dating long and before we started dating she was dating another guy she isn't over yet and a few day's ago her x bent in to kiss her and at the time she didn't do anything to stop him she got mad at him and told me about it and said she would "try" not to do it again i don't know what to do any advice.

Edited by mr.man22
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Tell her you will "try" not to kiss the next girl you take out on a date and that it won't be her.


Dump and move on. A woman who cares about and respects you will not allow herself into the position of being kissed by other men while involved in an exclusive relationship with you.

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She will try not to kiss him again???? I think she sent you a clear message that she really does not respect your relationship or you at all. If you do not respect yourself then who will? If the roles were reversed would she be so accepting as you have been?

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Alarm bells should be ringing in your head dude!!!!


Sorry to say it mate, but I agree with the other posts. She clearly still has feelings for her ex (which she has proved by what she said in 'trying to avoid it happening again') My personal experiences with these kinda things have taught me that dating a girl who isnt over her ex is only going to end up being alot of trouble for you...Sounds like youre the rebound b/f unfortunately. My advice is to tell her politely that you dont want to be second best to anyone and that it seems that is eactly how she is treating you right now. I wouldnt wait around for the 'next time' her ex leans in for a kiss because I guarantee you it wont just be a kiss... Thats my advice dude, your call...

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The xbf is the "fall back boy" incase things don't work out with you. Or maybe it's the other way round.


Either way, you don't need the added drama in your life.

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