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Do you think visiting prostitutes (paid sex) is wrong?


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So, to those women who oppose prostitution, would you be willing to let men teach seminars on how to pick you up? You know, since you're so picky and all?


Some guys have no clue in what they're doing. Hookers are an easy out, for sex. If you don't want that easy out to be there, provide those guys with an alternative.



They're called fembots. It's a talking, moving robot with a vagina. If you can't respect a woman as being more than just an object to satisfy you, you will never get anywhere. That's what you're completely missing. Normal, every day women want someone who enjoys their company as much as their body. I'm not saying you have to fall in love and live happily ever after together, I'm just saying try to form a friendship first. Casual sex doesn't have to be meaningless, empty sex.

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So, to those women who oppose prostitution, would you be willing to let men teach seminars on how to pick you up? You know, since you're so picky and all?


Some guys have no clue in what they're doing. Hookers are an easy out, for sex. If you don't want that easy out to be there, provide those guys with an alternative.

Your characterization of men who use professional services as socially awkward losers who can't get any without paying is largely incorrect. However, this inaccurate view is heavily promoted in our culture as a shaming tactic aimed at men. If you pay for sex, you are a loser who can't get any for free.


The reality is that, for the most part, the socially awkward types are hopeless nice guy romantics who would balk at the idea of using a hooker (mommy would not approve). This type of men is generally not attractive to women, so they could care less about them patronizing hookers.


Most users of professional services fall into two categories:


1) Married men, who, for whatever reason, choose to get action on the side. Usually, they do this because the are not getting what they need from their wives, yet don't want to get divorced for various reasons (kids, unfair divorce laws, etc.)


2) Successful, wealthy men who understand that for men in their position, escorts are much cheaper in the long run than wives or even girlfriends.


It's these men that some women are worried about losing to the ancient profession, not the socially awkward 35 year old virgin living in his mom's basement.

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Then there's the claim that women don't want prostitution legalized because it will dilute the magical sexual power that we have over men.




Will try to remember the "Ha" technique in my next business negotiation and see how that works out.


Remember guys, when Walmart comes to town, the pet shop owner will rant, rave and carry on about all manner of social ills... but it's really all about the price of cat food.


Not rocket science, simple Occam's Razor, despite all the noise and wind to the contrary.

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Musemaj11 I never said I felt threatened by prostitution. I'm worried for these women. Maybe it's something that you just don't understand, not because you don't want to understand it, but because you just CANNOT understand. But it's pointless to keep agrueing since I already told you my opinion and you told us yours.


The reason I feel for this women is because, if you look at it theyre selling sex, but for MOST women sex equals or is very much related to love. This is a scientific fact love and sex area of the female brain are in the same place. And selling your love is terrible, feels terrible. In many places in the world (not all places youre right) but for instance in RLD in Amsterdam 90% of the women (knowledge, for a lot of polls and investigations) are there against their will and even worse over 50% of the women (pure statistics) ended up there as a result of human trafficing. These are statistical facts, you can look this up if you want too. I'm assuming that.. even if you like the idea of a woman selling sex, you don't like the idea of a woman being forced into it or hurting over it?

As I said, I ****ing hate the job that Im doing right now, too!!!


But I need this job since I cant get any other job at the moment and no one has the right to ban my job just because he/she doesnt like it. Why is this logical stance so hard for you to comprehend?


Just because prostitution is legal, doesnt mean it will be staffed by female slaves. They work and leave whenever they want just like when you work at McDonalds. DUH!


The only reason you find fault with what I'm saying is because you disagree. My slippery slope argument is legit, and what you're comparing it to is ludicrous. I'm saying that once a sexual fantasy is played out, it will become boring, like everything else. People will always want more and they will have the freedom to experiment and push the limits a bit more. The average starting age of prostitutes here in America is 12-14. You think that's just going to stop with legalization? Also, the tourists having sex with these women aren't being tested, which puts the prostitute in great danger of catching something, then spreading it (it takes anywhere from 3-6 mos. before HIV antibodies are accumulated enough in the body to provide a positive HIV test). We absolutely have to have SOME boundaries.

You are not really arguing against prostitution. You are arguing against the mistreatment of prostitutes.


