Sanman Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Look, I am not going to defend what all of the men here have said. Some of it is certainly a skewed view. However, some of what the women have said here it very untrue as well. You are all stating opinion as fact. Since when is the average prostitute 12-14 yrs old? Women produce oxytocin to bond with their babies, it has never been proven that it has anything to do with romantic love. Care to show studies about special 'love' zones in women? For the record, the women who are being controlled by pimps are the ones going to prison due to prostitution being illegal. These women rarely turn on their pimps. Are the women here saying that is okay and helping these women over legalization? For the record, this trafficking and pimping is only part of the story. There are humanitarian issues for sure. However, there are women who do this of their own volition for the same reason as strippers...the money. These are six figure professions for many escorts (we are not even talking really high end). Does anyone believe that the woman sleeping with Elliot Spitzer was coerced into it? Watch the Secret life of a Call Girl... it is based on a true story. They talk about the fact that many of the guys that visit escorts are actually busy professionals that do not have time to date. Most of the 'losers' referred to cannot afford this activity. The truth is that for many of the men it is about attention. There are not many women that are willing to have sex with a guy and only concentrate on his needs. Many guys visit pros because there are not always women to have casual sex with when we feel like it. The only guy I know that admitted to me he had seen an escort was a good looking guy with a history of dating many women. He had broken up with his most recent gf and just wanted sex without the drama as he was a very busy grad student. Link to post Share on other sites
Woggle Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Whether people agree with prostitution or not don't you agree that having sex workers unionized and protected is a better idea than being taken advantage of by a pimp. Link to post Share on other sites
TheLawmaker Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 I seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot here, again. My point was that women who complain about "pickup artists", have no right to complain about prostitution, because some guys need one or the other in order to feel comfort and intimacy. If you can't trick her, buy her. And there's no denying that there are plenty of women who are willing to be bought...just look at Hugh Hefner. Erm... Back on the subject, I honestly believe that prostitution should be legalized. It's never gonna go away, anyway, and all you do by legalizing it is making the prostitutes safer (which, I think, we can all agree is a good thing.) I would rather stay a virgin, than see a hooker. So I am not in the demographic that would visit a hooker. I value my STD-free life too much! But for those that feel frustrated, they should have the option available. You can scream against the world all you want. Prostitution is ugly. But it could be a bit more beautiful, if it was legalized, because there would be fewer crimes. Whether people agree with prostitution or not don't you agree that having sex workers unionized and protected is a better idea than being taken advantage of by a pimp. Yes, I agree. But of course the morality police will be against it, for as long as you scream it. So it's not worth arguing over. Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 There would still be pimps. They would just be called bosses, employers, superintendents, or landlords. Know another name for a pimp? Talent agent. Link to post Share on other sites
TheLawmaker Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Know another name for a pimp? Talent agent. Or agent in general. You know what really sucks? When a band, or artist, is put under a bunch of pressure by a record company to "conform" (think Britney Spears), and then, if they decide to go against it, they get screwed by their record company. Record companies are vultures. That is why I support directly supporting the artists you like, by buying their merchandise and going to see their shows. They're not going to make a living off bought cds, no matter how many you buy. The record company will always take more than the artist can afford. I have gotten so many rejection letters for my book that I've worked on. I haven't sent off my music yet, but I imagine that I would get rejection letters for that. Meanwhile, Paris Hilton eats champagne and caviar in her private limo, while I slave down in my middle class job, writing songs and selling them to a small fanbase of under 20 people. Life ain't fair. Link to post Share on other sites
Mme. Chaucer Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Quote: Originally Posted by Mme. Chaucer Ha. Will try to remember the "Ha" technique in my next business negotiation and see how that works out. Oh. Maybe I should clarify. "Ha" signifies laughter. I was laughing at ... something I found laughable. Laughter may or may not be appropriate during your next business negotiation. Link to post Share on other sites
TheLawmaker Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Actually, Ha is an acronym. It stands for "hos and *******s." Link to post Share on other sites
