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Do you think visiting prostitutes (paid sex) is wrong?


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just saying that there are much cleaner options.


Not for the guy who cant get a regular women

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Not for the guy who cant get a regular women


Guys that only want sex from a woman, are a lot less likely to get sex. When you show you care for a woman, she'll give you sex whenever you want;)

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Guys that only want sex from a woman, are a lot less likely to get sex. When you show you care for a woman, she'll give you sex whenever you want;)


Goign to a prostitute doesnt mean he only wants sex but some men cant get sex or companionship from another women so hell pay to satisfy his physical needs at least


Theyre are Men out there who cant attract women and cant just snap their finger and get women attracted to them magically so a prostitute is their only option

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Goign to a prostitute doesnt mean he only wants sex but some men cant get sex or companionship from another women so hell pay to satisfy his physical needs at least


Theyre are Men out there who cant attract women and cant just snap their finger and get women attracted to them magically so a prostitute is their only option



That sounds unrealistic and so sad:(. Everyone has the possibility of being with another person. Women are attracted to looks sure, but women are more attracted to how a guy makes her feel.


And am I wrong or dont you guys have hands?;)

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"Let them beat cake?"


hehehe i dont care what they do with the cake, but let them enjoy themselves;) Allthough according to American Pie the cake can be put to good use too;)

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That sounds unrealistic and so sad:(. Everyone has the possibility of being with another person. Women are attracted to looks sure, but women are more attracted to how a guy makes her feel.

I'm one of those guys who just can't get a girl. I'm almost 30 and have never been in a relationship. For some reason girls never want to be anything more than friends with me.


If I want sex, I have to pay for it.

And am I wrong or dont you guys have hands?;)

So masturbation is the same as sex for you? You'd be fine if you never had sex or oral sex again?

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I'm one of those guys who just can't get a girl. I'm almost 30 and have never been in a relationship. For some reason girls never want to be anything more than friends with me.


If I want sex, I have to pay for it.


So masturbation is the same as sex for you? You'd be fine if you never had sex or oral sex again?


masturbation isn't the same as sex for me, but prostitutes arent the 'same' as sex either.


I once went for 2 years straight without sex or masturbation for that matter because my ex BF turned muslim.

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masturbation isn't the same as sex for me,

So there goes your hands comment.

I once went for 2 years straight without sex or masturbation for that matter because my ex BF turned muslim.

That was a personal choice.


I have never chosen to go without sex. It was forced upon me.


but prostitutes arent the 'same' as sex either.

While I'm sure sex with a prostitute is different than with somebody you really care about (I've never been with somebody I actually liked).


It's still 1,000 times better than masturbation.

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I'm one of those guys who just can't get a girl. I'm almost 30 and have never been in a relationship. For some reason girls never want to be anything more than friends with me.



And again, girls like a guy because of how he makes her feel. Girls get intimidated by guys that talk about prostitution like this.


I really wonder what you look like because, I can not believe it's because of the way you look that youve never a had a relationship!

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It wasn't a personal choice for me:( Just had a hard time leaving him, fortunately were not together these days. But again I'm not judging you (as crazy as it sounds), Im just saying, dont waste your chances of being with a girl, you can be with one and have sex all day long!

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Richard Friedman


And am I wrong or dont you guys have hands?;)


:rolleyes:Like I said. Expecting a woman to understand how it's like being a man is useless. When I was a virgin in my teens having to resort to whacking off wold depress the hell out of me. And at least teens have hope for the future. You expect a man in his 20s to be celibate long term with no hope things will ever get better? He works his ass off to no avail, and gets bombarded by hundreds images of beautiful woman, all out of his grasp. Sounds like a ****ty life don't you think?

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Girls get intimidated by guys that talk about prostitution like this.

I never talk about prostitution with anybody in person. It's a taboo subject and know that the vast majority of women would not date a guy simply because he's been with a prostitute. Odds are I will never tell a girl because it's none of her business.

And again, girls like a guy because of how he makes her feel.


I really wonder what you look like because, I can not believe it's because of the way you look that youve never a had a relationship!

I have never been good with women and I don't know how to make them feel anything. There are a few girls that I'm friendly with, but most are indifferent towards me.


I've been rejected by a lot of women and I'm just very lonely. Tomorrow I'm going to hang out with a female "friend" who knows that I like her and she's already rejected me a few times. Being with her is better than being alone.


As for how I look; I'm white, 5'6, brown hair, been told I'm good looking, and have a decent amount of muscle on me but not buff.


What do you mean by don't waste your chances of being with a girl? And of course I would love to have sex all day long. I have a really high sex drive and going without sex for so long is torture.

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I never talk about prostitution with anybody in person. It's a taboo subject and know that the vast majority of women would not date a guy simply because he's been with a prostitute. Odds are I will never tell a girl because it's none of her business.

I have never been good with women and I don't know how to make them feel anything. There are a few girls that I'm friendly with, but most are indifferent towards me.


I've been rejected by a lot of women and I'm just very lonely. Tomorrow I'm going to hang out with a female "friend" who knows that I like her and she's already rejected me a few times. Being with her is better than being alone.