You know that a lot of US farms employ underpaid Mexican slave labors right? By your logic we should just ban farms instead of simply coming up with better regulations and enforcing them.


Prostitution is already legal anyways. It's called porn. Why don't you just join the porn industry? You get paid, she gets paid, you get tested, she gets tested, and rarely do they say no to anyone. You're just as able to act out your fantasies as you are with a prostitute, except you're just as equally involved as your sexual partner is which is how it should be.

Oh god, woman. :rolleyes:

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People say the reason minors shouldnt marry because they are not yet capable of making sound judgment due to their underdeveloped brains- a reason which I agree with. And this same reason also applies to animals. Apart from their lack of intelligence, animals also cant consent to a marriage in the first place since they dont speak.

Animals also can't consent to being turned into hamburgers or leather couches. Yet we do it to them all the time.


Animals are considered property, so their consent is not necessary.

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Prostitution is already legal anyways. It's called porn. Why don't you just join the porn industry?


Well there you have it guys! It's all so clear now, how did we miss this easy fix?

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Animals also can't consent to being turned into hamburgers or leather couches. Yet we do it to them all the time.


Animals are considered property, so their consent is not necessary.

From this angle, I would agree with you.

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Feelsgoodman, you guys keep poiting out that the reason why women are against prostitution is that we are afraid (?) of losing (?) men to prostitutes. Fact is that women are not constantly worried about their husband cheating, so why would they worry about their husband cheating on them with a prostitute. I'm not someone that enjoys to worry all day long so I dont.


And another thing, you guys think prostitution is okay, but there are plenty of guys that don't think like this. You like it and that probably works for you. But not every guy likes it and us girls tend to go for guys that dont agree with it;)

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Hehehe musemaj11, I'm sorry but you are realy naive. Its not a job that you can just leave when youre done. In some cases yes, in most cases no. And if mexicans are badly treated, then thats an issue too, its not an argument FOR prositution (?!!).


I used to work for less than minimum wage to, making 14 hour long days doing very heavy lifting etc. I hated it too, but its better than being forced into selling sex (which again for women meens love).

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The reason I feel for this women is because, if you look at it theyre selling sex, but for MOST women sex equals or is very much related to love. This is a scientific fact love and sex area of the female brain are in the same place.

No, it's a myth, not a scientific fact. The whole "women have sex because they are in love, men have sex because they are horny" is an outdated and, quite frankly, offensive stereotype.


Women enjoy no strings attached sex as much as men do. Some parts of the Caribbean and the Middle East are flooded with American an European middle aged women seeking to hook up with much younger local men. It's called the Canadian Secretary Syndrome.


The fact of the matter is that the chances of a woman hooking up with random strangers increase astronomically when they're are on vacation. And this proves that the only thing stopping women from seeking casual sex is societal pressure. When they are away on vacation, their social circle is not there to judge and label them a slut. But even that is changing. Witness the cougar phenomenon - older women chasing young men for casual sex right here at home. No need to go to Jamaica or Dominican.


All of this shows that women are very much like men when it comes to sex. So let's not get too carried away with with the whole "love" business.

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And another thing, you guys think prostitution is okay, but there are plenty of guys that don't think like this. You like it and that probably works for you. But not every guy likes it and us girls tend to go for guys that dont agree with it;)


And another thing, you guys think prostitution is okay, but there are plenty of guys that don't think like this. You like it and that probably works for you. But not every guy likes it and us girls tend to go for great looking, tall, wealthy, sensitive, masculine, mysterious, available, funny, earnest, kind, generous, frugal, respectful, chivalrous, educated, humble, cocky, traditional, edgy, talented, basic, spontaneous, dependable, gentle, fierce, protective, independent, strong, flexible, experienced, young at heart guys that dont agree with it;)



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Feelsgoodman, you guys keep poiting out that the reason why women are against prostitution is that we are afraid (?) of losing (?) men to prostitutes. Fact is that women are not constantly worried about their husband cheating, so why would they worry about their husband cheating on them with a prostitute. I'm not someone that enjoys to worry all day long so I dont.


