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Do you think visiting prostitutes (paid sex) is wrong?


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On a case by case basis. If I had any indication that she was coerced into the biz I would give her money, but not do her. Also, it's just scary as hell. I would not want to get busted for prostitution. That would suck especially if she was too young.

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Even monkeys trade resources for sex.


Prostitution is an integral part of nature.


Religious whackos and insecure ugly women are the reasons why prostitution is banned and bears negative stigma even though nothing is inherently wrong about it.


The only problem I have with prostitutes is that they charge crazy amount of money!


Of course you can go to crack whores for like $30. But I wouldnt even touch those women with a 10 meter stick.

Edited by musemaj11
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Is buying stuff, drinks, dinner, stuff, for sex prostitution?

A common approach is to buy a bottle of wine or champagne from the bar & join her in her room with it. That way you are only paying for the wine, albeit very expensive wine, but you can use a credit card, LOL.

So again, if the expectation or end result is sex couldn't it be argued that we are simply discussing payoff?


Same question the OP posted; "Do you think visiting prostitutes (paid sex) is wrong"? With the exception that It's legal & regulated, as it is in some places, (in the U.S.).


I never have but I'm not sure I never would, if it where legal & regulated & I was not in a committed relationship. I just don't know.

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I used to think that going the prostitution route is cheaper. But I was wrong. It also depends on how attractive you are though. If you are really low on the attractiveness scale, then going the prostitution route however expensive it is is the only choice you have if you want to sleep with the hottest women.


But if you are quite up there on the attractiveness level, then its much cheaper to pay for dates then paying for prostitutes.


I mean I heard those escorts at Nevada brothels charge up to five figures for their service!

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I mean I heard those escorts at Nevada brothels charge up to five figures for their service!


Wow! that's a bit extravagent.


I don't see anything wrong with prostitution, as long as it is consenting.

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No, I don't think prostitution is wrong, even though I'd never want to have sex with anyone, much less a prostitute.


I agree with musemaj11, we have the religious nutjobs to blame for prostitution being illegal... and prostitutes' rates should be regulated.


Betcha there wouldn't be very many women in the US who'd feel so high and mighty about withholding sex then.

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You might be right about that. Unless women exercise their rights and demand stiffer penalties. Women might also view rape as less than traumatizing if they regularly traded.

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You might be right about that. Unless women exercise their rights and demand stiffer penalties. Women might also view rape as less than traumatizing if they regularly traded.



I HIGHLY doubt that.

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As liberal as I am, I view prostitution as an insult to a woman's dignity by the woman herself and anybody involved. So, anything related to prostitution seems wrong to me. The least wrong is probably buying what's offered on the market, so I don't judge men who use their services, but I would certainly not want to be with one of those men for many reasons. If the entire US legalized a thing like women selling sex for money, I think I'd seriously consider moving to a different country.


As soon as sex becomes a commodity stealing it should be treated like any other theft punishable with a mere slap on the wrist.
One judge decided exactly that in a rape case which produced a lot of criticism - and rightfully so. A guy called a prostitute, she came over, and then four men raped her at a gun point. The judge said she consented but wasn't paid. The ABA said the law permitted any woman to change her mind after consenting to sex regardless of the circumstances and they couldn't imagine any

circumstances more violent or coercive than being forced to have sex with

four men at gunpoint.





Betcha there wouldn't be very many women in the US who'd feel so high and mighty about withholding sex then.
The tacit assumption being that now women think sex is not available to their husbands elsewhere? :D


We could even deny women unemployment because there will always be work for the diligent at the bordellos.
Hahah! :laugh:


We have a problem though: most women would make more money than their husbands and still withhold sex from them after a long night shift. :p

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I can't support prostitution, because I agree with most of RecordProducer's first paragraph above (I'm not sure I'd leave the country, plus I can't leave the state, much less the country, until my son turns 18).


And even if I didn't, I'd have still have doubts because even when it's legal, prostitution tends to attract crime. A couple of years ago, Amsterdam closed down a bunch of their legal brothels for having ties to organized crime and/or human trafficking. And isn't the whole purpose of legalization to break its ties to organized crime?

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Ross MwcFan

Nope, nothing wrong with it at all. They're an adult and have made the descision to be a hooker.

