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How can I move things along? Feel stuck!

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:eek: How can a man stare at you from afar with that "look" in his eyes-girls you know what I mean- wave you down when you pass, ignore who he's talking to to reach out and stroke your arm and smile. Show up where you are on the work premises, etc, etc. for three months and NOT MAKE A MOVE? He's 50 + years old and I'm 14 yrs. younger. Am I just imagining things? Taking into account the fact that he may have work and personal reasons for not making an official move, (I don't blame him- that's damn smart) how do you call him to the mat? He does this with no one else btw as I am a careful observer. Obviously by now I'm intrigued and have smiled back but still nothing. Geez!!


A few days ago I created a legitimate class assignment that I "needed" his help on and he has totally ignored my neutral email. But will size me up when I walk through the door in the morning. How do I call him on his actions and get to the bottom of this. If it's nothing, dammit, I can walk off into the sunset, but if it's something, I want to know more about him. Did I mention I love his tender touch when I walk by him? LOL! I just want to know what I can do that can change the dynamics of this---situation! Thanks all!!

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The guy either has an overfull in box and hasn't seen your message or he's a nutter or player. Most guys would not be that forward with someone they didn't know well. If he's not responding to hints yet dares to touch you, then it sounds like he's flirting but not taking it further. Sounds obvious, I know, but he may have very good reason - married or in relationship. Where there are odd inconsistencies in behaviour like this and yet you are giving fairly clear hints, then there's got to be something amiss with the guy. Never get involved with someone who behaves inconsistently or erratically - a tough lesson I've learned over the years.

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Thanks Spiderowl (interesting name). You are making much sense. I just needed different points of view. We both work for the same organization but in different capacities. His expertise would have been useful with my assignment while making it easy to make contact with me if he were shy. He is polite, gentlemanly- but inconsistent. His gentle touch is just that-and not an inappropriate one. But how could he not answer a neutral email! He knew I had a due date for the assignment. I want to approach him in a straightforward manner and say either, 'WTF is your problem?' or ask him to join me in the cafeteria for lunch and then say, 'WTF is your problem?' LOL!


I noticed his eyes on me a few months back and I slowly started to warm up to his interest. Now I wish I could go back to the days when I didn't even notice him. It was all so simple then (singing)...

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He could just be a touch-feely kind of guy and ... how can I say this tactfully ... maybe you have a bit of a crush on him and are reading more into it than there is? It seems a bit rude of him not to respond but if his work inbox is anything like mine, he could be drowning in emails. I wouldn't confront him, but just ignore him from now on. If he missed the email, he won't know what you are talking about. If he didn't, then he's totally rude. You don't want to put yourself in an embarassing situation. I do know a guy who is friendly one minute and then ignores messages the next. I've come to the conclusion he's mentally disturbed. I'm not the only one he's behaved like this with. I think you'd be better off steering clear of this guy than confronting him, just don't let him touch you in future - why should he get away with that if he can't reply to your message?

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