And another thing, you guys think prostitution is okay, but there are plenty of guys that don't think like this. You like it and that probably works for you. But not every guy likes it and us girls tend to go for guys that dont agree with it;)

I never said I liked it, nor did I say that all women are worry about losing their men to prostitutes all the time. You need to read more carefully ;)

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Feelsgoodman: ohh dude come on... Im not saying that if a woman has sex that she is in love. But I am saying that its a scientific fact that the female brain has several spot reserved for lovelike emotions, women also have certain brain areas for sex and call it a coincedence or not but these are exactly the same area's;) please dont be naive, please. You can have a cultural standard on how people should behave, but this is just female brain.

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Feelsgoodman: ohh dude come on... Im not saying that if a woman has sex that she is in love. But I am saying that its a scientific fact that the female brain has several spot reserved for lovelike emotions, women also have certain brain areas for sex and call it a coincedence or not but these are exactly the same area's

As opposed to what? A a male brain, where the spot reserved for lovelike emotions is in the same area as the one reserved for football an beer? :D Methinks you are simplifying things a bit.

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Prostitution is already legal anyways. It's called porn. Why don't you just join the porn industry? You get paid, she gets paid, you get tested, she gets tested, and rarely do they say no to anyone. You're just as able to act out your fantasies as you are with a prostitute, except you're just as equally involved as your sexual partner is which is how it should be.


You don't understand how porn is made do you?


Its like a movie production, there are people watching, you have cuts and reshoot scenes because the lighting wasn't right, or you are in the wrong position, or if its outside weather affects things.


Porn is an extensive production and its a common stereotype that its easy job, but its not. Sometimes the men can't even get it up so shooting is delayed, some women aren't lubricated enough so they have to prepare. Its a hard job to have.

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What kind of prostitutes are we talking about: Trixie in "Deadwood" whores or Inara in "Firefly" whores?

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What kind of prostitutes are we talking about: Trixie in "Deadwood" whores or Inara in "Firefly" whores?


Good question, cause both represent the two different spectrum of prostitution.

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'The female mind is organized to place priority on relationship, the male on achievement. Men keep a tally of their sexual conquests. The female brain is not organized to keep sex in a separate compartment. This is a male model-as if his brain has a specific filing cabinet for sex, completely unrelated to emotion.'

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Queen Zenobia
'The female mind is organized to place priority on relationship, the male on achievement. Men keep a tally of their sexual conquests. The female brain is not organized to keep sex in a separate compartment. This is a male model-as if his brain has a specific filing cabinet for sex, completely unrelated to emotion.'


When are you from? The Victorian Era?

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Mme. Chaucer

Once again, a thread has morphed into a locker room for angry, women hating boys.


I like it when we can have a conversation that doesn't ever veer into the "fat, ugly, ball breaking, sex for power, wimmins" territory.


Maybe Tony will make an "angry boys' locker room" forum so these Bad Karma fellows can have a safe haven, and then such a conversation can actually happen here on LS amongst other types.


The subject of prostitution, who benefits from it and how, how and if it has a place in our society, etc. is really very interesting to me and I'd love to be able to have an intelligent, stimulating and elucidating discussion about it. Not here, evidently!

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"Definitely. No offense but women think they are much more valuable than they really are.


If sex was easier to get, women would lose one of their main bargaining tools. Wife withholding sex. Just go get a cheap hooker who would do things your wife doesn't do anymore.

Not everyone can get free pussy.


I've been trying for so long it's just getting tiring."


you say you've never been in a relationship, mostly because girls think they're "too good" for you, right? Could it not be that your motives are so transparent they don't want to be with you?

My motives?


I really want to get in a committed long term relationship. I don't care if several months go by before I can have sex with somebody.


If you're thinking all I want is quick and easy sex, you couldn't be more wrong.


Also, if you've been looking for a relationship, I'm assuming you're looking for an honest girl to spend time with, not just someone to f*ck, right? That's another problem right there. You sleep with hookers. That is pathetic and disgusting and the likeliness of you meeting a decent girl willing to accept that kind of baggage is pretty low.

You think I'm stupid enough to tell a girl I want a relationship with that I've been with a couple of hookers? Hell no!


There is simply no reason do to so. Also what are the odds of even being asked that. It's a very offensive question and hopefully the girl has enough tact to avoid asking something like that.