As for how I look; I'm white, 5'6, brown hair, been told I'm good looking, and have a decent amount of muscle on me but not buff.


What do you mean by don't waste your chances of being with a girl? And of course I would love to have sex all day long. I have a really high sex drive and going without sex for so long is torture.


You know that besides from the prostitution, you sound like a great guy!

What I mean by dont waste your chances of being with a girl is that.. Dont settle for the prostitute and assume you'll stay forever single. And women have strong intuition.


Hmm its really difficult cause i dont know you personally, but show women how great u r, if one doesnt like you then someone else will!


Ask the girl youre meeting tomorrow, if she knows someone nice for you, dont give up! thats all I'm saying

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I wonder how many prostitues all these women who seem to know the motivations of all prostitues know? They all sound to be so sure that every single prostitute does it against their will not simply because it is easy money.


Besides all vaginas have a price tag. Its just that prostitutes' vaginas guarantee you sex for your money while the other vaginas only guarantee you paying money.

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Ruby Slippers

I don't think prostitution is 'wrong', but I do think that prostituting yourself and hiring a prostitute are acts rooted in vice (fear) rather that virtue (love). I imagine it's one of the darkest places a person could go.

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If you're in a committed relationship, then I think seeing a prostitute is as wrong as any other kind of cheating.

However, if you're single and looking for sex and you're sure the girl isn't underage or a victim of sex trafficking, then I have no problem with it.

If you're horny and just interested in sex, I think its better to go to a hooker then to seduce some woman and make her think you are interested in a relationship, when you're just looking for a quick roll in the hay.

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masturbation isn't the same as sex for me, but prostitutes arent the 'same' as sex either.


I once went for 2 years straight without sex or masturbation for that matter because my ex BF turned muslim.

I think one biggest advantage of being a woman is that they can go sexless for years with little effort since they don't experience testosterone pressure like men do.

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You people are out of your minds..


First of all, if prostitution became legal, RAPE WOULD NOT DECREASE. The ONLY reasons numbers would may go down is because the woman (or man) would be required to comply with whoever is paying them. There is a psychology behind rape, it's not a simple "She won't have sex with me, so I guess I'll force her instead." It's about control, and generally rape itself isn't even motivated by sex. Rapists get off to watching their victim's spirit crumble; sex is the number one way to control someone's mind.


The immorality of prostitution is pretty much a fact too, guys. Anyone who has an concept of their surroundings, as well as any sense of decency will notice the torment and pain surrounding the red light district. I've been to one in Amsterdam and neither me nor anyone in the group I was with could stand to be there. We thought it would be something interesting to see, but realized quickly that it wasn't as casual and intriguing as we originally thought. It was absolutely dreadful.


The mayor of Amsterdam said that human trafficking to the Netherlands has been increasing and is no longer small- scale. He said that the murder and rape against women has shot up. The women used in those brothels are mostly foreigners and are there to support their families. Some of the prostitutes have even been interviewed, saying that they knew they were going to work as prostitutes, but were told it wouldn't be violent and would be low key. Come to find out, they are controlled by pimps (the middle men) and are not allowed to offer resistance against violent offenders. Amsterdam has started scaling down it's red light district, because things have obviously gotten way out of hand. Who would of thought? Fun fact, no brothel in the Netherlands requires their workers to be tested for disease. Yummy.


The fact that women (and some men) withhold sex is not because we think we are better than what we are, it's because sex is now seen as being LESS than what it really is. Sex affects the soul. It is not used simply to pro-create, or else it wouldn't be sought after the way it is. It gives some a sense of emotional closeness and love and for the others, a sense of control. Men degrade and objectify women, and women allow it..the blame for today's society falls on both sides for sure. What came first, the chicken or the egg? I don't know.


Legalizing prostitution would also cause our tolerance for certain things to become higher. You guys say that prostitution helps us live out our fantasies that our spouse doesn't accept, okay..I can see that. Eventually, though, once those fantasies are lived out..you'll have to develop new ones, right? Pretty soon the fantasies that seemed weird or out of the question before won't seem so bad anymore. It's really common sense if you think about it. Some of you say that it's not wrong, but you personally wouldn't do it? Then some of you say that you would do it, but would be worried if your daughter wanted to do it..I'm not really following. So as long as you don't know her name or her story, it's perfectly acceptable to be allowed to have your way with her?


FYI, I am not saying women are the only ones getting the bad end of the stick here. Men are being just as negatively impacted as women, just in different ways. I mean, hell, sometimes men are even prostitutes. Why not think about these people as people, rather than objects here to satisfy your every desire? Do you feel that because you are sitting there, alive you deserve to have all of your wildest fantasies to come true? After reading a good 90% of this thread, most of you barely deserve the air you breathe. Your arguments have no validity when all you're really doing is just furthering the idea that men really do see women (and sometimes men) as being only sexual objects.