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It's funny how times change. Prostitution is quite possibly the oldest known profession. Infact, back during the Renaissance period, Courtesans in France and Italy were some of the most revered women in their countries.


Prostitution is wrong only from a gender neutral standpoint, and that's when people begin hating on it. Think about it, men get their way in the world primarily through confidence, assertion, the display of strength (not necessarily physical), and a silver tongue. A woman is much physically weaker than a man, so they're armed with the one tool to completely toss the tables over - seduction. The best seducers can get even the most powerful of men to bend to their will, regardless of location (work, personal life, etc). .


Also, when it comes to seduction, sex is a bargaining between a man and a woman anyway. The way our psychology is programmed, the woman has the goods - the man bargains for them. Not looking at it from a completely monetary point of view, a man has to bargain with his tongue (not sexual!) to attract the woman ultimately to having sex with him. For a woman to get sex from a man, she can go to a bar, grab the hand of any man, and go 'Let's go back to my place. I'm horny, and you're getting lucky tonight'.


A (independent, consenting, and/or legal ) prostitute spends her life maintaining her body and image as the pinnacle of seduction - where many men could not resist. I guarantee if these women didn't resort to prostitution, they could easily string along and charm many men into doing anything they wanted. So you can almost say in a sense, that men paying ridiculous amounts of money for a woman's body is almost... empowering for a woman.


As for the practice itself... Sex is so easy to get these days anyway, I really don't see much wrong with it. Of course, if the workers are forced into it or abused, then that's a horrible thing - but that goes for any job with sweat shops, forced labor, etc. The illegal nature is all that makes it dangerous and considered filthy... Imo anyway.

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I used to think that going the prostitution route is cheaper. But I was wrong. It also depends on how attractive you are though. If you are really low on the attractiveness scale, then going the prostitution route however expensive it is is the only choice you have if you want to sleep with the hottest women.


But if you are quite up there on the attractiveness level, then its much cheaper to pay for dates then paying for prostitutes.


I mean I heard those escorts at Nevada brothels charge up to five figures for their service!

I think price is more dependent on the appearance of the prostitute than the guy. :laugh:


Nope, nothing wrong with it at all. They're an adult and have made the descision to be a hooker.

But would you try to talk your daughter out of working her way through college that way?

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Ross MwcFan
But would you try to talk your daughter out of working her way through college that way?


I'd rather her not, since she's my daughter. But if it's what she really wanted to do, then that's her decision.

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Nope, nothing at all wrong with it. I've never visited one, but they're legal here and the price is around 50 eur for half an hour.


It's a simple exchange of services. She wants money and doesn't mind giving you sex for it, you want sex and don't mind giving her money for it. It's a trade between 2 adults, simple as that, and the rest of the world should mind their own business.

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I don't see a problem with someone wanting to make money by offering sex or with someone wanting to pay money to get (consensual) sex.


Taking off the rose-tinted glasses for a moment reveals that things aren't that simple. I do see problems with the reality, in some places, of an extended set of criminal and social problems that seem to attach themselves to this trade. Some of these might be a result (perhaps an indirect one) of prostitution being marginalised or even criminalised (in some places), and some might be cause rather than effect but it's this that makes me not want to be a customer more than anything else.

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Nope, nothing at all wrong with it. I've never visited one, but they're legal here and the price is around 50 eur for half an hour.

Damn that's cheap. Though I wonder what the "quality" is like.


A decent escort in California is about $250 for one hour. They are the ones who advertise online. Supposedly girls walking the street are much cheaper, but it's just not worth the risk. Right now it's just too expensive to be a regular thing.


I think prostitution should be legalized and regulated. That way if the girl or the guy gets cheated they can actually report it.


If it became legal more women would do it, and the price would drop.


Of course the best way is to get sex for free by making women like you. But at this point in my life, I doubt that's ever going to happen.

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I'd rather her not, since she's my daughter. But if it's what she really wanted to do, then that's her decision.
How could any woman "really want it"? It can be voluntary but usually the decision arises from some horrible circumstances (or perhaps greed in some cases), not from choosing it as a career.


