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Do you think visiting prostitutes (paid sex) is wrong?


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Oh, and why is it that I should very well know? Because I want to have a husband who matches all my criteria, whom I will love, and who will have an equal earning power as me?

And those criteria involve a man who is filthy rich and who will spend his money on paying for you and dates and buying you a lot of presents. :rolleyes:


Besides, it's not a matter of gold digging at all - it's a deeply rooted antropological instinct to be attracted to the male who can provide for the little ones.

If you have been around long enough, you would know that I have always said repeatedly that women are natural gold diggers. Its evolution that ensures all women have it in them to be a gold digger. But you know what else is natural? Men wanting to spread his seeds with as many women as possible. So if you think its fine for women to judge a man by how much money he can give her, it should also be fine for men to philander or trade a woman for another a younger one once she gets old and ugly since supposedly nature dictates that men value youth.

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What is it to you , Record Producer, if a woman wants to become a prostitute?


Honestly, I think the reason why women hate prostitution is due to animosity for men. I would agree that it should be illegal for say, a married man to use prostitutes, but what about the lonely guys just looking to be intimate with a member of the opposite sex? Male sexual impulses are quite powerful as well as our need for affection and even the simple act of having a woman in your arms.


If you got no prospects and find it virtually impossible to get a woman to want you, what the hell is it to you if I want to be with a prostitute for 45 minutes? This whole moralizing bS is just a feminist front, the same women who talk about the immorality of prostitution will stand up for the "sexually liberated" bar sluts who do virtually the same exact thing (only with 1% of all men) .


And by the way, there's a better chance you'll catch something from a girl you meet at the bar or a party then there is with a prostitute. I have never met a prostitute who does anything without a condom (including oral), the average woman on the other hand may not feel compelled to do that all the time. Trust me ladies, if you had to walk a mile in a man's shoes where you can't just get sex at the drop of a dime, you would understand why it's a human right to have government subsidized (so that us poor dudes can afford it) regulated prostitution.

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You're right because education is the primary factor in the entertainment business! ;) I suppose you'd pay more for an educated hooker?


"Hi, I'd like to order a hooker for 487 Walnut Street, I want a neurosurgeon who graduated summa cum laude." :D

Ya well then I guess when I used to work at McDonalds for $9/hour I was wrong for thinking it was the standard pay for a menial job like that since according to you just because it was a McJob, doesnt mean it should stop me from demanding to get $75,000 a year. :rolleyes:
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Poor reception... you are breaking up... in a stall hugging a toilet perhaps?
What was that about? :)


And those criteria involve a man who is filthy rich and who will spend his money on paying for you and dates and buying you a lot of presents. :rolleyes:
... that doesn't sound right. He has to be THE richest person in the world and spend ALL of his money on me. Obviously, he won't be able to buy me presents after that, so he's free to go then.


If you have been around long enough, you would know that
Look at my join date.I've been here five years longer than you.


I have always said repeatedly that women are natural gold diggers. Its evolution that ensures all women have it in them to be a gold digger. But you know what else is natural? Men wanting to spread his seeds with as many women as possible. So if you think its fine for women to judge a man by how much money he can give her, it should also be fine for men to philander or trade a woman for another a younger one once she gets old and ugly since supposedly nature dictates that men value youth.
IF he can afford one! :D

what about the lonely guys just looking to be intimate with a member of the opposite sex? Male sexual impulses are quite powerful as well as our need for affection and even the simple act of having a woman in your arms.
Hey, I get your point and sympathize. :) I just don't think it should be legalized for all the reasons I explained above. I don't want my fellow women to walk around with price tags on their vaginas. We don't keep the animals we eat as pets. If we women are officially regulated as merchendise, it will affect ALL women's dignity. It's like brining Blacks from Africa who would be happy to be real slaves just so they can have two meals per day. Hey, if it's voluntary, who cares, right? Do you think civil rights organizations would yawn and wave their hand at that?


And please don't give me "some women act like prostitutes..." that's like saying some women act like slaves because they work on the farm and the house and the kids and the animals all day and only get food and shelter as a reward from their spouses - there you go, let's legalize slavery. I don't care if you call Craigslist or whatever website and somebody comes to you, has sex with you and you pay her. I do have my thoughts on why and how that happens, but if we talk strictly legalization, I sure hope it won't happen (except for Nevada).


