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boyfriend wants what he cant have

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I've had an ongoing problem wth my boyfriends wandering eyes. It doesn't really bother me most of the time because I know men are visual, but sometimes he takes it a little too far and seems to lust after other women rather than just admiring.

The other night we were out and I brought it up and he went on about how he would never ever cheat on me, which I fully believe. What has really made the issue worse is something he told me about when he was with his ex girlfriend. They were living with a girl for a while and he told me how he wanted her so bad and would sometimes fantasize about her while he and his ex had sex. He said that he would have never have acted on it because he loved his girlfriend, but that men want what they cant have. What about wanting what they do have? I think he told me that story to back up what he was saying about never cheating on me..so that I'd see he didn't cheat on his ex even though he wanted that girl. I think some things are better left unsaid, especially if it'll make your significant other uncomfortable.

It has just made me very paranoid that there will be a time when we are having sex and he'll be wishing I was some woman he saw walking down the street or on TV. I dont care if he admires other women and thinks their hot, but I really care that he wants other women and tells me it's natural for guys to want and fantasize about what they cant have. It just makes me feel inadequate in a way. Weird because I'm not bothered by the idea of him watching porn or going to a strip bar, but him actually wanting another woman even though he wouldn't cheat still turns me off and I fear I may put up a wall because of it. Sex to me is an expression of how you feel for your partner, and when we're together, I want to know he's with me.

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I think some things are better left unsaid

I agree.


You either have a lucky b/f for telling you the truth. Or you have an idiotic b/f for telling you the truth. You get to decide he's yours. :p

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