If I didn't visit an escort, I'd still be a virgin at 29. It's also opened my eyes up to other non-standard ways of getting sex. So while I still think it's pathetic having to resort to paying for sex, at least I have some good memories.


Frankly though, if paying for sex is the only way I can get it, do you expect me to go without?


If women are less valuable than they think they are, why are you sounding so desperate to find one? It sounds to me you're talking out of anger.
I've already clarified that by saying women often think they are too good for me just because I'm not tall and good looking or very smooth.


A girl who won't even make eye contact because she thinks she's hot stuff, really is a lot less valuable than she thinks she is. They aren't worth my time.


Sex is not something we need, like food and air. You keep saying "Men need sex, men need that, men need this..",
You're not a man. You have a fraction of the testosterone that men have. You don't have a clue how we feel. Men are not animals, but still have a very strong natural desire to mate with women.


That's not even counting the intimacy that's necessary for somebody to be psychologically happy.


but you aren't looking out for the well being of the woman. If you want to say that hormones are raging through your body right now, causing every man on this planet to need sex, then let's talk scientifically. Women use sex as a way to feel close to their partner. We are much more open and in touch with our emotions than men are, and as I've said before, sex is a very powerful tool that you men can use against us just as easy as we can use it against you.

I have never used sex as a tool against a woman and have no idea how to even do it.


From my standing, women are the gatekeepers. Unless I can convince somebody to let me in, I don't have a chance.

As far as the women go who "choose" prostitution, they have lost the ability to associate sex with emotion and have developed deeply repressed feelings. Women feel a strong need to be seen as sexually attractive to men, so when all men want is sex, women decide to throw away a part of themselves to please.

That's their and only their choice.


Bottom line, it works both ways. You feel entitled to sex, so you use a prostitute at the expense of her mind.
And she gets my money. So what?


For the record, the last time I saw a prostitute was back in 2006. I went to a swinger party for $50 in August of '09 and I haven't had sex since then. I've been trying to have a relationship and do things the right way.


If the statistics and studies point in the direction that over 90% of those women do not want to be there, but are being controlled, how on earth can you feel fully comfortable having your way with her?
All of the women I've been with I met online. They posted a classified ad online. None of them seem to be forced into it. Heck 2 out of the 3, I've seen seemed to like their job and were really concerned about giving good service.


You may say that the women in brothels had a choice, when in reality some of them didn't either. There was an 18 year old girl, who was forced by her father to work at the Bunny Ranch. He waxed her, made her tan, and paid for her to get implants so she would be more appealing. It's sad, but it's even more sad that people (paying customers) allow this to happen.

I have no experience with a brothel and it doesn't seem like an environment I'd like.


As for that girl, while it's a horrible thing to happen to her. She could have told somebody.

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Once again, a thread has morphed into a locker room for angry, women hating boys.


I like it when we can have a conversation that doesn't ever veer into the "fat, ugly, ball breaking, sex for power, wimmins" territory.


Maybe Tony will make an "angry boys' locker room" forum so these Bad Karma fellows can have a safe haven, and then such a conversation can actually happen here on LS amongst other types.


The subject of prostitution, who benefits from it and how, how and if it has a place in our society, etc. is really very interesting to me and I'd love to be able to have an intelligent, stimulating and elucidating discussion about it. Not here, evidently!

As if the women's side in this thread are offering intelligent arguments themselves.


Saying prostitution shouldnt be legal because women view sex as love for example is just so laughably dumb.


So far I havent heard a single convincing argument based on logic against why consenting adults who wish to offer sexual services for an income should not be allowed to do so. All I have heard are children's arguments.

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That won't be a problem. There won't be marriage. So many women will be pleasuring gentlemen for compensation that you could virtually buy a night with any woman you want.

As long as the price is right.


In other words its just going to be like any other relationships except its direct instead of beating around the bush.


The richest men get the most beautiful women.


The richest men get to afford the most beautiful escorts.


Whats the difference? Its the same.

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You mean a conversation "among other types" consisting of "Ha" and "If you can't get laid, you should join the porn industry." That kind of conversation?


Remember guys, it's all about the price of cat food, don't be fooled.

Considering the quote in her signature, it's quite ironic that she would accuse those who don't share her opinions of being angry (though I'm sure the irony escapes her).

Edited by Feelsgoodman
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