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The way women think?

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I've left a couple posts about my situation. My question is this. About a month before my ex dumped me she told me that she me to give her all the space she wanted or our relationship would end. Let her do what she wants. I did this for I didn't want our relationship to end. The night she dumped me she said I let her do what she wanted and didn't fight for her. What's up with this. Was she just setting up our relationship to fail? She also said she had given me plenty of hints that she had been cheating on me and that I needed to fight for her. Why couldn't she just say she was unhappy with the relationship? And that we needed some changes to make it work. I really just want to talk with her alone face to face to get the truth. I want to know if she really loved me or was just using me. I want to know if she still has any feelings for me. I want to know if this was just a plan to end our relationship. Should I try to confront her with these questions or just leave her alone. The bad part is we both attend the same school that starts Sept. 11 and we're both in the same class. I just want to get some truth out of her and some closure



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There is no good reason to fight for a chick that cheats on you. So she says she gave you hints so you could fight for her. She is some kind of sicko!!!


Any girl that asks for a lot of space in a relationship is usually telling you she wants OUT of the relationship.


This girl is extremely immature, mean-spirited, vicious, and not worth your time. No, don't confront her at all. Just write her off. You say you want to talk to her face to face to see if she was using you. Nah, she wasn't using you...she was playing with you like a yo yo. PLEASE, OH MY GOD PLEASE, don't give her the satisfaction of knowing just how successful her efforts were in hurting you!!!


I disagree that she is in the same class with you, on Sept. 11 or any other time. THIS GIRL HAS NO NO NO CLASS AT ALL!!! She didn't say she was unhappy in the relationship because she was having a blast playing with your mind.


This is in NO manner the way women think. This girl is not a woman, she is a subhuman specimen of foreign matter unfit for inhabiting your part of the planet.


I hope this answers your questions.

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