If you got no prospects and find it virtually impossible to get a woman to want you, what the hell is it to you if I want to be with a prostitute for 45 minutes?
I am sure for most men it's not impossible to get A woman- it's more like they must have a HOT woman?:D


(so that us poor dudes can afford it) regulated prostitution.

Oh, now you want charity! :laugh: What about us women then? As clients?Prostitution refers to male prostitutes, as well. :)



Ya well then I guess when I used to work at McDonalds for $9/hour I was wrong for thinking it was the standard pay for a menial job like that since according to you just because it was a McJob, doesnt mean it should stop me from demanding to get $75,000 a year. :rolleyes:
I guess Britney Spears is very highly educated, that's why she makes millions. Look, obviously, I have to spell it to you: in the entertainment business, education doesn't mean sh*t - it's talent and beauty that count. In a hospital or a law firm, the situation is different. McD is a corporation selling food - it's not a whore house. Urgh... :D


Mark & Musemaj, you know guys, I have a word for you two that strats with an I and ends with a T. (answer: 'imlovinit') ;)

Edited by RecordProducer
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How do you feel about male prostitutes Record?
Unlike most people here, my civil rights and dignity viewpoints don't change as we switch from one gender to another.
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It's like brining Blacks from Africa who would be happy to be real slaves just so they can have two meals per day.


That is possibly the most ignorant statement I have ever heard in my life, and not at all comparable to a prostitute that enjoys her job.

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Unlike most people here, my civil rights and dignity viewpoints don't change as we switch from one gender to another.


Me neither. Male prostitution should be legal as well. I view prostitution the same way I do drugs. Some people might not like it but keeping it illegal is pointless and a waste of time. Part of living in a free society is that we have to accept the fact that people will do things we might not agree with but if it is between consenting adults it is their business.

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Me neither. Male prostitution should be legal as well. I view prostitution the same way I do drugs. Some people might not like it but keeping it illegal is pointless and a waste of time. Part of living in a free society is that we have to accept the fact that people will do things we might not agree with but if it is between consenting adults it is their business.



Here, here! Well said Woggle.

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Ross MwcFan
Unless a guy is a MONSTER I see no reason why he can't have sex for free


What do you mean by a monster?


I'm not a bad person, and I don't think I look so ugly that I look like a monster. Yet, I can't get sex for free. Women in real life, just don't seem to be interested in me at all.


So if that isn't bad enough for me, I now have people calling me sad and pathetic.

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What is it to you , Record Producer, if a woman wants to become a prostitute?


Prostitution threatens women's sexual power over men and their ability to use sex as specie to get what they want from men, that's all it boils down to.


The local pet store charges high dollar for cat food. Walmart comes to town and sells cat food at a reasonable profit margin. Suddenly the local pet store owner will come up with all like and manner of social ills caused by Walmart, but the core of the issue is their cat food has become devalued in the market.

Edited by sanskrit
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Unlike most people here, my civil rights and dignity viewpoints don't change as we switch from one gender to another.


I guess we should start putting penalties on all those women that go to male strip clubs and can't help themselves but start fellating or masturbating the strippers. Those poor abused men :( .


I agree with Sanskrit. If there are women who are willing to sleep with you for 100 bucks, suddenly all the gold diggers and opportunists looking to get paid by a rich guy to NOT have sex with them become yesterday's news. :lmao:


The whole "dignity" angle some feminists want to push is moot when we live in such an ugly and difficult world. Do you think people who have to clean toilets for a living have any dignity? Do you think that a boxer who doesn't do a dangerous job with long term injuries? Yet I don't see any whining about the boring, back breaking, blue collar manual labor men do and how that has no dignity, why, because its something we need as a society, just like prostitutes.


Now consider the fact that a woman is making about 100-150 dollars a half hour hour to lay back and think of the empire, you can pretty much cut the victim bull**** by now. Sweeping the vile streets needle & dog **** ridden of New York City gets you about 8 dollars an hour, LOL!


Just admit that it's not about the dignity of prostitutes, its about you and your fear of losing your inflated value. Suddenly, men won't be jumping through hoops for you for nothing in exchange, and the thought of this scares you :lmao:

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Interesting thread, but I think you guys are missing some points here.




Truly free sex is very rare. You seem to only be relating a single incident where that is true and you also admit to paying for it ($50/weekly).