TheLawmaker Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Another thing about prostitutes guys, if you get tired of their inane chatter, and tell them to be quiet... they probably will. Remember, it's all about the price of cat food. Prostitutes eat cat food? Link to post Share on other sites
Mark11 Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Mark & Musemaj, you know guys, I have a word for you two that strats with an I and ends with a T. (answer: 'imlovinit') Lawmaker and Wolf18 said it best in their posts. RecProducer, what the hell did you mean "Imlovinit"? What do you love? Being a conservative feminist who hates two consenting adults making a deal that involves money and companionship:p? Link to post Share on other sites
musemaj11 Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Anyway, the REAL reason that prostitution is not legal is because the POLITICIANS don't want that sh*t on the books! They DO NOT want to pay TAXES on it, as well as have a record of it! If it were legal, there would have to be paper trails of names, places, amounts, etc, etc. The prostitutes would be in charge of having to keep all the records and pay taxes... and for some reason I just don't see that happening. I seriously doubt all the big-whigs out there want their personal data handed over to a prostitute for recordkeeping when they visit for a blowjob. Can you???? This is a very simplistic view. If the people want something, they will get it and politicians can only abide if they want to get reelected. Link to post Share on other sites
zlatnapolja Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 Queenzenobia, I'm not from the victorianera. It's a quote from an internetsite, because feelsgoodman said: me thinks you're simplyfying. Link to post Share on other sites
Red Arremer Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 "conservative feminist" Link to post Share on other sites
SoleMate Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 ...Anyone who has....any sense of decency will notice the torment and pain surrounding the red light district.... Great post, maysj18! Link to post Share on other sites
collegeguy_24 Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 Personally, for me I don't have a problem with men or women seeing prostitutes, as long as they are careful. I mean if a person is looking for one, I would prefer they do some research and try to find the least likely possibility of getting with a woman who is forced into it. I've never been to one, though I have considered it before I got into a relationship. But then I saw the movie Taken with Liam Neeson, and that movie kind of opened my eyes so to speak. Link to post Share on other sites
musemaj11 Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 A lot of women are incapable of separating emotion from logic. Banning a profession simply for subjective reasons is foolish. Whenever I see a trashman, I can also feel his torment and pain. But Im pretty sure he would disagree if I said his job should be banned. Link to post Share on other sites
Mark11 Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 "conservative feminist" Oh, ha, ha, ha! Why is that funny? Link to post Share on other sites
Sanman Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 Oh, ha, ha, ha! Why is that funny? Conservatives are not traditionally feminists. Quite the opposite. Link to post Share on other sites
Mark11 Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 Conservatives are not traditionally feminists. Quite the opposite. Oh, I see. Well in this case I think it's safe to say she is. Link to post Share on other sites
Mme. Chaucer Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 Muse: As if the women's side in this thread are offering intelligent arguments themselves. Saying prostitution shouldnt be legal because women view sex as love for example is just so laughably dumb. So far I havent heard a single convincing argument based on logic against why consenting adults who wish to offer sexual services for an income should not be allowed to do so. All I have heard are children's arguments. There is no "women's side," that was my point. I said I was PRO-LEGALIZATION. I am a woman. I am open and ready to discuss BOTH sides: I did post a list of valid, thoughtful reasons why it might not be a good idea to legalize it from a very reliable source, which was immediately discounted ("those reasons are ridiculous," or something to that effect) and then you fellows immediately brought the conversation back to why women's ideas about this are lame. Just to get on your level, I'll let you know that I am not fat or ugly. I am, however, elderly. Does this render my opinions on this matter dismissible? Considering the quote in her signature, it's quite ironic that she would accuse those who don't share her opinions of being angry (though I'm sure the irony escapes her). I am not accusing any one of being angry because they don't share my opinions. I am perceiving an angry tone in posts that say such things as "only fat ugly women are against prostitution." Guys. I am in favor of legalizing prostitution, for numerous very well thought out reasons, which are all open for discussion and debate. Also, prostitution is a business that is fraught with terrible abuse, human trafficking, and actual slavery. There is a well established hierarchy in that world where the actual prostitutes, in the great majority of situations, are not benefitting from being the people who are actually doing all the "work" and taking on the significant risks. I don't "like" it. I don't "like" that sex is a commodity. Yet I am in favor of legalization, and of women to be able to work as prostitutes, and for people to be able to buy their services without breaking laws. My point here is that there is a lot to discuss that does not have a thing to do with the looks of the women who are pro or con the legalization or the level of social acceptance to be allowed prostitution. And the thing I'm angry about is that you guys keep bringing ANY thread back to that ridiculous, ignorant level. Link to post Share on other sites