Of course many workers hate their jobs and you could argue that the trashmen are compelled to pick up trash only because they need money. But somehow a woman's genitalia is not comparable to getting your hands dirty. I wouldn't mind if a guy told me he worked his way through college by working as a trashman. I would mind though if I found out my daughter-in-law worked her way up as a prostitute or even a stripper.


Plus, don't forget a significant number of men visit prostitutes not because they can't get sex or they want sex with a pretty woman, but because they have fetishes they can't reveal to their wives. Some of those fetishes and extreme, like SM. And not all of them want to be walked around on a leash and being beaten by the girl - some men actually pay to beat the prostitute. How can you make that legal? Do you think letting someone beat you for money is different from letting someone piss on you for money or letting someone have sex for money? Where do you draw the line?


I think prostitution should be legalized and regulated. That way if the girl or the guy gets cheated they can actually report it.
I can envision all the breach of contract lawsuits: :laugh:


Attorney for plaintiff: Your Honor, she promised my client a fellatio for twenty minutes and she only performed it for one minute. Also their agreement stated she would lick his anus, which she completely omitted. My client, Mr. Smith, a reputable citizen, a father of four children, married to Dr. Smith, an oncologist, also asked for a double D size breasts, but got a B size. I would like to introduce into evidence Ms. Peach's bikini photos.


Attorney for defendant: Your Honor, I object to those photos. They are highly prejudicial and irrelevant...


Court: Let me se the photographs, counsel... Overruled. May the photographs be marked as plaintiff's exhibits 1-3.


Attorney for Plaintiff: Furthemore, my client wanted pink nipples and hers were beige. And I would also like to submit this photo to the jury.


If it became legal more women would do it, and the price would drop.

Now isn't that just wonderful, to have cheap women? :rolleyes:
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I can envision all the breach of contract lawsuits: :laugh:


Attorney for plaintiff: Your Honor, she promised my client a fellatio for twenty minutes and she only performed it for one minute. Also their agreement stated she would lick his anus, which she completely omitted. My client, Mr. Smith, a reputable citizen, a father of four children, married to Dr. Smith, an oncologist, also asked for a double D size breasts, but got a B size. I would like to introduce into evidence Ms. Peach's bikini photos.


Attorney for defendant: Your Honor, I object to those photos. They are highly prejudicial and irrelevant...


Court: Let me se the photographs, counsel... Overruled. May the photographs be marked as plaintiff's exhibits 1-3.


Attorney for Plaintiff: Furthemore, my client wanted pink nipples and hers were beige. And I would also like to submit this photo to the jury.

LOL that's getting into the real details.


Right now a woman can just accept the money and refuse sex if the guy pays first. And there is absolutely nothing he can do about it except for give her a bad review on escort forums.


Same goes for the woman if the guy refuses to pay or turns violent. She can't report it to the police.


Now isn't that just wonderful, to have cheap women? :rolleyes:

Definitely. No offense but women think they are much more valuable than they really are.


If sex was easier to get, women would lose one of their main bargaining tools. Wife withholding sex. Just go get a cheap hooker who would do things your wife doesn't do anymore.

I'm completely against prostitution, p-ssy should be free.

Not everyone can get free pussy.


I've been trying for so long it's just getting tiring.

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Let me tell you guys from first hand experience, legal , regulated prostitution is awesome!! Imagine being a guy whose always been a "little too short", didn't drive the right car, or play any sports, but then one day you go to a bar and you see all these nice looking chicks all available to you!


Trust me, a world where you don't have to please fickle women just to get one of your basic human needs met is truly utopia. Currently I am a 22 year old man and bee almost a year without sex and there is no prospects anywhere at all, yet if i lived in a country with legal prostitution i wouldn't be feeling as drained and in pain as men do when they celibate for external forces. Women in countries with legalized prostitution, like someone else mentioned, have a more realistic opinion of themselves and don't think they're all godesses like American women and average guys aren't worthy.


If we legalized prostitution, rape would dramatically decrease. I know all the feminists are going to come out and say "RApe is an act of violence" but as a man who knows men, I can tell you rape is really an act of desperation for the most part.

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Ross MwcFan
I'm completely against prostitution, p-ssy should be free.


But for some guys it isn't. So what do you suggest they do? Chemical casteration?

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If we legalized prostitution, rape would dramatically decrease.


Is that true?


(I'm sceptical, but willing to be persuaded by facts.)

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