You guys are talking about relating women to cars and that is the wrong comparison. I would pay a cab driver, a therapist, a barber, or even a masseuse for their time and skill. All of these things I can attain for free for myself, friends, or lovers. It does not mean you cannot pay a professional for services rendered. Prostitution is the same.


The mob/crime is involved with casinos, construction, and sanitation as well. Will you stop gambling, buying/fixing up a house, or having your garbage picked up?


Do I really need to want to marry a prostitute to sleep with her? Do people only sleep with those they love and intend to marry. Have those who brought up this argument?


The only points made here are those that men cannot get women. However, is getting a random woman drunk at a bar and having sex with her really better than prostitution? Doing so is arguably rape if she is too drunk to consent and yet it happens all the time. How about lying to a woman who wants a relationship so that you can obtain sex from her? Is that better? Is there really a more honest way for a man who wants only sex to obtain it than prostitution?


I agree that prostitution is far from perfect and that there will always be problems. However, we selectively legalize drugs (alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes), gambling, and all other manner of things that have ugly sides.


Why is it legal to have sex for money if it is filmed and not otherwise? What makes a video camera magically change the values of the transaction? Are porn producers such stand up and trustworthy guys?



I grew up in a predominantly white, upper middle class suburb. I know at least two strippers and a porn star from my high school. I also know of several girls in my college years with traded sex for gifts or money. This includes a very attractive girl who performed a sexual act on a co-worker after being offered a $1000. These women put the prices on themselves and had every advantage available. The simple fact is people will always being willing to do these things.


As for the feminist perspective, do some reading on Tracie Egan a supposed modern feminist in NY who writes for Jezebel. She probably slept with over 1000 men (sans pay), admitted to having herpes and another STD, and still got married. Guys just don't care.

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Anyway, the REAL reason that prostitution is not legal is because the POLITICIANS don't want that sh*t on the books! They DO NOT want to pay TAXES on it, as well as have a record of it! If it were legal, there would have to be paper trails of names, places, amounts, etc, etc.

Don't know where you got that theory or why you made it up but it's complete and utter bs. Prostitution is legal here, and a prostitute is not required or even allowed to ask ID from a customer, let alone keep records of all her customers.

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Record producer, whilst I understand your moral high ground and opinion about all this. I don't think there's a true right or wrong on this subject matter, just opinions based on which angle we look at this issue.


Alcohol used to be illegal in the 20's, what is legal or illegal just depends on the moral sensitivities of a society, and making alcohol illegal just increased crime. In the same way that prostitution being illegal actually makes things worse for women in the trade, and prostitution is legal in many countries because of different views on prostitution.


What is true is there's prostitution in every single country in the world, and it is the oldest profession, in fact even some ape species engage in it.


As for treating women as commodities as being wrong. I think you've ignored a lot of comments by members stating that regardless of a direct trade of sex for money, human beings do pretty much the same thing indirectly everyday.


I have to buy girls drinks in clubs, dinner at resturants, pay for movie tickets, woo them with flowers. It's the same process but indirect.


As for women as a commodity. I can also argue women view men as commodities. Women won't have sex with men that don't show a significant value, in terms of financial stability, personality, humor and intelligence.


We all have a value linked to how attractive we are, and we all bargin, and trade indirectly for sex and other things linked to relationships.


Until women are willing to have random sex with some dumbass homeless dude on the street that looks like a car ran over his face, I have to say that some sort of exchange has taken place in order for a woman to make a decision to have sex.

Edited by BookerT
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I'll admit I haven't read the rest of the thread but IMO there is nothing "wrong" with prostitution per se.


I can't say I've ever prostituted myself, used a prostitute, or recommended it to anyone though.

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I see nothing wrong with it,ive never had to use one but have friends who cant get women so they go to a prostitute,if a man doesnt live up to a womens standard of attractivness why should he go without the plaesure of sex? because someobdy thinks theyre the moral compass of the world?


As far as std's 1 in 4 American Women have them so youre not in that much more danger with a prostitute then the average women walking the street, theres a 25% chance she has an std

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I've lost all compassion for sex trade workers. As long as they're consenting adults, who gives a crap if they're dumb enough to sell their vaginas?


All I care about is that they be taxed like everyone else and that my husband hasn't frequented one of them, which he hasn't. The Ick factor is through the roof thinking about being with a man who's had very sloppy seconds.