Red Arremer Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 Oh, I see. Well in this case I think it's safe to say she is. It is impossible to be a social conservative and a feminist at the same time. The two are exact polar opposites of one another. Link to post Share on other sites
samspade Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 I see nothing wrong with it. I believe it should be legal to keep it regulated and make it less dangerous. The only problem I have with it as it is now in most of the US, is that you are paying into a dangerous system with a lot of violence and trafficking involved. I think it should be a safe and legal option - there are plenty of men out there who want a quick lay without the hassle, and plenty of women who will take the money for it. Link to post Share on other sites
O'Malley Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 The mayor of Amsterdam said that human trafficking to the Netherlands has been increasing and is no longer small- scale. He said that the murder and rape against women has shot up. The women used in those brothels are mostly foreigners and are there to support their families. Some of the prostitutes have even been interviewed, saying that they knew they were going to work as prostitutes, but were told it wouldn't be violent and would be low key. Come to find out, they are controlled by pimps (the middle men) and are not allowed to offer resistance against violent offenders. Amsterdam has started scaling down it's red light district, because things have obviously gotten way out of hand. Who would of thought? Fun fact, no brothel in the Netherlands requires their workers to be tested for disease. Which is part of the reason I favor decriminalization over legalization, at this point in time. The legal sex industry, as others posters have stated, is still significantly controlled by criminal organizations, or by brothels who impose fees and restrictions on their workers. The regulations that are in place in countries who have legalized prostitution seem to be more in line with protecting the clients than they are safeguarding the welfare of the workers. I generally don't have rosy notions of the sex industry as a whole, as I feel it makes commodities of both women and men, but it's an absurd argument to claim that people who oppose legalization are somehow threatened or intimidated by prostitution -- prostitution has always been accessible. The STD screening that is done in the U.S. (in portions of Nevada) is done for the benefit of the clients, not the sex workers -- clients aren't obligated to provide evidence that they have had recent STD screening. Legal sex workers in Nevada are obligated to work nine days minimum in a row, and they are considered independent contractors and do not receive unemployment, retirement or health benefits. Some sex workers have understandable concerns about being involved in a legal industry where they would have to spend several days residing away from their families at a brothel and where their names would be placed on an official registry, as it could cause prejudice when they attempt to apply for regular employment. Link to post Share on other sites
Mark11 Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 It is impossible to be a social conservative and a feminist at the same time. The two are exact polar opposites of one another. Whatever. What I was saying is that she's against prostitution for very feminist pro-womanhood reasons and that obviously she's a conservative if she's against legalizing prostitution. Link to post Share on other sites
Blood Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 Anyone who has an concept of their surroundings, as well as any sense of decency will notice the torment and pain surrounding the red light district. Those poor, poor men being abused and used by those harlots. St. Mary weeps for thee tears of me. Link to post Share on other sites
musemaj11 Posted June 1, 2011 Share Posted June 1, 2011 Just to get on your level, I'll let you know that I am not fat or ugly. I am, however, elderly. Does this render my opinions on this matter dismissible? That assertion of mine was merely an exaggeration. I simply meant that women who feel strongly against prostitution are women who in the back of their mind feel insecure of their own attractiveness that subconciously they fear that prostitution is going to reduce their chances to attract a man or its going to attract their husband or boyfriend. On the other hand, women who are assured of their own attractiveness do not see prostitution as a potential 'competition' and are more able to form a less biased opinion. Link to post Share on other sites
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