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People who constantly bragg about how advanced their children are

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Unfortunately I have a friend that does this ALOT and it annoys the hell out of me. Personally I don't find the friends child that advanced as my friend tries to make out she is. I also find her extremely unfriendly and for some reason has never said a word to me. Why do people do this? What can you say so you don't have to go through a whole spiel about how wonderful/advance someone's kid is?

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It's not uncommon for 'gifted' children to appear unfriendly. They exist in a world beyond their life experience and the requisite emotional maturity to deal with it. Some grow into it. Some self-destruct.


Wrt the friend, simply change the subject. If they object, merely state:


'I've heard a lot about this (the gifted child) lately. I'd like to share with some things I've been doing' and then do that. If they're a friend, they'll understand. If not, not. Clarity :)

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