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I see nothing wrong with it,ive never had to use one but have friends who cant get women so they go to a prostitute,if a man doesnt live up to a womens standard of attractivness why should he go without the plaesure of sex? because someobdy thinks theyre the moral compass of the world?


As far as std's 1 in 4 American Women have them so youre not in that much more danger with a prostitute then the average women walking the street, theres a 25% chance she has an std


Hmm... What is the attraction of a prostitute anyway? If I imagine being a guy :p I can understand why guys like fast cars (even though I hate them) of enjoy sports of beautiful women, but I don't see the attractions in hookers.


Even if they're doing it out of free will, then you still have the knowledge that right before she did you, she did some old hairy guy named Al that probably came all over her...


And like the last post, women get really turned of by guys that have ever visited a protitute, it literally makes us want to throw up. So just for the welbeing of your future girlfriend or wife... dont do it!:p

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Richard Friedman

Prostitution is the most honest profession of all. What you see is what you get, and personally I don't see the problem. We should be free to choose our actions and consequences without some nanny state looking over our shoulder. Tell me why a guy who follows the law and makes an honest living shouldn't be allowed to satisfy one of his most basic urges? When you get down to it everything men do is at some level for attracting women. Advancing carers, getting a good body, buying a flashy car, you name it. You could have all these things but when there's this itch you can't satisfy I'd bet it would all seem a bit empty. But of course women could never understand men's needs. Even when their testosterone is at its highest point, it's a mere fraction of a man's. Imagine being in a kind of crazy heat all the time and you have the male experience. Prostitution is not just acceptable. It's humane and necessary for all the decent guys who can't get a woman, for whatever reason(height awkwardness etc.). Prepuritan and post-religious societies all understand this.

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Prostitution is the most honest profession of all. What you see is what you get, and personally I don't see the problem. We should be free to choose our actions and face the consequences without some nanny state looking over our shoulder. Tell me why a guy who follows the law and makes an honest living shouldn't be allowed to satisfy one of his most basic urges? When you get down to it everything men do is at some level for attracting women. Advancing carers, getting a good body, buying a flashy car, you name it. You could have all these things but when there's this itch you can't satisfy I'd bet it would all seem a bit empty. But of course hwomen could never understand's men's needs. Even when their testosterone is at its highest point, it's a mere fraction of a man's. Imagine being in a kind of crazy heat all the time and you have the male experience. Prostitution is not just acceptable. It's humane and necessary for all the decent guys who can't get a woman, for whatever reason(height awkwardness etc.). Prepuritanical societies understood this, which is why it was considered a respectable profession.


Are you married?

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Hmm... What is the attraction of a prostitute anyway? If I imagine being a guy :p I can understand why guys like fast cars (even though I hate them) of enjoy sports of beautiful women, but I don't see the attractions in hookers.


Even if they're doing it out of free will, then you still have the knowledge that right before she did you, she did some old hairy guy named Al that probably came all over her...


And like the last post, women get really turned of by guys that have ever visited a protitute, it literally makes us want to throw up. So just for the welbeing of your future girlfriend or wife... dont do it!:p


If a man is unable to get a regular women then a prostitute is the only way he can get sex so why shouldnt he? women cant udnertsand this becasue its easier for them to get sex if they are extremely horny and sexually frustrated


As far as your last point more guys use prostitutes then you think and if a womens husband/boyfirend used it in the past chances are hes not gonna tell her so id advice some of you to lay off the my man never used one high horse:laugh:

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Yes, to a woman who also condones prostitution(she's european).


hehehehehehheheh, Im European too, do you think all Europeans love prostitution?

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If a man is unable to get a regular women then a prostitute is the only way he can get sex so why shouldnt he? women cant udnertsand this becasue its easier for them to get sex if they are extremely horny and sexually frustrated


As far as your last point more guys use prostitutes then you think and if a womens husband/boyfirend used it in the past chances are hes not gonna tell her so id advice some of you to lay off the my man never used one high horse:laugh:


I will never know if my BF ever had sex with a prostitute. But even if your GF never finds out, does that mean its ok?


Everone has to make their own disicions, but besides having needs, there is such a thing as dicipline and being graceful and respectful. Many men dont use prostitutes. If you want to be the guy that uses prostitutes be one, I'm not your judge, just saying that there are much cleaner options.

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