Bottom line is there is so much more going on behind the scenes than what you think. Sex and money are the two most powerful things on this planet and when you mix them, only the most corrupt society will form. Don't worry though, you all will have your way soon enough. I'm sure in the next 10 years, prostitution will be legal along with many other things. Keep your chin up, guys! Not too much longer :)

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I'm one of those guys who just can't get a girl. I'm almost 30 and have never been in a relationship. For some reason girls never want to be anything more than friends with me.


If I want sex, I have to pay for it.


Go back and read some of your posts prior to this one. Pretty sure your whole philosophy on sex and women is why you've never gotten one.

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Some guys have poor social skills. Like Aspergers. They aren't going to form relationships naturally, and they also have needs, so prostitution is a perfect avenue for them.


For that reason, I think they should legalize it. At least by legalizing it, they would make it safer for both the hooker and the johns.


Would I go see a prostitute? No way in hell. I have too much self respect, and even tho I'm a virgin, I can wait. Plus, I have faith that a girl will come along eventually.


But for those that have an inability to form relationships, they should have a legal alternative.

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I wonder how many prostitues all these women who seem to know the motivations of all prostitues know? They all sound to be so sure that every single prostitute does it against their will not simply because it is easy money.


Besides all vaginas have a price tag. Its just that prostitutes' vaginas guarantee you sex for your money while the other vaginas only guarantee you paying money.


Seems like you have absolutely no clue when it comes to women. I live near RLD and according to statistics over 90% of the women 'working' there, is working there under some sort of pressure. It's not a joke, you can really make up all the excuses in the world for yourself, but these are just statistics.


I'ts true that some women are what you call 'golddiggers', but it's not in the nature of a woman to want to have sex with men they dont know. Women actually produce some kind of enforphin while having sex, but only with a guy she has regular sex with. Also for women the parts of her brains that control 'sexemotions' are in the same parts of the brain as the parts that control 'loveemotions', for (most) women these to things go hand in hand. This is also the reason that some women think (espacially young women) that sex gives love, or at least that when a guy has sex with you that he must love-care for you.


The other argument: all guys do it or want to do it, also doesn't make any sense. I do believe that practacally every guy love sex (as long as it doesnt hurt because of medical reasons of course), but it's not true that every guy enjoys visiting a prostitute. Besides there is such a thing as selfcontrol, if you dont have that your a danger to women.


Guys decide for yourself if you want to visit a prostitute, but don't think you're doing the woman a favour.

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Go back and read some of your posts prior to this one. Pretty sure your whole philosophy on sex and women is why you've never gotten one.

Excuse me? That's a very bold statement. Do you have any grounds to back that up?


What do you think my sex and women philosophy is?

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Excuse me? That's a very bold statement. Do you have any grounds to back that up?


What do you think my sex and women philosophy is?

"Definitely. No offense but women think they are much more valuable than they really are.


If sex was easier to get, women would lose one of their main bargaining tools. Wife withholding sex. Just go get a cheap hooker who would do things your wife doesn't do anymore.

Not everyone can get free pussy.


I've been trying for so long it's just getting tiring."


you say you've never been in a relationship, mostly because girls think they're "too good" for you, right? Could it not be that your motives are so transparent they don't want to be with you? Also, if you've been looking for a relationship, I'm assuming you're looking for an honest girl to spend time with, not just someone to f*ck, right? That's another problem right there. You sleep with hookers. That is pathetic and disgusting and the likeliness of you meeting a decent girl willing to accept that kind of baggage is pretty low. If women are less valuable than they think they are, why are you sounding so desperate to find one? It sounds to me you're talking out of anger.

Sex is not something we need, like food and air. Granted, yes, it is very important to the average human's life, but you're completely looking over the fa

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Seems like you have absolutely no clue when it comes to women. I live near RLD and according to statistics over 90% of the women 'working' there, is working there under some sort of pressure. It's not a joke, you can really make up all the excuses in the world for yourself, but these are just statistics.


I'ts true that some women are what you call 'golddiggers', but it's not in the nature of a woman to want to have sex with men they dont know. Women actually produce some kind of enforphin while having sex, but only with a guy she has regular sex with. Also for women the parts of her brains that control 'sexemotions' are in the same parts of the brain as the parts that control 'loveemotions', for (most) women these to things go hand in hand. This is also the reason that some women think (espacially young women) that sex gives love, or at least that when a guy has sex with you that he must love-care for you.


The other argument: all guys do it or want to do it, also doesn't make any sense. I do believe that practacally every guy love sex (as long as it doesnt hurt because of medical reasons of course), but it's not true that every guy enjoys visiting a prostitute. Besides there is such a thing as selfcontrol, if you dont have that your a danger to women.


Guys decide for yourself if you want to visit a prostitute, but don't think you're doing the woman a favour.


This is lie. Women like casual sex just as much as men do and some women use sex to get what they want from men. I think the problem some people have with prostitution is that it is an honest transaction. Why would a man have to be break his wallet for a woman if he can go and pay a fixed price for sex then leave? Of course a prostitute can never offer love but a truly loving woman would never ask a man to break his wallet for her in the first place.

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