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how do i get her back?

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hello my name is chris .I'm 23, and just split up with my girlfriend of 4years who is 18. The thing is in a matter of weeks she's with my best friend. It reaaly hurts the fact I know the person, and the fact that they get on really well. Can it be true that somewhere in that little head of hers, she still thinks of me, does she still love? I dont know she told me she has no feelings anymore for me cause it wouldnt be fair on her boyfriend. everynight I think about it, The way we were, waht did I do wrong. I s there anychance of her ringing me in a few weeks, cause I am madly in love with her still, besides what she's done to me, I want her back, but how can I get her back. :(

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Can it be true that somewhere in that little head of hers, she still thinks of me, does she still love?

She might think of you once in a while. But she's gone. If she loved you she would not have done this to you.

I s there anychance of her ringing me in a few weeks

What do you hope to accomplish when you "ring her?" I'm sure she knows how you feel, if she wanted you back she would call you.

she told me she has no feelings anymore for me cause it wouldnt be fair on her boyfriend.

This is a load of crap. She's giving you a lame excuse. You DO NOT deserve this.

how can I get her back.

There is no such thing as getting someone back. It's either they come back on their own or they don't. I remember someone saying "You cannot lose something that you already have." So if she's meant to come back she will. And if not don't dwell on this immature girl.


Read more threads regarding break ups.


Do not contact her for your own benefit.


Sooner or later you will realize that she's not for you and you can do a lot better.

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I think its really low that she would go for your best friend.

Thats just wrong...


But you can just try talking to her and telling her how you really feel.

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Hey. I know this must be a very difficult time for you, but trust me with time it will get better. It is up to her if she wants to come back or not, and if it is meant to be she will. Don't call her crying, or asking her back. I know that it will be hard to do, but trust me, it will be better for your sake. Just concentrate on other things, go out with friends ( single ones), read, write about your feelings. I hope you feel better.



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It's hard to say how to get your ex back but one thing that is guaranteed to NOT get your ex back is to beg them, or keep calling them and trying to get them back. That is guaranteed to push her away.


Now is the time to think about why you two broke up and the part you played in the break up and how you can change. And give her space, if she decides she wants you back, she'll come back to you, especially if you back off and leave you alone.


People always want what they can't have. Unless she knows its over and wants it that way, in which case ,its better to just leave her alone, because it's futile and trying to get her back will only cause you more pain

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