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to Tony and every one else

billy the kid

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billy the kid

Come on people, just because a person has a certain problem, like we "all" don't, does not mean we should just give up on them...if it did then no one would be with any one....ask your parents and grand parents if their spouses didn't have problems...sure physical and emotional abuse should not be tolerated.but like my spelling I really don't think that she should break up because I can't spell... sure alot of these problems posted are worse than spelling, but if you really love them well , I am


not saying not to post nor to answer posts, just if you are truely in love give it a few more chances


thanks Billy

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First, love doesn't have a thing to do with it. Romantic love is totally incapable of taking two people through decades of living together. Even the name of this forum is Love Shack...and you know what a shack is.


Don't get me wrong. Love is a wonderful thing...but love is just a whopping euphoric emotion that brings up together initially. It's the big assist that helps propel us to other more stable parts of a mature relationship and a mature, rational love that transcends all. But the type of romantic love people usually refer to here can never stand by itself. NOT EVER EVER EVER!!!


No matter how much you love someone, that will not prevent them from drinking too much, staying out with the boys too much, cheating, being too lazy to work, making insulting or demeaning remarks, getting arrested, etc. etc. etc. An awful lot of people stay in bad relationships because they just LLLUUUUVVVVVEEEEE somebody...but sooner or later that love will die if there's not an environment of respect, harmony, commonality, consideration, compromise, and all those other things that are sort of rare in today's world.


Everybody that posts here is in love or hopes to be. But so often there is just no chance of it working. I assume that by the time a person decides to post a problem on the World Wide Web for everybody on the planet to read about, they have made considerable effort to surmount their relationship obstacles by themselves. They did this because they felt love for the other person. But they post here because they are angry, frustrated, neglected, etc. and that love they feel just isn't nearly enough to get them through the day.


But I am encouraged that you have so much faith in love. So do I. But the faith that I have in love is in love that is well situated in a healthy, loving, functional setting where, yes, there are problems, but between two mature people who are not too drunk, self centered, or mean spirited to work them out.


And I might add that real love is so often unnoticed, unappreciated, or taken for granted and the nature of love is to require that no happen lest it fly away. That seems to be happening a lot around here lately.


Keep up your positive attitude though. Love is truly great under the right circumstances.

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